What are your thoughts on the debt ceiling deal?


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The TheologyOnline.com TOPIC OF THE DAY for August 2st, 2011

What are your thoughts on the debt ceiling deal?

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
if we need a crisis like this to get any kind of cuts, you have to conclude that we are going to have a financial collapse

it is just a matter of time


New member
If a friend of yours was drowning in debt and had more expenses than income, would you recommend that he call his credit card company to request an increase of his credit limit?


Well-known member

What are your thoughts on the debt ceiling deal?

It's asinine.

Banks got a bailout. The People get austerity.

Let's see where they're going to cut the trillions of dollars (so far) over the next 10 years. :doh:

Please, People, watch the Secrets of Oz. History is repeating itself.

The Secrets of Oz


Well-known member
If a friend of yours was drowning in debt and had more expenses than income, would you recommend that he call his credit card company to request an increase of his credit limit?

I understand your point, but disagree. This is a national economy, with a debt-based monetary system, linked to a debt-based international monetary system, not an individual with a debt problem. In fact, it's debatable whether or not the U.S. has a debt problem because what is called debt by and large comes into existence through a patently illegal scheme, which means those illegal contracts are void and the debt is illusory.

I encourage you to watch the documentary The Secrets of Oz I've posted above.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I agree but I think it is inevitable.

The markets will only tank so far tomorow. The shut downs prevent loses in one day. So it will just drop quickly over time, rather than crash.

Hope you all bought gold. I didn't. I bough lots and lots of bullets.

Ted L Glines

New member
If a friend of yours was drowning in debt and had more expenses than income, would you recommend that he call his credit card company to request an increase of his credit limit?

Contrary to what someone said, the national debts are not illusory when they include your monthly social security check. When you reach the point where you cannot fully pay your obligations, there are only three solutions: (1) Increase your income; (2) Reduce your debt; (3) Bankruptcy. Raising the debt ceiling only prolongs the problem until the current crop of admins are out of office.


Well-known member
Contrary to what someone said, the national debts are not illusory when they include your monthly social security check.

I don't think you understood what I meant. Regardless, do you really think the only way to pay social security checks is by borrowing money from banks that illegally "create" that "money" from "thin air?" It's actually blatant theft, and that is what makes it illusory debt... but do you really think that's the only way to pay benefits?

When you reach the point where you cannot fully pay your obligations, there are only three solutions: (1) Increase your income; (2) Reduce your debt; (3) Bankruptcy.

One solution is the government can issue U.S. notes debt free. You can watch the documentary The Secrets of Oz that I posted previously to understand why that will work well.

None of the solutions you offer are plausible. How do you increase income nationally when you are reducing spending? How do you reduce debt in debt-money economy without causing depression and worse?

Raising the debt ceiling only prolongs the problem until the current crop of admins are out of office.

As I said, it's asinine.


New member
Okay, so we got some spending cuts... sure, we knew that was coming.

Then they raised the debt ceiling... knew that was coming as well. I am no economist but I would think it would make more sense increasing tax revenue than increasing debt, because your essentially pushing that burden to the future otherwise.

So, where are all the tax loophole fixes and "restructuring" to go along with the cuts?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I told you FDR was the worst president ever. Obama is just as bad, but the foundation for failure was laid before he got there by FDR and LBJ.


Well-known member
I told you FDR was the worst president ever. Obama is just as bad, but the foundation for failure was laid before he got there by FDR and LBJ.

What.......you don't recognize 'hope and change' when you see it?


New member
The TheologyOnline.com TOPIC OF THE DAY for August 2st, 2011

What are your thoughts on the debt ceiling deal?

Basically a sell-out by Obama and the Democrats to an extortion that only happened because the trickle-downers won an election in Nov.2010, and are now at their craziest. The Deal was a tepid response to a crisis that was manufactured by Republican blackmail. It sets up a commission that will be deadlocked and likely accomplish nothing, except perhaps more cuts one way or another. The cuts can probably be reversed later anyway, and I hope they are. But without ending the tax cuts, the deficit will get worse, not better, because of this Deal. Without government spending the economy will continue to decline, as it has this year under Republican Tea Party rule on the state and federal level. A declining economy will mean even fewer revenues, which are already the lowest since the 1950s. That will result in an even bigger deficit.