What do democrats hope to accomplish by destroying police departments across the nation?


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Is there some plot in their insanity to defund and destroy the police? Maybe democrats hope to replace local police with something like a national police force composed of jack-booted black racist storm troopers with sworn allegiances to tyrannical democrat oligarchs and not to the US Constitution or the rule of law?


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It's a drive toward an eventual National Police Force....Biden is asking for a huge increase to the COPs hiring program (so much for "defunding police"). The more widespread the COPs program is the more noses under the tents the Fed's have to local police forces (Fed $$ always comes with strings).

Just your basic incrementalism.


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If they eventually get their National Police Force and a white Federal cop shoots and kills an unarmed black person, I'll bet you won't see organized riots then. No loud protests calling for the defunding of the National Police Force.