What if climate change is real and human caused--what should Christians do about it?


The Darwinist's first port of call when presented with an idea: Who said it?

Forget engaging rationally with this bunch of muppets.

This from the guy who runs his life on 3rd hand versions of what Jesus might have said 2000 years ago. Obviously the source matters not to Stripe, as long as it supports his Biblically required position.

The Barbarian

The Darwinist's first port of call when presented with an idea: Who said it?

People have seen deniers play the "this guy is a real scientist, and he says..." game way too often not to ask.

If you claim that credentials make your story credible, it's pointless for you to whine when people call you on it.

If you gave it any rational thought, you'd realize this.

The Barbarian

This from the guy who runs his life on 3rd hand versions of what Jesus might have said 2000 years ago. Obviously the source matters not to Stripe, as long as it supports his Biblically required position.

The Biblically required position is that man was handed stewardship of the Earth by God. Stipe's rejection of His word on this point is just one of many.

Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest render reward to thy servants the prophets and the saints, and to them that fear thy name, little and great, and shouldest destroy them who have corrupted the earth.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You expect me to trust some document from an unattributed source?


Sort of silly, aren't you?

The problem isn't your skepticism; your problem is that you look at the source as if that is a sensible reason to reject an idea.

It's called the genetic fallacy. I think Darwinists like it because they are fooled by the name. :chuckle:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
People have seen deniers play the "this guy is a [BI]real scientist[/I][/B], and he says..." game way too often not to ask. you claim that credentials make your story credible, it's pointless for you to whine when people call you on it. you gave it any rational thought, you'd realize this.

The Biblically required position is that man was handed stewardship of the Earth by God. Stipe's rejection of His word on this point is just one of many.LOR="#800000"]Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest render reward to thy servants the prophets and the saints, and to them that fear thy name, little and great, and shouldest destroy them who have corrupted the earth.[/COLOR]


:mock: Blahblahbarian.


New member

Sort of silly, aren't you?

The problem isn't your skepticism; your problem is that you look at the source as if that is a sensible reason to reject an idea.

It's called the genetic fallacy. I think Darwinists like it because they are fooled by the name. :chuckle:

Not a fallacy, as you should know. Since the piece was presented as the opinion of experts rather than a presentation of evidence, then their status as experts was germane to the assessment of their claims.

(You don't know much about logical fallacies really, do you?)


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Not a fallacy, as you should know. Since the piece was presented as the opinion of experts rather than a presentation of evidence, then their status as experts was germane to the assessment of their claims.

Darwinists will do anything to avoid a sensible discussion over the ideas.


New member
Darwinists will do anything to avoid a sensible discussion over the ideas.

And creationists will accept and old nonsense as long as they can pretend it supports them, even as everyone else laughs.

Such is life for the mental contortionists that are YE creationists.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
And creationists will accept and old nonsense as long as they can pretend it supports them, even as everyone else laughs.Such is life for the mental contortionists that are YE creationists.

Meanwhile, you have successfully sidestepped genuineoriginal's post.

Darwinists hate a challenge.

The Barbarian

And Stipe is still trying to figure out what went wrong with his "see how many experts agree with me" story.

He's a little frustrated. Every time someone manages to lure him out into the open, it goes badly for him.

So he retreats to the bunker and goes back to tossing desultory insults.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
And Stipe is still trying to figure out what went wrong with his "see how many experts agree with me" story.He's a little frustrated. Every time someone manages to lure him out into the open, it goes badly for him.So he retreats to the bunker and goes back to tossing desultory insults.


:mock: Blablaman

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And Stipe is still trying to figure out what went wrong with his "see how many experts agree with me" story.

He's a little frustrated. Every time someone manages to lure him out into the open, it goes badly for him.

So he retreats to the bunker and goes back to tossing desultory insults.

You'd think even he was bored of the same tired crap by now...

The Barbarian

A webmaster once programmed a bot for his forum so that it would always have the last word on a thread, usually a short, often-repeated phrase with random smileys.

Haven't been there in a long time; I wonder why I thought of him tonight.