We can't let morons be in charge anymore!!!!


Well-known member
We can't let morons be in charge anymore!!!!
Basically, we are the morons, and we are no longer in charge. So you needn't worry yourself about it.

If, however, we morons decide we want to take control of our government back, again, we're going to have to stop being morons, and start working together. Because the liars, thieves and criminals that have control, now, won't give it up without a fight. And they aren't morons.


Hall of Fame
Ted Cruz isn't a natural born citizen. .

I can't believe the ignorance!!


he was born to an American citizen, you...

(fill in the blanks)

American mother, Cuban father born in Canada. Those are the facts. I don't think that qualifies him as natural born citizen.

the the Pres O better get to packing

Obama was born in Hawaii.

that has not been proven
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New member
Basically, we are the morons, and we are no longer in charge. So you needn't worry yourself about it.

If, however, we morons decide we want to take control of our government back, again, we're going to have to stop being morons, and start working together. Because the liars, thieves and criminals that have control, now, won't give it up without a fight. And they aren't morons.
That sums it up rather well.


New member
Basically, we are the morons, and we are no longer in charge. So you needn't worry yourself about it.

If, however, we morons decide we want to take control of our government back, again, we're going to have to stop being morons, and start working together. Because the liars, thieves and criminals that have control, now, won't give it up without a fight. And they aren't morons.

people who refuse to give up power are not morons?

well, i would say in the eyes of God they are.. but God... who remembers Him?



If you really believed that morons shouldn't be in charge, then you wouldn't bother voting or have any love for democracy.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
get real

Tom Coburn did (does) the same. And then there is Ted Cruz and others.

You are just blatantly biased...
Well, not everyone can be as objective as you. Not if they own a dictionary. :poly:

Ted Cruz isn't a natural born citizen. Also, he's incredibly childish. "I didn't get my way on health care so I'll just shut down the whole government till you give me what I want". Anyone who pulls that should NEVER be president.

I can't believe the ignorance!!
Welcome to the club, if at the other end. :think:

You want a better government, do your level best to make informed and considered decisions and support programs to see that the general educational level of the electorate is improved. Trad is wrong about the average guy being stupid. It's a funny opinion for someone reasonably well educated to hold, but there are some bias filters that people confuse with virtue and you can't reason them out of them because they weren't reasoned into them in the first place.

Life. :plain:


New member
You want a better government, do your level best to make informed and considered decisions and support programs to see that the general educational level of the electorate is improved. Trad is wrong about the average guy being stupid. It's a funny opinion for someone reasonably well educated to hold, but there are some bias filters that people confuse with virtue and you can't reason them out of them because they weren't reasoned into them in the first place.

Life. :plain:

lost in translation



sorry, cna't read minds

and if i could, i would not try to read yours

people who don't believe in voting

don't strike me as the brightest bulb in the old chandelier

Oh. Then let me be more explicit. This, I say, would be a superior system to democracy (in which unequal people have an equal vote; such a system is inherently flawed...with all due respect, RC, my vote should not be equal to yours; my vote shouldn't even be worth 10 of yours. I'm much more qualified than you are), which actually would be for the people:


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
lost in translation

Trad thinks the average Joe is stupid. He isn't. He's average and that's not unintelligent even if it won't get you into grad school. Trad also thinks a comic book is a good model for government, so there's an argument against his premise to boot. :plain:


Trad thinks the average Joe is stupid. He isn't. He's average and that's not unintelligent even if it won't get you into grad school. Trad also thinks a comic book is a good model for government, so there's an argument against his premise to boot. :plain:

The average Joe [was that a pun on your part? "Joe Dredd"?] is not qualified to rule. Furthermore, even if he were qualified to rule, the average Joe is not equal to any other average Joe in his capacity. Some people are more qualified, more skilled, more knowledgable, more virtuous, etc. than other people. If you tell me that such people are in charge (because representative democracy), I'll tell you that they were not voted into office by such people, and they do not follow the wishes of such people, but pander to their "average" constituency.

Do you want to defend democracy? Then I'll point out to you one of the real results of democracy. Global warming is a political issue. If Judges were in charge, do you think it would be a political issue?

You'll accuse me of speaking absurdly by appealing to a comic book system, but I just as easily could cite the Republic. The principle is basically the same. :idunno:


New member
Oh. Then let me be more explicit. This, I say, would be a superior system to democracy (in which unequal people have an equal vote; such a system is inherently flawed...with all due respect, RC, my vote should not be equal to yours; my vote shouldn't even be worth 10 of yours. I'm much more qualified than you are), which actually would be for the people:

Ok, in your system, what determines how much your vote counts? Is it how much money you have? Which political party you're a part of? What religion you believe in?

Remember, power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. None of us are as cruel as all of us.


Ok, in your system, what determines how much your vote counts? Is it how much money you have? Which political party you're a part of? What religion you believe in?

Actual qualification to rule. In the Judge Dredd comics, in order to "be the law," you have to have been trained from childhood for 15 years in the Academy of Law (5 years of age to 20 years of age), and then pass a field assessment test, as a rookie judge, supervised by a (presumably senior) judge.

To make the law (i.e., to be chief judge), you have to have been voted into that office by the rest of the judges.

And note, mega-city 1 judges aren't paid. They live in the dormatoria in the Hall of Justice. Their room and board is paid by the city, and that's all that they work for. And they don't have wives and children. They are celibate.

Remember, power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

That's a postulate of democrats. I have no reason to think that this is necessarily true as a universal principle.

You'll start foaming at the mouth and babbling incoherently about how judges are likely to be corrupted and such a system would be dystopian...but they would have been trained from the age of 5 to be the most virtuous, most qualified and best citizens. Even if some judges could be corrupted, would democracy really be better?

Again, I point to the actual fruits of democracy.