What is Christ's Love!!


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1 John 4:19 KJV – “We Love him, because He first Loved us”. -----
Can it be that the people or Churches who teach that wrong; - can it be that they could possibly be saved!! --- If you believe that wrong, can you be saved, all the while saying to yourself, - “I AM SAVED” because I love Christ”!! --- Christ’s love, what is that, and what is your love of Christ!!
John 14:15 KJV – “If ye love me, keep my commandments”. -----

Ephesians 5:25 KJV – “Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it”. ---&--- John 15:13 KJV – “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”. -----

NOW!! – What does it mean that, “We Love Him, because He first Loved us”!!

To all you so called Christians, is Love something that feels good, or is some good emotional joy!! – How can any of you have that wrong, and still call yourselves, “CHRISTIANS”!! – EASY!! – YOU DON’T CARE WHAT THE TRUTH IS!!

Amos 5:14 KJV - Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken. 15- Hate the evil, and love the good”. -------//-- What is that!! – Can you so called Christians have that wrong also and be saved!! --- WHAT IS THE GOOD, AND WHAT IS THE EVIL!! – You couldn’t possibly know, with all your foolish teachings!! ---- You’re going to believe what you want to believe, it doesn’t matter what the LORD SAID!!

Paul – 032412

some other dude

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this is what I learned today

love is a decision to act
the same can be said of faith
what are you doing?


New member
It is showing in all His teachings and commandments.

"IT" -- is showing!! -- What are you SEEING in all His teachings!! -- What is the "IT" that you think you SEE!! - LOVE!! Christ's Love!! -- Again, what is "IT"!!

You cannot see Love. - Did you see Christ give Himself!! - Did you see God give His Son!! - Faith is the Sight, and how did you see "IT"!!
You may have seen by faith that He died, but not the GIFT!!

Paul -- 032412


"IT" -- is showing!! -- What are you SEEING in all His teachings!! -- What is the "IT" that you think you SEE!! - LOVE!! Christ's Love!! -- Again, what is "IT"!!

You cannot see Love. - Did you see Christ give Himself!! - Did you see God give His Son!! - Faith is the Sight, and how did you see "IT"!!
You may have seen by faith that He died, but not the GIFT!!

Paul -- 032412

Ok, I rephrase it then. It is written. how is that?


New member
Ok, I rephrase it then. It is written. how is that?

Allow me to play with words a little!!

Love cannot be written, only received, or given. Once it is given or received it is no more. - Only the heart is the better, and the best is the passing what you have received. - Love is reborn!

Paul -- 032412


Allow me to play with words a little!!

Love cannot be written, only received, or given. Once it is given or received it is no more. - Only the heart is the better, and the best is the passing what you have received. - Love is reborn!

Paul -- 032412

It is all explained in the gospel, friend.


New member
It is all explained in the gospel, friend.

I never said that it wasn't explained, I just said that Love cannot be seen. It can only be received or given, Love is a spiritual thing that is unseen. Just because God gave Love, doesn't mean that any special one RECEIVED IT!! - All talks of God's Love, but they know not His love, for if all receved God's Love, thay would all be saved, but NO!!

Paul -- 032412


- All talks of God's Love, but they know not His love, for if all receved God's Love, thay would all be saved, but NO!!

Paul -- 032412

You are right, how do you practice love? by obeying all Jesus' teachings and commandments.


New member
You are right, how do you practice love? by obeying all Jesus' teachings and commandments.

Not exactly, -- BY GIVING YOURSELF TO OTHERS, THAT IS GIVING CHRIST YOUR LOVE!! – Christ knows the heart of giving / LOVE!!

Paul – 032412


Practicing what!! - There is NOTHING of the flesh that we are requird to "PRACTICE". We are requird to "speak" the Truth!!

Paul -- 032412

Love is practicing Jesus' teachings and commandments.
He is the Teacher of love, friend. No one else can do as good as Him.


New member
Love is practicing Jesus' teachings and commandments.
He is the Teacher of love, friend. No one else can do as good as Him.

No man has ever heard a single word from Jesus or God in these days. All is spoken by his Angels, who are sent by Him to speak for Him!!

Paul -- 032412


Well-known member
1 John 4:19 KJV – “We Love him, because He first Loved us”. -----
Can it be that the people or Churches who teach that wrong; - can it be that they could possibly be saved!! --- If you believe that wrong, can you be saved, all the while saying to yourself, - “I AM SAVED” because I love Christ”!! --- Christ’s love, what is that, and what is your love of Christ!!
John 14:15 KJV – “If ye love me, keep my commandments”. -----

Ephesians 5:25 KJV – “Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it”. ---&--- John 15:13 KJV – “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”. -----

NOW!! – What does it mean that, “We Love Him, because He first Loved us”!!

To all you so called Christians, is Love something that feels good, or is some good emotional joy!! – How can any of you have that wrong, and still call yourselves, “CHRISTIANS”!! – EASY!! – YOU DON’T CARE WHAT THE TRUTH IS!!

Amos 5:14 KJV - Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken. 15- Hate the evil, and love the good”. -------//-- What is that!! – Can you so called Christians have that wrong also and be saved!! --- WHAT IS THE GOOD, AND WHAT IS THE EVIL!! – You couldn’t possibly know, with all your foolish teachings!! ---- You’re going to believe what you want to believe, it doesn’t matter what the LORD SAID!!

Paul – 032412

Actually loving Jesus is in knowing Jesus in His Spirit. These is no difference in knowing Jesus and loving Jesus. It is the same homogeneous thing. Knowing and loving Jesus is literally the same thing. These cannot surface and flow independent of each other.

Jesus through His Spirit enables all our authentic wishes (the ones of our individual hearts or spirits) to be fulfilled or expressed (even the carnal/physical ones), with perfection and harmony, not only, without our accruing sin but also with glorification from God. Indeed Jesus so love us (i.e. those who are led by His Spirit). From knowing this Truth, directly and intuitively from the Spirit of Jesus through one's one's own heart, one naturally and spontaneously loves Jesus unlimited and to death. This is why God created and sustains Jesus and the Spirit of Jesus. So we naturally and spontaneously also love God to death, as well. For God too, loves us (i.e. those who obey His will unconditionally) unlimited.

Jesus' commandment for those whose hearts are no longer waxed gross is:

Be led into all your works, unconditionally, in real time, all the time, by precisely what My Spirit has in mind for you to pray for, say and do as discerned within your own heart or spirit, in real time, all the time, even if you have to transgress the Ten Commandments. This is God's will for those whose hearts are not waxed gross. Jesus sent these follower to Paul

Jesus' commandment for those whose hearts are still waxed gross is:

Esteem the Ten Commandments. You are under them and you must uphold all of them to the letter for your righteousness. This is God's will for those whose hearts are waxed gross. Jesus sent these followers to Peter/Satan for correction and management, until their hearts ceases to be waxed gross. (re. 1 Corinthians: 5 verse: 5 and Timothy: 1 verse: 20).

Intellectual management for those who are spiritually dead (i.e. those whose hearts are waxed gross) . . . i.e. under the Gospel of circumcision (Peter's commission, i.e. with the law).

Spiritual management for those who are spiritually alive (i.e. those whose hearts are no longer waxed gross) . . . . i.e. under the gospel of un-circumcision (Paul's commission, i.e. with God given freedom, liberty and justification to transgress law).​
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