What gives any country the right to determine who rules someone else?


Well-known member
What gives any country the right to determine who rules someone else?

An interesting question. I am looking for a great conversation on this topic.


What gives any country the right to determine who rules someone else - a president who undermines any investigation that attempts to determine how an aggressor nation interfered with the electoral process!


Well-known member
What gives any country the right to determine who rules someone else - a president who undermines any investigation that attempts to determine how an aggressor nation interfered with the electoral process!

Um, this goes beyond Donald Trump. Care to make your answer alittle more on topic?


God determines it...how?

He determined the Soviet Union to rule Eastern Europe for 50 years, with millions of deaths in the wake of it?

Drummy, you a believer bud? Cause my answer depends on your answer.

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Ok war gives any country the right to determine who rules someone else.

Why? Is it right/wrong. I grant that this seems like tradition of men.

Should mass murdering regimes be given a free ticket to continue their tyranny?

Romans 13:1-7
Titus 3:1 & 2
1 Peter 2:13-17


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Should mass murdering regimes be given a free ticket to continue their tyranny?

The answer is no, but you didn't address the question

You answered your own question for me.

Let's hope that if American citizens don't come up with the courage to do away with our tyrannical government, that another God-fearing nation does.



Because we are living in the times of the Gentiles, God will allow gentile countries to be taken over because of their cursing of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. For example look at Syria. Her hatred for the Jew is so extreme that the very things she would to do to Israel has been done to herself. Whenever a country has been a safe haven for the Jews that country has experienced prosperity and safety.

I would add that those countries who did not exhibit any antisemitism due to a lack of exposure to any Jews could be taken over by other gentile nations for their own ungodliness and idolatry.

But in the end, God does give Satan authority to execute his own plans within the cosmos. Ultimately God is allowing Satan to run his program of destruction among the nations albeit for a limited time.

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New member
Let's hope that if American citizens don't come up with the courage to do away with our tyrannical government, that another God-fearing nation does.

Doesn't history adequately show that the chances are that anyone who does away with a tyrannical government will simply make room for new tyrants?

There is only one righteous Kingdom. Until that Kingdom's King splits the sky and returns, all others are various shades of Babylon.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Let's hope that if American citizens don't come up with the courage to do away with our tyrannical government, that another God-fearing nation does.

Doesn't history adequately show that the chances are that anyone who does away with a tyrannical government will simply make room for new tyrants?

Make your case Dave. The country that I live in was once the greatest nation on earth because it broke away from the tyrannical government of England and started a nation where it's citizen's rights come from God. Unfortunately, due to spineless amoebas who call themselves 'Christian' and do nothing to stand up to tryanny, my country is great no more.

There is only one righteous Kingdom. Until that Kingdom's King splits the sky and returns, all others are various shades of Babylon.

Sounds like words of someone who doesn't care about doing anything to overthrow tyrannical governments to me Dave.


New member
Make your case Dave. The country that I live in was once the greatest nation on earth because it broke away from the tyrannical government of England and started a nation where it's citizen's rights come from God. Unfortunately, due to spineless amoebas who call themselves 'Christian' and do nothing to stand up to tryanny, my country is great no more.

In order to answer that, it'd help to know how long you thought it remained great. Where was the turning point from greatness to tyrannized? It'll save me listing out American horrors past the point when you would agree the country is no longer great.

Sounds like words of someone who doesn't care about doing anything to overthrow tyrannical governments to me Dave.

Not at all. It's the words of someone who knows there is only one way a tyrannical government is overthrown and replaced with a righteous one. It is not by power, but by the Spirit of the Living God.

Prayer, sharing the gospel (to ordinary individuals as well as the powerful), taking care of the least among us, these are the actions that advance the only righteous Kingdom.

And my name is "David" not "Dave".


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Make your case Dave. The country that I live in was once the greatest nation on earth because it broke away from the tyrannical government of England and started a nation where it's citizen's rights come from God. Unfortunately, due to spineless amoebas who call themselves 'Christian' and do nothing to stand up to tryanny, my country is great no more.

In order to answer that, it'd help to know how long you thought it remained great. Where was the turning point from greatness to tyrannized? It'll save me listing out American horrors past the point when you would agree the country is no longer great.

There have been injustices done in our once great Christian nation since it's inception, but that doesn't make it's foundation (a nation whose rights come from God) any less worthy of praise. Great men, who like all men, are susceptible to sinful behavior are no less great because they on occasion gave into one or two.

To answer your question: FDR's Great (socialist) Society was when America really started going down hill. When we as a nation in the early 1970's allowed for the mass murder of the unborn, followed by embracing sexual perversion, we submerged deep into the sewer.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Sounds like words of someone who doesn't care about doing anything to overthrow tyrannical governments to me Dave.

Not at all. It's the words of someone who knows there is only one way a tyrannical government is overthrown and replaced with a righteous one. It is not by power, but by the Spirit of the Living God.

Prayer, sharing the gospel (to ordinary individuals as well as the powerful), taking care of the least among us, these are the actions that advance the only righteous Kingdom.
And my name is "David" not "Dave".

Before I call you an anarchist Dave...ahem...David, you do realize that it was God who created civil government and set the standard for those who appoint public officials and those who are appointed?

Now, let's see if you fit the bill for being an anarchist.

Do you vote in political elections (local, county, state, federal), and if so, what political party do you usually identify with?
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