What did you think of the movie... "The Passion"?

What did you think of the movie... "The Passion"?

  • 5 out of 5 stars! - AWESOME!!!

    Votes: 32 57.1%
  • 4 out of 5 stars! - Very Good.

    Votes: 13 23.2%
  • 3 out of 5 stars! - Good

    Votes: 4 7.1%
  • 2 out of 5 stars! - Mediocre.

    Votes: 3 5.4%
  • 1 out of 5 stars! - Not so good.

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • 0 out of 5 stars! - AWFUL!

    Votes: 3 5.4%

  • Total voters

the Sibbie

New member
It was pretty good, and true enough to the text, but there were a few minor things that they left out, that I would have added. I thought it was good, but I didn't think it was in-your-face enough. Haha! Maybe I'm just crazy!


New member
The best word I can find to describe it is "humbling." So many critics have said that it is so brutal that Christ's message of love is lost. I say the whole thing was fully stitched with love. Everything Christ did and went through, knowing himself how awful it would be. So very humbling.

I also loved the depiction of Christ's humanness in the opening scene and the flashbacks.

I loved it in a terrifyingly reverent, personal way.


King of the jungle
Super Moderator
Polly ROCKS!

Polly ROCKS!

Polly said:
I had expectations of us all coming out of the theater saying stuff like, "Awesome! That movie rocked!" But the fact is, I think it "rocked" us a little harder than we had anticipated. It was as if we were unprepared for just how "awesome" this movie would be and what kind of impact it would have on us. I think I can truly say that my love for the Lord is greater because of the reality of Christ's love that this movie helped bring home to me. The Lord is good. May His name be blessed forever!
Exactly Polly. It rocked us just as you described. And I had really tried to prepare myself and my family before we went. We prayed before we went in, asking God to help us to understand and appreciate what Jesus did for us because of His great love. Even then, it was just too much. Awesome and terrible.

I’m having a hard time with people on this forum criticizing it the way some of them are, it was so meaningful to me and to everyone I have personally met and talked to about it. I wonder how they went into the film, what their heart set was? I wonder if they didn’t have their minds made up and so, only saw the flaws and honed in on them. Sure there were certain Catholic intonations in the movie, so what? The movie was Christ centered and gave a visual and emotional representation of what Christ, and the people around Him went through during the last twelve hours of His earthly life, and the few minutes after His resurrection.

I know of two unbelievers, living in sin together that called Bob E. after seeing the movie and then came to see him and talk about the film. They gave their lives to the Lord that night and asked Bob to marry them, which he is going to do.

But, some see evil and in everything, when they want to. Too bad and too sad for them.
Mark 9:38-41 Now John answered Him, saying, “Teacher, we saw someone who does not follow us casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow us.” But Jesus said, “Do not forbid him, for no one who works a miracle in My name can soon afterward speak evil of Me. “For he who is not against us is on our side. “For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Man... I looked up an old Lion post that I was going to link on that page, after giving Nietzschean a chance to back up his claim.(

(Lion... let me know if you want the link to save some time and trouble.)


New member
Originally posted by philosophizer

The best word I can find to describe it is "humbling." So many critics have said that it is so brutal that Christ's message of love is lost. I say the whole thing was fully stitched with love. Everything Christ did and went through, knowing himself how awful it would be. So very humbling.

I also loved the depiction of Christ's humanness in the opening scene and the flashbacks.

I loved it in a terrifyingly reverent, personal way.

What he said.

I think some of the symbolism presented--Satan carrying the demon around, the raven picking the cursing thief's eyes out--did not add to the movie, but it was not enough to be distracting.

To see a non-sanitized depiction of the torture Christ was willing to endure to save humanity was a profound and humbling experience. The brutality and violence shown did not negate the message of Christ's love, but rather starkly portrayed the depth of the love that would produce such a sacrifice, and the incredible price He was willing to pay for our salvation..
Last edited:


Originally posted by Crow

What he said.

