ECT We Shall Be Like the Lord Jesus When He Appears


Well-known member
No, there is only one appearance of the Lord Jesus when living saints will put on new glorious bodies like the Lord Jesus' glorious body. And that appearance is the one which only those in the Body of Christ will have a part.

And since those who received John's epistles were waiting for that appearance they too are members of the Body of Christ.

Hi and where does it say that John or the 12 apostles or any of John acolytes EVER were baptizo / placed into the B O C , especially since Jon is preaching , WATER and of the SPIRIT in John 3:5 , then you have to believe that a person is saved by WATER to be born again ??

Also , why the 1 John 3:2 , a verb " WE SHALL BE " is in the Greek FUTURE TENSE ??

Tell me Jerry , WHY ??

dan p

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Hi and where does it say that John or the 12 apostles or any of John acolytes EVER were baptizo / placed into the B O C

We do know that Jewish believers were baptized into the Body of Christ and we also know that the middle wall of partition which separated the Jewish believers and the Gentiles was broken down. And since it has been broken down all of the Jewish believers were baptized into the Body of Christ.

According to your ideas at least a part of that wall remained standing despite the fact that Paul says that the will was broken down.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Why do you deny that the Lord Jesus Christ is not God, nor a man, and thus assert that he cannot be our mediator?

I never said such a thing and you know it. All you are doing is attempting to change the subject as fast as you can in the hope that no one will notice that you have no answer to what I said here:

Let's look what the Apostle John said here:

"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is"
(1 Jn.3:2).​

John told these believers that they were expecting to see the Lord Jesus appear while they remained alive and they were expecting that then they would be made like Him. I haven't seen any evidence that when the Lord Jesus returns to the earth that any living believers will be made like Him when He appears. So I can only conclude that John's words can only be in regard to the "mystery" truth found here:

"Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed" (1 Cor.15:51-52).​

Despite these facts john weenie argues that the words of John are referring to the time when the Lord Jesus will return to the earth, even though there is no evidence that living saints at that time will put on new bodies like the body of the Lord Jesus Christ.


New member
I said that there is no evidence that the bodies of any living saints will be changed when the Lord Jesus returns to the earth.

There is evidence that the bodies of the living saints will be changed when they meet the Lord Jesus in the air.

Can you give any evidence that when the Lord Jesus returns to the earth that the bodies of living saints will be changed?
Are you thinking that there is a Rapture that is a separate event from the Resurrection?
None of the writers of the New Testament believed in a separate Rapture, but all of them believed in the Resurrection.
It is important to understand that the Bible only speaks of a single second coming of Jesus.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I never said such a thing and you know it.
Yes, you did, old man, as you are changing your story, and you know it.

You, on record, old man, sower of discord amongst the brethren, who has been banned from numerous forums, including, for misquoting others, asserts that the Lord Jesus Christ was a man in heaven, before incarnation, and is not God-he is changing his story:

The Lord Jesus was a man in heaven before he came to earth and thus he is not God.

Why do you deny it, satanic accuser?Why do you deny:

Titus 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

Why should we believe you, instead of Paul, since you deny that the Lord Jesus Christ is God?

Why should we believe in your made up theories, Christ rejector, Acts 2 Mr. Blender, re,. the rapture, when you assert that children are identical to the Saviour in "sinlessness:"

Little children have the same sinlessness as the Saviour, and are identical to him, much like the blessed virgin Mary, the mother of God.

The rapture, discussed in Thessalonians and 1 Cor. 15 ff., and the second coming, in Mt.-John, Hebrews-Revelation, describe the same event.

Why do you deny this, and thus assert that the Lord Jesus Christ is not our mediator?

Ephesians 5:30 KJVFor we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
. All you are doing is attempting to change the subject as fast as you can in the hope that no one will notice that you have no answer to what I said here:

Let's look what the Apostle John said here:

"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is"
(1 Jn.3:2).​

John told these believers that they were expecting to see the Lord Jesus appear while they remained alive and they were expecting that then they would be made like Him. I haven't seen any evidence that when the Lord Jesus returns to the earth that any living believers will be made like Him when He appears. So I can only conclude that John's words can only be in regard to the "mystery" truth found here:

"Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed" (1 Cor.15:51-52).​

Shut up, you satanic liar, as I did address it, as others have, but you spam that "that you have no answer to what I said here:" to every member, with whom you disagree, sower of discord, as you get banned from others sites for this deceit.

Despite these facts john weenie argues that the words of John are referring to the time when the Lord Jesus will return to the earth, even though there is no evidence that living saints at that time will put on new bodies like the body of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Despite what Paul says in Romans-Philemon, weasel, wimp, baldie, portly, chunkie Jerry, asserts that Paul was a flunkie, that everyone was given part of the mystery, the rapture, that the rapture is identical to the second coming, that the rapture discussed by Paul in 1 Cor. 15, Thessalonians, is the second coming, as discussed in Mt.-John, Hebrews-Rev., as this loser, Mr. Blender, Acts 2 fraud, asserts that "it all says the same thing."He also denies the resurrection of OT saints, and denies:

Philippians 3:21 KJV Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

He also asserts that children, "the virgin Mary" were as "sinless" as the Saviour, and that Job was a child, in the book of Job.

You're a frail looking weasel, and punk-even you know it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You are the only child around here, sonny boy.

