What did you think of the movie... "The Passion"?

What did you think of the movie... "The Passion"?

  • 5 out of 5 stars! - AWESOME!!!

    Votes: 32 57.1%
  • 4 out of 5 stars! - Very Good.

    Votes: 13 23.2%
  • 3 out of 5 stars! - Good

    Votes: 4 7.1%
  • 2 out of 5 stars! - Mediocre.

    Votes: 3 5.4%
  • 1 out of 5 stars! - Not so good.

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • 0 out of 5 stars! - AWFUL!

    Votes: 3 5.4%

  • Total voters


New member
Not only was it historically inaccurate, but traditionally inaccurate. I was at least expecting it to be traditionally accurate. There were a couple things in the movie that I actually laughed at. The hairy backed, moley midget scene and the crow poking the dude's eye. Also, I can't believe that they actually put a "shroud of Turin" scene in there. Is the "shroud" still considered authentic?

What's up with turning Jewish kids into demons?

My greatest fear about this movie is that people will take this movie as fact and not as an artistic expression. People who call themselves Christians who don't even study what they believe. I will say that the scourging seen seemed real and intense.


New member
What realy makes people pay good money to sit in the theatre and stare at blood for 45 minutes? The same thing that causes "rubber necking" and gawking on the street when some horrid car accident occurs.

The blood cries out to you from the ground; still.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Behira

What realy makes people pay good money to sit in the theatre and stare at blood for 45 minutes? The same thing that causes "rubber necking" and gawking on the street when some horrid car accident occurs.

The blood cries out to you from the ground; still.

I'm going to go see it in a few days because I wanted to be reminded and humbled to see what men did to God when we got our hands on Him. It will most certainly put my heart in the right place, humbled before the mighty Creator God who went through that for me. Of all the fake senseless blood/gore/violence depicted in Hollywierd, at least the blood being depicted here isn't senseless. I have to agree with KGOV on this, a sequel is a natural :)


New member
Originally posted by Freak

Sozo is the lone one who hated it.

0 out of 5 stars! - AWFUL! 1 20.00%

I haven't voted or seen this thread till now.

Apparently on your last so-called "mission" trip, you were attacked and possessed by demons.

You are a liar and an idolator.


Originally posted by Sozo

I haven't voted or seen this thread till now.

Apparently on your last so-called "mission" trip, you were attacked and possessed by demons.

You are a liar and an idolator.

...and a hypocrite.


New member
Hall of Fame
I notice that it's almost too humbling for one history buff to accept the work of another history buff. In all my history classes, the instructor always has to add "this part (of the book, article, video) is innacurate" every now and then. It's as if they need to correct someone who more than likely knows more about it anyways, just so their ego is satisfied.

"Wow Mr. Ehsteve," says student. "You know history better than the author of this book."

"That's right Jimmy." :thumb:

If you can do a better job at making a movie like this, go for it. But I guarantee someone out there will say it's innacurate. They always will. It would crush their pride if they didn't. I feel sorry for those that actually try to make movies based on history, because they are just setting themselves up for mountains of criticism.

Of course, this doesn't just apply to the subject of history. Nearly every area of study will have the multitudes standing on the shore pointing out all the errors of the few that had the guts to jump into the waves.

Anyways, this post is not really meant to bark at anyone in particular, or to defend anything in particular. I just felt like uh.. making a really long rant I guess. Well, I mean long in comparison to my other posts. Hey, stop criticizing my post already!


New member
Originally posted by Sozo

I haven't voted or seen this thread till now.

Apparently on your last so-called "mission" trip, you were attacked and possessed by demons.

You are a liar and an idolator.
Why not vote for Jesus and a presentation of His gospel? They accused Jesus of the same thing....of being indwelt with demons. People who hate Jesus usually say things like that.

Originally posted by Freak

Sozo, you saw the movie. Were you deceived?

Originally posted by Sozo


I had honestly hoped that the movie would give the message of the gospel, but it fell short.

Maybe some good will come of it, but I doubt it.


New member
This movie was conceived and executed by Mel Gibson. Why, I don't know. To me it is pure sensationalism. How it plays out in the lives of the people who see it, we will wait and see and perhaps never know.


New member
Hall of Fame
The film was relentless, unapologetic, beautiful, barbaric, moving, powerful, and triumphant. (I can't quite think of any more adjectives; it's a little late right now.)

