Wealth hasn’t been spread around enough!

Maryland Democrat pinpoints Baltimore’s problem: Wealth hasn't been spread around enough. That's classical socialism/communism. Even the playing field for the earners and non-earners alike. What could be fairer than that? [Sarcasm intended for the slow-witted and liberals ... wait, that's redundant.]

Read the article: http://hotair.com/archives/2015/05/...oblem-wealth-hasnt-been-spread-around-enough/



New member
Maryland Democrat pinpoints Baltimore’s problem: Wealth hasn't been spread around enough. That's classical socialism/communism. Even the playing field for the earners and non-earners alike. What could be fairer than that? [Sarcasm intended for the slow-witted and liberals ... wait, that's redundant.]

Read the article: http://hotair.com/archives/2015/05/...oblem-wealth-hasnt-been-spread-around-enough/

The wealthy are often not those that work the most, but rather those that work the least. We spend more money on government hand outs for the rich than we do for the poor. We rig the system to advantage the wealthy and then talk about how worthless and lazy the poor are.

Here's a bizarre idea. Maybe Romney should have to pay a tax rate as high as mine. Allowing the wealthy to manipulate the system through bribery such that they pay less than half the tax rate the middle class does and get more government hand outs than the poor do and ensure every piece of legislation is designed to protect their interests is class warfare. It was supposed to be government by the people for the people, not government bought by the rich for the rich.


Maryland Democrat pinpoints Baltimore’s problem: Wealth hasn't been spread around enough. That's classical socialism/communism. Even the playing field for the earners and non-earners alike. What could be fairer than that? [Sarcasm intended for the slow-witted and liberals ... wait, that's redundant.]

Read the article: http://hotair.com/archives/2015/05/...oblem-wealth-hasnt-been-spread-around-enough/


What TrakeM said.

The riots stem from a lack of minority representation, power and influence within the system.

Plus, SOBg teach yourself the difference between wealth and money.

(P.S. from us slow-witted and liberal: Your politcal cartoon belies your political stance. IOW my brilliant conservative: Your cartoon is liberal-motivated.)
The wealthy are often not those that work the most, but rather those that work the least. We spend more money on government hand outs for the rich than we do for the poor. We rig the system to advantage the wealthy and then talk about how worthless and lazy the poor are.

Here's a bizarre idea. Maybe Romney should have to pay a tax rate as high as mine. Allowing the wealthy to manipulate the system through bribery such that they pay less than half the tax rate the middle class does and get more government hand outs than the poor do and ensure every piece of legislation is designed to protect their interests is class warfare. It was supposed to be government by the people for the people, not government bought by the rich for the rich.
I guess I'm funny this way. I want to get paid a fair wage for the work I do. I don't care what others make, unless they are not abiding by the laws of the land. I don't envy the rich, I'd just like to be out of debt.
What TrakeM said.

The riots stem from a lack of minority representation, power and influence within the system.

Plus, SObG teach yourself the difference between wealth and money.

(P.S. from us slow-witted and liberal: Your politcal cartoon belies your political stance. IOW my brilliant conservative: Your cartoon is liberal-motivated.)
So you're advocating a quota system. Sorry, tried that and it didn't work.

It's funny you call me a conservative. I took one of those tests to see where my politics fell and I fell halfway between conservative and liberal, and halfway between libertarian and statist. In other words, I'm a moderate. I was surprised.

My wealth is not in this world. It is being stored up for me elsewhere. And I haven't earned it either, it will be given to me by His grace. All I have in this world is debt. But I have the Holy Spirit's guidance and that's more precious to me than anything. That was Jesus' gift to me.

By the way, I corrected how you referred to me in your reply. I'm sure you did not intend to call me an SOB, or was that your intent since you cannot defend the actions in Baltimore on legitimate grounds. In any event, I did not take offense. My mother was a psychopath but she's dead now.


New member
I guess I'm funny this way. I want to get paid a fair wage for the work I do. I don't care what others make, unless they are not abiding by the laws of the land. I don't envy the rich, I'd just like to be out of debt.
When taxes are cut in half for one group, another has to pay more to make up the difference. It's also very difficult to complete in the market place when the biggest players set the rules to their advantage.

What that fair wage is is heavily influenced by policy. When that policy is influenced heavily through bribery to protect only the interests of those with lobbyists it pushes what that fair wage is down.

As for abiding the laws of the land, many of the most wealthy people don't even do that. Take HSBC. That's a large banking institution. They were caught laundering money for al-qaida and drug cartels. No one went to jail for a crime you or I would have been sentenced to death for.

I don't envy the rich. I just hate corruption. This isn't about envy. It never was. That's a lie the wall street bankers tell you so that you'll ignore the corruption and assume there's an even playing field. There's not.
When taxes are cut in half for one group, another has to pay more to make up the difference. It's also very difficult to complete in the market place when the biggest players set the rules to their advantage.

What that fair wage is is heavily influenced by policy. When that policy is influenced heavily through bribery to protect only the interests of those with lobbyists it pushes what that fair wage is down.