Why do you deny, old, wimpy looking "man," that the Lord Jesus Christ is not God, not a man today, and not our mediator, in "flesh and bones," per Luke 24:39 KJV, Ephesians 5:30 KJV, deny that He was the only sinless person, ever to walk the earth, as you assert that children,and "the virgin Mary," are sinless, identical to the Saviour, and that the "virgin birth/conception," Him being conceived by the Holy Spirit, was/is unnecessary, superfluous, as all children are born sinless, through males, and assert that that "the rapture" is the same thing as the second coming, and was prophesied, in Matthew-John, and in Hebrews-Revelation, as it was not part of the mystery, revealed exclusively to Paul, as you argue, that he was just a flunkie, as there is no difference between prophecy, and mystery, as "it all says the same thing," according to your Acts 2 blender interpretive methodology, as the 12 could have done what Paul did,and why do you assert that men/women, today, are not born in the likeness, after the image of fallen Adam, per Genesis 5:3 KJV, but are born sinless, identical to the Saviour, and why do you butcher/pervert Ecclesiastes 7:29 KJV, that, w/o a doubt whatsoever, when referring to "upright," refers to the LORD God's "pre-fall" creation of Adam/Eve, not us, who are after Adam "post fall" per Genesis 5:3 KJV, which you assert is translated wrong, and why do you assert that Job was a child, when he was discussed in the book of Job, as he was "upright," per your Ecclesiastes 7:29 KJV "verse in isolation" scam, per Job 1:1 KJV, Job 1:8 KJV, Job 2:3 KJV, and why do you deny that you are an Acts 2 Walvoordite/Ironsideite Acts 2 proponent, posing as a mid Acts dispensationalist, and why do you deny that you are a man worshiper, witness your avatar, and spamming what "sir" Robert Anderson, Paul Sadler of the Berean Bible Society,........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................says, on 1/3 posts, unable to "connect the dots" on your own, missing the "big picture," as you are still in the milk of Acts 2, in childhood, and why do you deny that you are scamming others, with your "post one verse in isolation" deception, ignoring surrounding verses, and ignoring who is being addressed, as youassert that "itall says the same thing?"?

We see that you have no answers, Acts 2 blender, sower of discord amongst the brethren, whose "shtic" on TOL, is misquoting members, misrepresenting others' views, explaining why you've been banned from numerous Christian forums, including[/U].

We see that the admitted bible corrector, is running and hiding.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
and why do you assert that men/women, today, are not born in the likeness, after the image of fallen Adam

Because people emerge from the womb spiritually alive. Again, here the evidence, the evidence to which you just close your eyes. In the following verse the Apostle Paul describes how he was saved by being made alive by the spirit:

"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Spirit" (Titus 3:5).​

Here Paul uses the word "regeneration" in regard to his salvation. This word is translated from the Greek word paliggenesia, which is the combination of palin and genesis.

Palin means "joined to verbs of all sorts,it denotes renewal or repetition of the action" (Thayer's Greek English Lexicon).

means "used of birth, nativity" (Thayer's Greek English Lexicon).

So when we combine the two words the meaning is a repetition of a birth.

It is obvious that the reference is not to a "physical" rebirth, or the repetition of one's physical birth.

Paul could only be speaking of a repetition of a spiritual birth. And the words that follow make it certain that the "birth" of which Paul is referring to is a "spiritual" birth--"renewing of the Holy Spirit."

Since the renewal of the Holy Spirit is in regard to being made alive spiritually then the previous birth of the Spirit must also be in regard to being made alive spiritually by the Holy Spirit. In other words, since a person is "regenerated" by the Holy Spirit then that means that one must have previously been born of the Holy Spirit. That happens at conception.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Hi Jerry and where are those Jewish believers that were baptized into the B O C ??

All of the first century Jewish believers were baptized into the Body and that would include all of the authors of the Hebrew epistles and among them would be the Apostle John and the Apostle Peter.


Well-known member
All of the first century Jewish believers were baptized into the Body and that would include all of the authors of the Hebrew epistles and among them would be the Apostle John and the Apostle Peter.

Hi Jerry , and that means you believe that all Jews and even those 12 APOSTLES during Jesus earthly ministry , you say that the 12 are IN THE B O C , when Gal 3:28 and Col 3:11 says that there are no Gentiles and Jews in the B O C !!

Explain that Jerry ??

You can not be a DISPENSATIONALIST from bibical theology !!

Give verses , IF you can ??

dan p


New member
Hi Jerry , and that means you believe that all Jews and even those 12 APOSTLES during Jesus earthly ministry , you say that the 12 are IN THE B O C , when Gal 3:28 and Col 3:11 says that there are no Gentiles and Jews in the B O C !!
The verses show that both Jewish believers and Gentile believers come together to make up the congregation of Christ.

You can not be a DISPENSATIONALIST from bibical theology !!
Is Dispensationalism a heretical sect of Christianity, like Jehovah Witness, Seventh Day Adventists, and Mormons?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Hi Jerry , and that means you believe that all Jews and even those 12 APOSTLES during Jesus earthly ministry , you say that the 12 are IN THE B O C , when Gal 3:28 and Col 3:11 says that there are no Gentiles and Jews in the B O C !!

Dan, according to the way you understand Galatians 3:28 there are no males or females in the Body of Christ:

"For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal.3:28).​

If there are no males and no females in the Body then who is in the Body?


Well-known member
Dan, according to the way you understand Galatians 3:28 there are no males or females in the Body of Christ:

"For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal.3:28).​

If there are no males and no females in the Body then who is in the Body?

Hi Jerry , and Gal 3:28 says THERE CAN NOT BE / ENI , means that there CAN NOT BE Jew nor Gentiles , because we are a NEW CREATION in Christ > Col 3:11 says it just one point different , and begins like thsi 11

Where there CAN NOT BE / ENI Greek and Jew !!

Notice the difference , as one begins THERE CANNOT BE Jews not GENTILE !!

The other begins , there CANNOT BE / ENI Greek and Jew !!

Do you see the difference ??

Tells us why the wording is different, Jerry ??

Any good dispensationalist knows why , so explain ??

dan p