What is the express image of God?


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The New American Standard Version says Jesus is the exact representation of God's being (edit- actually it says "nature", not "being").

Hebrews 1:3 NASB - And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,

What is the difference between this and express spirit?


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Well-known member
Think again my friend. The express image of an invisible God can not be seen. Like the wind you can only see the effects of it. Christ, the spiritual son of God is an invisible spirit. God did not come to us, he sent his son Christ to dwell in Jesus, the body God prepared for Christ. Christ, the invisible express image of God is God's firstborn. All things God created were created by his first creation, Christ. Christ became flesh and blood when he entered Jesus.

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Now, explain your logic that an IMAGE can't be seen. Have you read the definition of the word image lately?

It is a spirit that can't be seen ... and that is why the one spiritual God created a visible image for his use to reveal his presence among men in a literal way. Read Exodus 24 and you will SEE that the ONE God showed up to 74 men of Israel at one time.

We are told in Colossians 1:15 that IT was the firstborn of all creatures, which certainly fits the idea that God already had a savior of the world in mind before he ever created any other creatures. The Christ came into the world appearing in that form or image belonging to God.

Yes, I agree in part with your idea that the Christ is an invisible Spirit ... and I find that God called the invisible nature of the Christ - The WORD. Christ told us that HE, being the WORD, had shared the glorious presence with the Father even before the world was. John 17:4,5

IOW, God and God identified as the WORD were together as ONE sharing the image of God in OT times.

This certainly makes what Jesus said make sense. "The Father and I are ONE and when you've seen me, you've seen the Father."

IOW, The Father as God and the Son as God the WORD shared the visible image of flesh and we have come to call him our Lord Jesus... just like they shared the super-natural visible image belonging to God in the OT.


Well-known member
Now, explain your logic that an IMAGE can't be seen. Have you read the definition of the word image lately?

It is a spirit that can't be seen ... and that is why the one spiritual God created a visible image for his use to reveal his presence among men in a literal way. Read Exodus 24 and you will SEE that the ONE God showed up to 74 men of Israel at one time.

We are told in Colossians 1:15 that IT was the firstborn of all creatures, which certainly fits the idea that God already had a savior of the world in mind before he ever created any other creatures. The Christ came into the world appearing in that form or image belonging to God.

Yes, I agree in part with your idea that the Christ is an invisible Spirit ... and I find that God called the invisible nature of the Christ - The WORD. Christ told us that HE, being the WORD, had shared the glorious presence with the Father even before the world was. John 17:4,5

IOW, God and God identified as the WORD were together as ONE sharing the image of God in OT times.

This certainly makes what Jesus said make sense. "The Father and I are ONE and when you've seen me, you've seen the Father."

IOW, The Father as God and the Son as God the WORD shared the visible image of flesh and we have come to call him our Lord Jesus... just like they shared the super-natural visible image belonging to God in the OT.

Can you see God hinself? No, for he is spirit. So his express image also can not be seen.

The express image was created to do the creating and to die as a man. Being a creation he could die for our sins.

Christ is the FIRST of ALL creation for everything else was created through Christ.

Jesus is the body God prepared for his son Christ. Heb 10:5

They are one in purpose but they are two separated beings. One is God and one is a creation. An exact copy of God complete with the fullness of the father. The son is A God NOT the MOST HIGH GOD.

Only the Father is the TRUE GOD. John 17:3

We have One God and one Lord just as Paul says.

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Well-known member
Hi keypurr,
You asked:
Can you see God hinself?
I agree ... no one can see spirit, but Exodus 24 says that men saw God and were not harmed.

You added:
So his express image also can not be seen.
The image is not God, but is a created thing (image). After all, God created an image for mankind and we are told that man's presence was created after the image of God. If you and I were standing face to face we would be able to see each other's presence. Therefore, when God was speaking to Moses face to face, Moses saw him. Those 74 men saw God appearing with his visible "body of heaven" as well.

You said:
The express image was created to do the creating and to die as a man. Being a creation he could die for our sins.

Once again we agree ... but God used his created image more than once. It was a heavenly body (super-natural presence) in the OT ... but when God manifested IT in mortal flesh God had brought it into the world to die.

The term Immanuel or Emmanuel means God among us men ... That is exactly what God was able to do and HE did it twice.

You wrote:
Christ is the FIRST of ALL creation for everything else was created through Christ.
Colossians 1:15 tells us that the IMAGE was the first born of all creature. The Christ was eternal with God the Father. That is why John 1 makes so much sense. The Christ was the WORD of God was was with God and was God simultaneously as Spirit ... but God revealed himself as the creator and savior by using his image.

You wrote:
Jesus is the body God prepared for his son Christ. Heb 10:5

You know so much truth and yet you do not put things together for the ultimate revelation. The body the invisible God created was prepared for HIS use as the Father and the Son. Once appearing with a body of heaven and at another time appearing with a body of mortal flesh. Same ONE God .... same ONE image. The only thing that makes them different is the essence of which the image was formed.

You have concluded:
They are one in purpose but they are two separated beings.

The Christ, My Lord Jesus, actually said that he and the Father are ONE. Do you not accept that?

You have concluded:
One is God and one is a creation.
Actually, it is the bodily image that is the creation ... God is eternal.

You have concluded:
An exact copy of God complete with the fullness of the father. The son is A God NOT the MOST HIGH GOD.
Keypurr, there is only ONE God - not two or three.

