We can't let morons be in charge anymore!!!!


New member
all you uninformed folks out there need to GET INFORMED asap

you can't just look @ the candidates in a cursory way, go back to your sex-obsessed sit-coms and on voting day vote for... first woman president...


This country (in case u haven't noticed... and we know you have not) is falling apart.. Things will not be so great in the future 4 u (or anyone) at the rate we are going..

  • Don't you notice how she changed her views on Immigration so she could get votes?
  • Don't you notice Clinton hiding info from We the People?
  • Don't you notice that she destroyed her emails b4 anyone could look @ them? Why would she do that if she had not done something wrong while Sec of State?
  • And all that money taken from other countries, countries she did US business with

The Bible says to avoid the VERY APPEARANCE of evil...

the very appearance...



New member
all you uninformed folks out there need to GET INFORMED asap

you can't just look @ the candidates in a cursory way, go back to your sex-obsessed sit-coms and on voting day vote for... first woman president...


This country (in case u haven't noticed... and we know you have not) is falling apart.. Things will not be so great in the future 4 u (or anyone) at the rate we are going..

  • Don't you notice how she changed her views on Immigration so she could get votes?
  • Don't you notice Clinton hiding info from We the People?
  • Don't you notice that she destroyed her emails b4 anyone could look @ them? Why would she do that if she had not done something wrong while Sec of State?
  • And all that money taken from other countries, countries she did US business with

The Bible says to avoid the VERY APPEARANCE of evil...

the very appearance...

Our whole system is based on quid pro quo. Virtually every candidate is chasing after big money from billionaires and you think that doesn't even create an "appearance of evil"? Give me a break. All the politicians have been bought. They work for wall street, not the American people.

If anything, Hillary Clinton is slightly less focused on serving her corporate masters, though I doubt it. Corporate corruption is truly bipartisan. I'll probably vote for her due to social issues unless we by some miracle get a GOP candidate that isn't bought or is less focused on serving their corporate masters.


Well-known member
Our whole system is based on quid pro quo. Virtually every candidate is chasing after big money from billionaires and you think that doesn't even create an "appearance of evil"? Give me a break. All the politicians have been bought. They work for wall street, not the American people.

If anything, Hillary Clinton is slightly less focused on serving her corporate masters, though I doubt it. Corporate corruption is truly bipartisan. I'll probably vote for her due to social issues unless we by some miracle get a GOP candidate that isn't bought or is less focused on serving their corporate masters.
Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who is willing to speak the truth about the corruption of government by corporate special interests. His speaking out about it does not guarantee that he would be able to do anything about it if he were elected, but I believe that voting for him would send a message to the others; that the American people see what they're doing, and are willing to use their votes to try and put a stop to it.

Forget democrat or republican. Both parties are completely in the pockets of the corporate lobbyists. About all we can do at this point is vote out ALL incumbent candidates that have not acted to stop the wholesale bribery of government, regardless of their party affiliation, and vote for new candidates only if they are willing to speak out against the corruption, and promise to DO SOMETHING about it if they're elected. Otherwise, write in a candidate if you can, or vote for third party candidates. Or do whatever you can on election day to register your dissatisfaction with the current system (stand outside and protest, if you have to).

But please don't just not vote, because if you don't vote, they will take your lack of vote as disinterest, and as permission to simply continue doing as they please.

As for Hillary, I think she, like her husband, is in the pockets of the big corporate lobbyists, and though she'll talk the talk, she will not actually do anything to change the system. I wish I were wrong about this, but I doubt it.


New member

If anything, Hillary Clinton is slightly less focused on serving her corporate masters, though I doubt it. Corporate corruption is truly bipartisan. I'll probably vote for her due to social issues unless we by some miracle get a GOP candidate that isn't bought or is less focused on serving their corporate masters.

wow, that is truly LAUGHABLE (the notion that Hillary is different somehow..)

guess u haven't been following the news lately

just that gibberish found on the Truth-avoiding channels like MSNBC

but I think even the reporters there are disillusioned w/ the hillmeister



New member
Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who is willing to speak the truth about the corruption of government by corporate special interests. //

get real

Tom Coburn did (does) the same. And then there is Ted Cruz and others.

You are just blatantly biased

sounds like hypocricy

not to mention



New member
all you uninformed folks out there need to GET INFORMED asap

you can't just look @ the candidates in a cursory way, go back to your sex-obsessed sit-coms and on voting day vote for... first woman president...


This country (in case u haven't noticed... and we know you have not) is falling apart.. Things will not be so great in the future 4 u (or anyone) at the rate we are going..

  • Don't you notice how she changed her views on Immigration so she could get votes?
  • Don't you notice Clinton hiding info from We the People?
  • Don't you notice that she destroyed her emails b4 anyone could look @ them? Why would she do that if she had not done something wrong while Sec of State?
  • And all that money taken from other countries, countries she did US business with

The Bible says to avoid the VERY APPEARANCE of evil...

the very appearance...


Does this mean you are retiring from the forums?


New member
wow, that is truly LAUGHABLE (the notion that Hillary is different somehow..)

guess u haven't been following the news lately

just that gibberish found on the Truth-avoiding channels like MSNBC

but I think even the reporters there are disillusioned w/ the hillmeister

As I said in my post, yes, she's been bought just like the rest of them. I'd vote for her primarily on social issues since they've all been bought.


New member
get real

Tom Coburn did (does) the same. And then there is Ted Cruz and others.

You are just blatantly biased

sounds like hypocricy

not to mention

Ted Cruz isn't a natural born citizen. Also, he's incredibly childish. "I didn't get my way on health care so I'll just shut down the whole government till you give me what I want". Anyone who pulls that should NEVER be president.

I haven't heard much about Coburn. If he gets the nomination and he is serious about fighting corruption, I'll probably vote for him. I just have a hard time believing the GOP nominee won't be corrupt just like Hillary, but seeing is believing and we'll see who the GOP goes with.