Pepper said:
#1.what I said was: "language equally as insulting aimed at someone because of their race or anything else WOULD PROBABLY get someone banned", I never said you used any racial slurs.
#2. I didn't accuse you of breeding hate crimes, I simply said it is thought processes like yours that cause people to commit hate crimes.
#3. I was commenting on a typo you made in your post.
#4. I don't dislike christ in the least, I think he was a great man with some wonderful things to say. I left the christian faith because the christians I saw in it didn't listen to the wonderful things christ had to say, didn't live the way christ said to live, they were like you, hateful and spiteful and bitter, the changed the words of christ to fit what they wanted it to say, thought they could get away with anything by just saying they were doing it in the name of christ and that that's what he wanted them to do. I left because it was a circle that I didn't feel comfortable having fellowship with or being in association with. I know christians who are wonderful people, but then I see people like you and it just makes me sad.
#5. ok then, how 'bout this, just because a square is a rectangle, doesn't mean a rectangle is a square.
#6. the average PERSON demands special privileges and rights and it is the average PERSONS right to do so. As for homosexuals not living beyond the age of 45, where do you get your information?
#7. sorry, you're the one that was name-calling, and I'm being "Desperate"?
#8. I didn't say amend your opinion, I asked that you amend the way you're putting forth your opinion. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. And everyone should be respectful when putting forth their opinion and everyone should be respectful when challenging someone's opinion.
#9. My best friend is a homosexual. I may not completely agree with his lifestyle choice, i may not want to hear about details of his sex life. He came out of the closet 3 years after I met him. He's still my best friend. He's still the same person he was before he came out of the closet. And he is not a vile person. He is a loving, caring, considerate person, he's one of the best people I know.
#10. I went to a Catholic high school. I was raised a protestant, I went to a protestant school until 8th grade.
1. (Wonder why race got brought up then?) Anyhoo, I said that you'd have to ask a moderator about that.
2. If one is breeding "hate crimes" then one is guilty of it. So, you so accuse me.
3. Ah, I gotcha. Meant, "It could affect you if you needed blood." Good catch, even if not explained fairly.
4. If you can still see Christ as just a man after He accepted worship, then you have a disdain for Him. I took so long becoming a Christian because I didn't like reading for myself the hard things He had to say, not what other Christians were saying. And like you I didn't see Christians taking the hard things too seriously either, but doing whatever they wanted. What spoke to me was Paul's letters: not addressed to unbelievers, but Believers. Meaning, even tho saved by the blood of Christ, they were/are just frail, flawed humans. Nothing going for them but for Christ. I too meet wonderful Christians (I assume), but I cannot stomach their lackidaisical attitude to the world around them and to each other. Pepper, you don't know me. You know me only by my interaction with BB, no doubt. You have no idea if I treat every fag the same way. Well, I don't, it's case by case. If any one as obnoxiously and rotten as BB comes my way, no mercy. If there's a homo who is struggling, then there's a chance for cogent dialogue.
5. But will they keep homos out of bathhouses?
6. No one gets special priviledges, or everyone else gets screwed. Got google? Try googling for some research.
7. Didn't know internet terms were so offensive, to you at least.
8. Keep my opinion, but just act the way I'm told? Puh-lease. And when everyone does what you want, then you'll come in and tell them not to have their opinion.
9. My best friend is a homosexual too. (Interesting the similarities between us.) She lived in CA, I in IN. I called her up to get her to go into business with me, saying she and her kids could stay at my house till we had the biz up and running. She said yes, on a condition: that I accept her new lifestyle . . . and take her luvah (a complete and total stranger to me) into my home. ??? She made demands, she made ultimatums. It was, "Accept! Accept! You have to accept her! Or we're not friends!" Get that! I had to modify, I had to change . . . Pepper, I wasn't even a Christian then, so it wasn't like I was preaching to her! I wanted to get her out of CA because things weren't going well there at all! And I was right, just too late. The only other homo friend I had (pre-Christian) was a guy from work who I'd go out for cocktails with . . . and the next hour would be making sure I knew he was a homo, and that waiter was a homo, and that guy at the end of the bar was a homo, and Rep So-n-so was a homo . . . "Gee, Patrick, I know yer gay! Give it a rest!" Nope, I was bombarded to the point of brain scramble, each and everytime. I started to wonder if he only wanted to be homo and was just trying to convince himself. Guess how well that question went over. So, I don't care how loving you friend is to you. That'll all change the moment you have an original thought of your own. Just to be safe, if/when you have kids, don't leave them alone with him. Again, do you own research on this.
10. Guess I trumped you there. But at least I was going to RC being an RC. Don't know why a Prot. would do that.