What does it mean to be 'Greedy' ?

patrick jane

What does it mean to be 'Greedy' ? - OP

To never be satisfied, always wanting more. Insatiable appetite for earthly things. Attaining things at other peoples' expense sometimes harming others.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Trying to pretend that the people who invest in product production are the "producers", is the idiocy.
People who flip burgers at McDonald's did not produce the McDonald's hamburger. Ray Kroc did. The employees of McDonald's are PAID to perform a function. They exchange their time and effort for money. Money that was not stolen from anyone but that was earned by having sold a product that those employees were paid to make. If McDonald's employees costs them more than the employee's production is worth, then the employee loses his job. Thus it is to the employee's BENEFIT that McDonald's makes a profit off their labor.

McDonald's makes money in exchange for their hamburgers. - Win.
The employee makes money in exchange for his labor. - Win.
The customer gets hamburgers in exchange for their money. - Win.
Everyone wins! No one gets screwed, no one is a tick and no one is a dog.

This is how the free market system works. Free people, freely associating with other free people and exchanging goods and services by mutual consent and to mutual benefit.

But you run and hide behind your childish insults, now. We all knew you would, eventually.
I very predictably call people idiots when they prove worthy of it.

Resting in Him,