The one gripe--not even flaw--that I can find with the movie is the small, hurried, tacked-on resurrection epilogue. Just five or ten minutes more expanding on it just slightly would have made a tremendous film even better, but that's really just nitpicking. The emphasis of the movie, in case you missed the title, is the passion: the suffering of Christ. Anyway, Gibson included the resurrection at all, and that's good enough.

As a Jew by blood and Christian by faith, I can say that there's no anti-semitism within the film, though there's moments that could be misconstrued as such. But the movie is really a religious ink blot of whoever is watching it; if you want to see anti-semitism, you'll find it without a problem.

All around? Ferocious, beautiful, and job very well done. Worth the wait. Good night!


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

The film was relentless, unapologetic, beautiful, barbaric, moving, powerful, and triumphant. (I can't quite think of any more adjectives; it's a little late right now.)

The one gripe--not even flaw--that I can find with the movie is the small, hurried, tacked-on resurrection epilogue. Just five or ten minutes more expanding on it just slightly would have made a tremendous film even better, but that's really just nitpicking. The emphasis of the movie, in case you missed the title, is the passion: the suffering of Christ. Anyway, Gibson included the resurrection at all, and that's good enough.

As a Jew by blood and Christian by faith, I can say that there's no anti-semitism within the film, though there's moments that could be misconstrued as such. But the movie is really a religious ink blot of whoever is watching it; if you want to see anti-semitism, you'll find it without a problem.

All around? Ferocious, beautiful, and job very well done. Worth the wait. Good night!


New member
I liked it.. It wasnt an 'oh Jesus loves you.. lets all go have tea' movie.. that's a good thing.

i think i was the only one in the crowd who didnt cry.. there was a point i was going to move to another seat cuz I couldnt hear the movie over this sobbing lady... and..Someone died here in Wichita seeing it... yeah.


New member
I suppose that there could have been demons tormenting Judas after he disavowed turning in Christ.

It isn't that little Jewish boys turned into demons, it is demons who took on looking like little Jewish boys as part of their attempt to torment Judas. If they took on looking like orientals, Judas, and the movie audience, would not have been as shocked when they changed, becasue it would have been more suspicous.

I liked the movie 5 - awesome, because I can use all the help I can get so as to not take for granted what Christ did for me. I also like that the movie quoted a prophecy in Isaiah and gave the date it was made. This should cause people to be curious.

Since unbelievers and liberals are squawking, you know that the movie struck a chord of truth. :thumb:

I think that the movie will cause people to seek God. :bannana:

I expect this year's resurection sunday to be special. :cool:


King of the jungle
Super Moderator
This movie had a tremendous impact on me. It was the most inspirational movie I have ever seen, even transcending “The Robe”. From the opening scene with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, to the love of Mary, to the crucifixion and resurrection, it was awesome!

I have never been so moved by a film. I believe that from now on when I read the biblical accounts of the great and terrible and wondrous sacrifice that God went through for us, I will remember this movie and be even more greatly affected by it.

(And as for the children turning into demons… didn’t you notice that there weren’t really any children at all? Remember when they were chasing him and suddenly they were gone? It was his own guilt driving him mad to the point where he committed suicide. Notice that Judas was the only one that saw demons in the movie-excluding Satan of course).


New member
Originally posted by Lion

This movie had a tremendous impact on me. It was the most inspirational movie I have ever seen, even transcending “The Robe”. From the opening scene with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, to the love of Mary, to the crucifixion and resurrection, it was awesome!

I have never been so moved by a film. I believe that from now on when I read the biblical accounts of the great and terrible and wondrous sacrifice that God went through for us, I will remember this movie and be even more greatly affected by it.

(And as for the children turning into demons… didn’t you notice that there weren’t really any children at all? Remember when they were chasing him and suddenly they were gone? It was his own guilt driving him mad to the point where he committed suicide. Notice that Judas was the only one that saw demons in the movie-excluding Satan of course).


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by taxpayerslavery

I liked the movie 5 - awesome, because I can use all the help I can get so as to not take for granted what Christ did for me.
Originally posted by Lion
I have never been so moved by a film. I believe that from now on when I read the biblical accounts of the great and terrible and wondrous sacrifice that God went through for us, I will remember this movie and be even more greatly affected by it.
We just came back from seeing this and I couldn't sum up my feelings about it any better than these 2 statements.
I am sincerely grateful for such a movie that would cause the Lord's crucifixion to hit home more, so as to help me never to take for granted or become numb to such an extraordinary act of love. I also look forward and hope to read the biblical accounts of this with a deeper appreciation.