I have something to offer on this, but it comes from a completely different angle than anyone else on this thread seems to have taken.
I have been a "denier" of the politically pushed narrative by the left for a long time. It just doesn't make sense to me. The earth is too much of a self-correcting system for what they allege to be true. However, in the last couple of weeks I ran across something that is very interesting on this subject. I'll give a couple of links and let people decide for themselves whether or not they buy into it. As for myself, I think it looks pretty credible.
What I'm speaking to is geoengineering done by multiple governments around the world. It appears that this has been going on for around 70 years on some level with a massive increase in it in the last few decades, and it is having a massive effect on our climate and our health.
This first link is to a video interview with a guy by the name of Dane Wigington on usawatchdog.com. The second is a link to Wigington's site. On it there is an incredible amount of documentation for what he purports. I have downloaded about 40 of the documents that Wigington has on his site and am in the process of studying them and researching what he provides. He provides a lot of scientific, government, and academic evidence to back his conclusions. His site is pretty large so expect, if you're interested in learning if he is really credible, to spend quite a bit of time learning.
If Wigington is right, there is a lot of work for both Christians and non-Christians to do to respond to this. For me this is my first attempt to spread the word on this. Spend some time and see if you think this is credible or not, and if you do, start conversations on it with people you know as it will take a lot of political pressure from we the people to stop what is going on.
Chem trail conspiracy!!!!!