You accuse me of being a "denier," so here it is:
(Barbarian gives Stipe yet another chance to answer the question:
Very good, Stipe. Now, do you think you could explain to us why anthropogenic warming has completely reversed the cooling effects of a solar minimum?
(Stipe dodges again, but asking questions already answered)
Yep. Last few years have each been the top five all time, and three of them were record highs.
The actions of men are the reason.
Yep. CO
2because of the huge amount we're dumping into the atmosphere, and because it absorbs infrared at frequencies other greenhouse gases don't, is a particularly major cause.
The effects have been and will be catastrophic.
People living along the Gulf coast think so. The increasing severity of storms and the accompanying damage and increase in insurance rates say so.
The elevated temperatures and drying of the Sahel, leading to wars and insurrections as people try to find a way to live there indicates so.
But the worst is yet to come. We haven't seen the continental glaciers start to melt until very recently. The huge loss of ice in the Arctic Ocean won't raise sea levels. Do you understand why, Stipe? Tell us why.
Now, since I've told you a second time, time for you to man up and answer my question.