What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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God hates sin. He wants us to try to avoid sin, and when we fail, repent. What in those words isn't clear?

God wants us to accept Him as the One True God. That, too, is pretty straight forward.

And the reason you have yet to accept either of those statements is because in doing so, you would also have to accept that you are a sinner.

I have never put myself above anyone here. I sin...it is the nature of humans to do so. I haven't mocked you. I haven't called you names. I have upon occasion lost my patience.

I have also attempted to forge a working dialogue with you...and I believe that meets the requirements you set forth. Yet I (and others) have had no effect on you.

I don't want to talk about how Poly or Nineveh or anyone else has approached you...or called you names....or said something nasty. For every person who has approached you with hostility in an attempt to get you to view sin realistically, there is a person who has tried in a gentle way to get you to turn from sin. They have all been equally ineffective.

You say you've read the Bible, and I believe you have a good working knowledge of the printed Word...but you haven't let those Words into your heart. That saddens me more than if you'd never read the Bible at all.

You've also stated you believe the Bible is "false doctrine." this says that no matter what is said to you or by whom that you will not believe the Word of God.

So again I ask you: what do you want specifically from the Christians on this board....not who on this board has hurt your feelings...not questions which have been answered ad nauseum...not grandiose statements which try to shade your quest as that of a martyr.

What do you want from the Christians on this board?


TheSearcher said:
So, by your own admission bean isnt trying to justify his being gay with the bible. He is mearly saying that hey, all of you could be better christians. And instead of stopping to examine your selves, you shout and yell, and call names. Much like children. Thats my point.

I've never said he uses it to justify his sin...that's why the words "from my perspective" were included.

But apparently your reading comprehension is "much like a child's."


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
beanieboy said:
Are you actually reading me posts?
I said that the jury was out on that.
That's not what you said yesterday.
I'm unsure what I think about Christ.
Then why do you take claim to take his advice on anything? Seriously, if someone claims to be God, it would be wise to figure out whether that claim is true before looking to him for advice.

(Not that I believe you for a second when you say that you are trying to figure that out, or that you "follow his advice.")

The bible says, seek, and you will find.
I'm seeking.
That's not what you said yesterday.

But Christ warned against false prophets that show no fruit of the spirit.
And if Christ is not God, then he is a false prophet.

22But (C)the fruit of the Spirit is
love joy; peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

Now, whine all you want that I am twisting scripture, but this is what it says. They don't show it,
Yes, they do.

"You shall not hate your brother in your heart. You shall surely rebuke your neighbor, and not bear sin because of him. Leviticus 19:17​

And as Nineveh said, your expectations (and your love of playing the victim) is coloring how you read our posts.

so Christ instructs to beware of them.
Again, why should that matter to you?


cattyfan said:
I've never said he uses it to justify his sin...that's why the words "from my perspective" were included.

But apparently your reading comprehension is "much like a child's."

Okay, so, like I said, by "your own adission", he doesnt use the bible to justifiy his "sin". From your own perspective, he doesnt use the bible to justify his "sin". Thank you. Glad you could understand where I was coming from and what I was saying. :BRAVO:


New member
cattyfan said:
I have never put myself above anyone here. I sin...it is the nature of humans to do so. I haven't mocked you. I haven't called you names. I have upon occasion lost my patience.
This is acceptable.It is human.

I have also attempted to forge a working dialogue with you...and I believe that meets the requirements you set forth. Yet I (and others) have had no effect on you.
You planted seeds. You have no idea that it took effect. If you don't think that it did, you have no faith in the HS. What you want it: "Gee, catty. You're right. I want to accept Jesus." This isn't about you. You are a planter of seeds, not the force that makes them grow. And just because I don't agree with you, you get frustrated. You have to expect that there are those that will disagree, even christians may disagree with you, and learn to deal with that.

I'm sorry that I don't believe everyone that tells me "this is the way. My book says so." But because of that, because I question and examine, it makes my convictions stronger.

I don't want to talk about how Poly or Nineveh or anyone else has approached you...or called you names....or said something nasty. For every person who has approached you with hostility in an attempt to get you to view sin realistically, there is a person who has tried in a gentle way to get you to turn from sin. They have all been equally ineffective.
That is my problem. You focus on me, are quick to say things about me, and sit silently while your brethren act in any way. Do you not believe that christians should correct one another, and therefore, disagree with the bible?

You say you've read the Bible, and I believe you have a good working knowledge of the printed Word...but you haven't let those Words into your heart. That saddens me more than if you'd never read the Bible at all.

You've also stated you believe the Bible is "false doctrine." this says that no matter what is said to you or by whom that you will not believe the Word of God.

So again I ask you: what do you want specifically from the Christians on this board....not who on this board has hurt your feelings...not questions which have been answered ad nauseum...not grandiose statements which try to shade your quest as that of a martyr.

What do you want from the Christians on this board?

I didn't say that the bible is false doctrine.

I'm saying that Poly is telling the unsaved that God hates them. That's false doctrine.
Poly is already rejoicing at me burning in hell, yet claims to love God. That's false doctrine.

And you do nothing.