You say:
Only the Father is the TRUE GOD. John 17:3
The ONE God told us that HE was the Savior as well. Isaiah 43:11
I (The ONE God), even I am the LORD (the ONE God who is able to appear with my image named LORD), beside ME (as God and Lord) there is no Savior.

If you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your savior then you can see from Scripture that he is the ONE God... just like he said he was.

Finally you say:
We have One God and one Lord just as Paul says.
There you go again writing truth, but not accepting what you write.
There is only ONE God (an eternal omni-present, spiritual God) and only ONE Lord (the ONE visible image created by Him for His personal use within creation) just as Paul believes.


What is the difference between this and express spirit?


Posted from the TOL App!
Yes, "express image" probably speaks in connotation to exactness as well as Jesus being the only true image of God in human form. But why would you say "express spirit" when it says "express image"? spirit and image are not the same thing.


Well-known member
Hi keypurr,
You asked:

I agree ... no one can see spirit, but Exodus 24 says that men saw God and were not harmed.

You added:

The image is not God, but is a created thing (image). After all, God created an image for mankind and we are told that man's presence was created after the image of God. If you and I were standing face to face we would be able to see each other's presence. Therefore, when God was speaking to Moses face to face, Moses saw him. Those 74 men saw God appearing with his visible "body of heaven" as well.

You said:

Once again we agree ... but God used his created image more than once. It was a heavenly body (super-natural presence) in the OT ... but when God manifested IT in mortal flesh God had brought it into the world to die.

The term Immanuel or Emmanuel means God among us men ... That is exactly what God was able to do and HE did it twice.

You wrote:

Colossians 1:15 tells us that the IMAGE was the first born of all creature. The Christ was eternal with God the Father. That is why John 1 makes so much sense. The Christ was the WORD of God was was with God and was God simultaneously as Spirit ... but God revealed himself as the creator and savior by using his image.

You wrote:

You know so much truth and yet you do not put things together for the ultimate revelation. The body the invisible God created was prepared for HIS use as the Father and the Son. Once appearing with a body of heaven and at another time appearing with a body of mortal flesh. Same ONE God .... same ONE image. The only thing that makes them different is the essence of which the image was formed.

You have concluded:

The Christ, My Lord Jesus, actually said that he and the Father are ONE. Do you not accept that?

You have concluded:

Actually, it is the bodily image that is the creation ... God is eternal.

You have concluded:

Keypurr, there is only ONE God - not two or three.

You say:

The ONE God told us that HE was the Savior as well. Isaiah 43:11
I (The ONE God), even I am the LORD (the ONE God who is able to appear with my image named LORD), beside ME (as God and Lord) there is no Savior.

If you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your savior then you can see from Scripture that he is the ONE God... just like he said he was.

Finally you say:

There you go again writing truth, but not accepting what you write.
There is only ONE God (an eternal omni-present, spiritual God) and only ONE Lord (the ONE visible image created by Him for His personal use within creation) just as Paul believes.

Dear friend, I do accept the fact there is ONE GOD and ONE Lord ,just as you do. We agree on this.


Well-known member
Key, where ya been?

Did you take time off for Ramadan? Ha ha ha!

Missed you

Sorry but I had some issues to deal with. Everything is OK now. But I do not get on TOL as much as I would like to. Thank for missing me, it shows you care.
God bless


Well-known member
Yes, "express image" probably speaks in connotation to exactness as well as Jesus being the only true image of God in human form. But why would you say "express spirit" when it says "express image"? spirit and image are not the same thing.

My mistake I meant to use image.
Maybe I am the jerk everyone thinks I am.
But the point was the wording is different but the meaning is the same.


My mistake I meant to use image.
Maybe I am the jerk everyone thinks I am.
But the point was the wording is different but the meaning is the same.

God's Spirit is different from Jesus, though I believe Jesus had the Holy Spirit dwelling in Him. Now I need to discover if that is true.


Well-known member
God's Spirit is different from Jesus, though I believe Jesus had the Holy Spirit dwelling in Him. Now I need to discover if that is true.

I agree, two separate spirits, one is a copy of the other.
It would be reasonable to consider that the express image would also have a spirit to share. We know from Acts 10:38 that he was given the holy spirit from his father.


I agree, two separate spirits, one is a copy of the other.
It would be reasonable to consider that the express image would also have a spirit to share. We know from Acts 10:38 that he was given the holy spirit from his father.
There is a difference between Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I don't know how you get out of this that I am talking about two separate spirits. I am not.

I do believe there is no contradiction of character between the Holy Spirit and Jesus.


Well-known member
There is a difference between Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I don't know how you get out of this that I am talking about two separate spirits. I am not.

I do believe there is no contradiction of character between the Holy Spirit and Jesus.

Consider that that exact copy of God that contained the fullness of the Father would also have a holy spirit to share.

There would be no difference of character. Christ was in full submission to his God.


Consider that that exact copy of God that contained the fullness of the Father would also have a holy spirit to share.

There would be no difference of character. Christ was in full submission to his God.
Jesus Christ was fully submitted to God.

God's promise of the Holy Spirit for us was fulfilled when Jesus ascended shortly after His resurrection. He received from the Father the promise of the Spirit, and poured forth the Spirit upon believers that Pentecost (holy) day.