I think some of the symbolism presented--Satan carrying the demon around, the raven picking the cursing thief's eyes out--did not add to the movie, but it was not enough to be distracting.

To see a non-sanitized depiction of the torture Christ was willing to endure to save humanity was a profound and humbling experience. The brutality and violence shown did not negate the message of Christ's love, but rather starkly portrayed the depth of the love that would produce such a sacrifice, and the incredible price He was willing to pay for our salvation..

You don't think the depiction of the torture Christ was willing to endure was sanitized at all?


New member
I think it was shown as accurately as one can depict it in a 2 hour film without actually killing someone. I don't think any sanitization was attempted--film, books, speech all have their inherent limitations. No, it wasn't the same as being present when Christ was crucified--no media can portray that with complete accuracy. I think Gibson gave as accurate a vision of what Christ endured that is humanly possible to recreate at this time.


Originally posted by Crow

I think it was shown as accurately as one can depict it in a 2 hour film without actually killing someone. I don't think any sanitization was attempted--film, books, speech all have their inherent limitations. No, it wasn't the same as being present when Christ was crucified--no media can portray complete accuracy. I think Gibson gave as accurate a vision of what Christ endured that is humanly possible to recreate at this time.

I don't. I'm not saying he should have, but he could have made it as gruesome as he wanted to. Much more gruesome than it was.


New member
It was the most accurate version of of the actual torment Christ endured that I have ever seen. What do you think was sanitized about it? And do you think there was a deliberate attempt to sanitize the depiction, and for what reason if you think this was purposeful?


Originally posted by Crow

It was the most accurate version of of the actual torment Christ endured that I have ever seen. What do you think was sanitized about it? And do you think there was a deliberate attempt to sanitize the depiction, and for what reason if you think this was purposeful?

If it was non-sanitized as you depicted in your original post, it would have to be 100% accurate to what actually happened. I don't believe it was. I believe Christ endured more than was depicted in the movie. No, I don't believe there was a deliberate attempt to sanitize the depiction for some hidden agenda. I'm not sure too many people could take it if the truly non-sanitized version were shown.


New member
Originally posted by wholearmor

If it was non-sanitized as you depicted in your original post, it would have to be 100% accurate to what actually happened. I don't believe it was. I believe Christ endured more than was depicted in the movie. No, I don't believe there was a deliberate attempt to sanitize the depiction for some hidden agenda. I'm not sure too many people could take it if the truly non-sanitized version were shown.

It may have been worse. I think, obvious symbolism aside, this movie was made with intent and effort to portray the crucifixion of Christ as closely as possible. There is no earthly means to achieve 100% accuracy as we cannot view the actual event. This is not sanitation, but a product of the constraints imposed by lack of living witnesses and the limitations of media, and the limitations of mankind itself. It cannot be recreated perfectly by imperfect humans.

IMHO, Gibson, cast, and crew did an amazing job.


I think that Gibson overdid the scourge scene. While the movie was pretty good, no man could have taken a beating like that, lose that much blood and still be expected to walk, let alone carry a couple of huge timbers up hill all the while being whipped. It wasn't realistic.

I still liked the movie. I'm especially happy that Mel Is making a boatload of money off of it.

Take 'That' Hollywood!


New member
Re: Polly ROCKS!

Re: Polly ROCKS!

Originally posted by Lion

I’m having a hard time with people on this forum criticizing it the way some of them are, it was so meaningful to me and to everyone I have personally met and talked to about it. I wonder how they went into the film, what their heart set was? I wonder if they didn’t have their minds made up and so, only saw the flaws and honed in on them. Sure there were certain Catholic intonations in the movie, so what? The movie was Christ centered and gave a visual and emotional representation of what Christ, and the people around Him went through during the last twelve hours of His earthly life, and the few minutes after His resurrection.

But, some see evil and in everything, when they want to. Too bad and too sad for them.