TheSearcher said:
Okay, so, like I said, by "your own adission", he doesnt use the bible to justifiy his "sin". From your own perspective, he doesnt use the bible to justify his "sin". Thank you. Glad you could understand where I was coming from and what I was saying. :BRAVO:

What I'm saying is your remark and argument were with someone other than me.

As for where you're "coming from," as nearly as I can tell, it's a position of ignorance, having not bothered to do as we've asked and get some background on the discussion before you attempt to participate.

When, as Nineveh suggested, you do your homework, we might start giving a little weight to your opinion. Until then, your comments aren't worth much.
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cattyfan said:
What I'm saying is your remark and argument were with someone other than me.

As for where you're "coming from," as nearly as I can tell, it's a position of ignorance, having not bothered to do as we've asked and get some background on the discussion before you attempt to participate.

When, as Nineveh suggested, you do your homework, we might start giving a little weight to your opinion. Until then, your comments arent't worth much.

Who says I havent? Have you? Can you show me where and when bean did? No, you cant. So, untill then...

On Fire

New member
beanieboy said:
I'm looking for Truth. If Christianity and Jesus and God and the HS are it, I will find it. Your text says as much. If it isn't, I won't arrive at that conclusion.
Many people stare truth in the face and don't recognize it.


beanieboy said:
You planted seeds. You have no idea that it took effect. If you don't think that it did, you have no faith in the HS. What you want it: "Gee, catty. You're right. I want to accept Jesus." This isn't about you. You are a planter of seeds, not the force that makes them grow. And just because I don't agree with you, you get frustrated. You have to expect that there are those that will disagree, even christians may disagree with you, and learn to deal with that.

You are correct. This isn't about me...it's about you and your claim you are looking for the Truth.

I'm sorry that I don't believe everyone that tells me "this is the way. My book says so." But because of that, because I question and examine, it makes my convictions stronger.

And you state here you have already rejected the Truth...even though you are still "questioning and examining."

That is my problem. You focus on me, are quick to say things about me, and sit silently while your brethren act in any way. Do you not believe that christians should correct one another, and therefore, disagree with the bible?

The focus is on you because that is where you placed it when saying you are on a quest for Truth. If it's your quest, pray tell where else should the focus be?

What have I said about you that is incorrect? And have I also repeatedly said that I also sin?

As for correcting others, you really aren't paying attention. I said I on other threads that I don't support the name-calling (and you have previously acknowledged that I have never participated in the name-calling.) You also have no way of knowing what gets said via PMs or on threads to which you have no access.

For the record, howeverr, I'll say again: I think calling someone vile names is out of line...a sin. Calling someone what they really are is not a sin.

And a heavy-handed, hob-nail boot approach isn't likely to win converts.

I didn't say that the bible is false doctrine.

I'm saying that Poly is telling the unsaved that God hates them. That's false doctrine.
Poly is already rejoicing at me burning in hell, yet claims to love God. That's false doctrine.

And you do nothing.

No one is rejoicing in the thought of anyone burning in Hell. Frankly the knowledge that some of the people I know (not just here, but in face-to-face life) are going to suffer eternal torment because of their rejection of Christ is something that quite literally keeps me up at night. I don't enjoy the idea that people who have the opportunity to know and love the Lord choose instead to sign on for an unending bath of pain.

Has it occurred to you Poly and others come on so strong because it bothers them, too....and they are desperate to keep that from happening?

I'll continue to pray (as I have been) that someone's words will help you to be open to the Holy Spirit...that somehow your heart will not remain hardened to God's Word.

That's really the only option I have left.

On Fire

New member
TheSearcher said:
Who says I havent? Have you? Can you show me where and when bean did? No, you cant. So, untill then...
Is that a chip on your shoulder or are you just happy to see me?


On Fire said:
Is that a chip on your shoulder or are you just happy to see me?

he's kind of like having one of those nasty little yipping dogs nipping at your heels...no effect on anything, just annoying.


cattyfan said:
he's kind of like having one of those nasty little yipping dogs nipping at your heels...no effect on anything, just annoying.

I find it funny that while I can put forth real questions, and ask you questions, and not a get a respons from it, you still find time to insult my demenor.


On Fire

New member
TheSearcher said:
I find it funny that while I can put forth real questions, and ask you questions, and not a get a respons from it, you still find time to insult my demenor.

I'll try to answer your question if you'll restate it.


On Fire said:
I'll try to answer your question if you'll restate it.

Okay. Hows this.

Could you please, show me the post where Bean, was trying to defend his personal life style with scripture.

If you can, I would like to see that post.

On Fire

New member
TheSearcher said:
Okay. Hows this.

Could you please, show me the post where Bean, was trying to defend his personal life style with scripture.

If you can, I would like to see that post.
Wow...that's not so much a question as it is a request for research. Bean has over 4,000 posts. I've conversed with him on many occasions. In summary:

Bean is a homosexual.

Bean says he is a former Christian.

Bean does not agree with the Bible and Christians who tell him that homosexuality is an abomination in God's eyes.

Bean likely abandoned God when he was unable to reconcile his sinful deathstyle with Christ's calling.
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