Wealth hasn’t been spread around enough!


New member
Hall of Fame
You can't seem to grasp that this issue is bigger than the Baltimore incident....historically and disproportionately minorities have been abused by the police. For the record: six were charged, three where white.

It's called educating yourself. Remaining ignorant usually looks bad, not sure about that in your neck of the woods though.

Still cant respond to what i asked can you. Whats my neck of the woods btw, i dont recall ever sharing that, so enlighten us all.

Mocking You

New member
It was passed by a handful of internationalists when congress was on Christmas break. The federal income tax is garbage and I'm not interested in your statist rhetoric.

Yes or No? The sixteenth amendment of the US constitution established the federal income tax?

Still don't know what this has to do with a Maryland congressperson saying the education budget of Baltimore is misappropriated among the school districts.


New member

Spread some wealth my way and besides,

Where is the twenty bucks you owe me :rotfl:



New member
The "protesters" in Baltimore don't care about justice. They care about stealing drugs and liquor. They robbed CVS and liquor stores to protest. I don't buy this garbage for a second.


The "protesters" in Baltimore don't care about justice. They care about stealing drugs and liquor. They robbed CVS and liquor stores to protest. I don't buy this garbage for a second.

Perhaps, though do you believe the anger incurred is broader than the acts of looting?


New member
Perhaps, though do you believe the anger incurred is broader than the acts of looting?

No. I don't. Its an excuse to loot. If they protested when gangsters killed innocents, maybe. But they looted because some thug died in police custody. Its an excuse. I don't buy it. If anyone in power should be blamed its Baltimore's mayor.


Well-known member
Maryland Democrat pinpoints Baltimore’s problem: Wealth hasn't been spread around enough. That's classical socialism/communism. Even the playing field for the earners and non-earners alike. What could be fairer than that? [Sarcasm intended for the slow-witted and liberals ... wait, that's redundant.]

Read the article: http://hotair.com/archives/2015/05/...oblem-wealth-hasnt-been-spread-around-enough/


Jamestown demonstrated the error of socialism/communism

Until people become responsible for their own lives, they will remain destitute and unaccomplished


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Race baiters. Baltimore has nothing to do with race no matter how hard the left is trying to make it so.

Exactly...like Detroit, Baltimore is suffering from the failed liberal policies of the past 50 years. I guess most would look at the corruption of Baltimore and get it but, then again these are the same folks that accept the corruption of the Clintons without question as well. You can't fix stupid...


No. I don't. Its an excuse to loot. If they protested when gangsters killed innocents, maybe. But they looted because some thug died in police custody. Its an excuse. I don't buy it. If anyone in power should be blamed its Baltimore's mayor.

So, what are those minorities - that didn't loot - angry about?

There's no issue to be had...it's all just a conspiracy?


Well-known member
Jamestown demonstrated the error of socialism/communism

Until people become responsible for their own lives, they will remain destitute and unaccomplished

To put it nicely, you're mistaken. That's right-wing revisionist history. It's bizarre how these sorts of things gain traction.

Not only wasn't Jamestown communist, Jamestown was developed for profit, by The Virginia Company of London, which was a corporation. Jamestown was a capitalist venture. The company sold shares in Jamestown. The settlers were employees (sent by and paid by the Virginia Company of London with arms, clothes and food, and the promise of land ownership after 7 years).

You can read about it here: Jamestown and the The Virginia Company of London
For me, the ideal would be a flat tax on all income over 30k. A sales tax system means people are incentivized to stock pile money. When money stops changing hands, you've had it. Period. I think a part of our problem is the top 0.1% holding incredibly large sums of money. Having a sales tax system encourages this kind of thing. It will accelerate. This means the very wealthy would pay very low taxes as a percentage of income. The middle class and the poor would pay a higher percentage of their income on taxes than the wealthy.

Right now we have a regressive tax system. The most wealthy pay a lower tax rate than the middle class.
This is a lie, a liberal lie you have bought into. In any event, my focus is on Jesus and the free gift of Salvation He has won for me. The tax system will never be perfectly fair as long as we have crooks running our government. We have the best politicians money can buy!!!
Its not about race, which is why you cant answer how he was being treated wrongly racially. (since again the man charged the highest is also black)

Why should i care to make something that is not about race, about race? (hint: because im not a liberal looking for the protesting "glory days" of their youth)
Again, well said.

Spread some wealth my way and besides,

Where is the twenty bucks you owe me :rotfl:

If I had $20 that was not owed to some institution, I would gladly send it to you. I don't find that funny, but it is true. Besides, I fully expect to lose my job in the next 3-6 months. I'll be filing backruptcy then, so you'll have to wait in line.


New member
This is a lie, a liberal lie you have bought into. In any event, my focus is on Jesus and the free gift of Salvation He has won for me. The tax system will never be perfectly fair as long as we have crooks running our government. We have the best politicians money can buy!!!
Who's buying our politicians? I'll give you a hint. It's not single mothers and homeless people.

It's just a fact that Romney pays a 10 to 13 percent tax rate. Facts aren't really very democratic.
Who's buying our politicians? I'll give you a hint. It's not single mothers and homeless people.

It's just a fact that Romney pays a 10 to 13 percent tax rate. Facts aren't really very democratic.
If you look into the richest politicians in Congress, Democrats outnumber the Republicans. Where is their sense of giving back to the community that put them in office?