As for abiding the laws of the land, many of the most wealthy people don't even do that. Take HSBC. That's a large banking institution. They were caught laundering money for al-qaida and drug cartels. No one went to jail for a crime you or I would have been sentenced to death for.

I don't envy the rich. I just hate corruption. This isn't about envy. It never was. That's a lie the wall street bankers tell you so that you'll ignore the corruption and assume there's an even playing field. There's not.
A well-reasoned and measured reply. I differ from you on taxes. The progressive tax system we have discourages investment. I'm not in favor of the flat tax either because too many lower economic victims would be unfairly financially penalized. I guess I lean more towards a point of sale tax, with some essentials exempt. I think that could be made fair for everyone. I don't like the idea of GE paying no taxes, but I don't want to penalize Mom and Pops Stop 'N Rob either. Companies need an incentive to manufacture in America. What that entails, I do not know.


New member
Hall of Fame
The riots stem from a lack of minority representation, power and influence within the system.

You mean like having a black mayor, a majority black city council, a black police chief, and the cop charged with the most serious of the crimes being black :think:

That kind of influence?


You mean like having a black mayor, a majority black city council, a black police chief, and the cop charged with the most serious of the crimes being black :think:

That kind of influence?

If it was as simple as that....you might have a point. Who's pulling the strings? Follow the money.


New member
A well-reasoned and measured reply. I differ from you on taxes. The progressive tax system we have discourages investment. I'm not in favor of the flat tax either because too many lower economic victims would be unfairly financially penalized. I guess I lean more towards a point of sale tax, with some essentials exempt. I think that could be made fair for everyone. I don't like the idea of GE paying no taxes, but I don't want to penalize Mom and Pops Stop 'N Rob either. Companies need an incentive to manufacture in America. What that entails, I do not know.
For me, the ideal would be a flat tax on all income over 30k. A sales tax system means people are incentivized to stock pile money. When money stops changing hands, you've had it. Period. I think a part of our problem is the top 0.1% holding incredibly large sums of money. Having a sales tax system encourages this kind of thing. It will accelerate. This means the very wealthy would pay very low taxes as a percentage of income. The middle class and the poor would pay a higher percentage of their income on taxes than the wealthy.

Right now we have a regressive tax system. The most wealthy pay a lower tax rate than the middle class.

Mocking You

New member
Maryland Democrat pinpoints Baltimore’s problem: Wealth hasn't been spread around enough. That's classical socialism/communism. Even the playing field for the earners and non-earners alike. What could be fairer than that? [Sarcasm intended for the slow-witted and liberals ... wait, that's redundant.]

If you actually watch the interview and don't let a far right-wing leaning publication interpret what she says, she's actually saying that liberal policies have been unevenly spread. That is, the existing education budget is not being allocated properly (not spread around properly for the slow witted), it's not reaching the most needy schools and neighborhoods.

You can see it here:
(skip ahead to 3:40 mark)



New member
Hall of Fame
Then all those angry minorities are simply angry for no reason?

Do give us your brilliant insights.

You are who is making it about race, please tell us being that the cop charged the highest in this instance, is black, how he was racially treating the suspect wrong.

Mocking You

New member
Just abolish the illegal federal income tax.

You mean the "illegal income tax" that was codified into law via the sixteenth amendment to the US constitution? That the Supreme Court has ruled is lawful?

You mean the federal income tax that does not get spent on local and state educational purposes?

Tell me how that is germane to this discussion?


You are who is making it about race, please tell us being that the cop charged the highest in this instance, is black, how he was racially treating the suspect wrong.

No, thousands of minorities are making this about race...its a valid issue for them...an issue you simply fail to understand, let alone care for. It doesn't effect you ...thus its a non-issue correct?


New member
Hall of Fame
No, thousands of minorities are making this about race...its a valid issue for them...an issue you simply fail to understand, let alone care for.

Its not about race, which is why you cant answer how he was being treated wrongly racially. (since again the man charged the highest is also black)

Why should i care to make something that is not about race, about race? (hint: because im not a liberal looking for the protesting "glory days" of their youth)


New member
You mean the "illegal income tax" that was codified into law via the sixteenth amendment to the US constitution? That the Supreme Court has ruled is lawful?

You mean the federal income tax that does not get spent on local and state educational purposes?

Tell me how that is germane to this discussion?

It was passed by a handful of internationalists when congress was on Christmas break. The federal income tax is garbage and I'm not interested in your statist rhetoric.


Its not about race, which is why you cant answer how he was being treated wrongly racially. (since again the man charged the highest is also black)

You can't seem to grasp that this issue is bigger than the Baltimore incident....historically and disproportionately minorities have been abused by the police. For the record: six were charged, three where white.

Why should i care to make something that is not about race, about race? (hint: because im not a liberal looking for the protesting "glory days" of their youth)

It's called educating yourself. Remaining ignorant usually looks bad, not sure about that in your neck of the woods though.