Watch out, do not be deceived.


Well-known member
It did not. I do not know why you would think that it does or would.

Revelation 21:2
I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.

God the Father brings The New Jerusalem down from Heaven to The Husband who is Jesus.

Revelation 21
22I did not see a temple in the city, because are its temple. 23The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.

The Lord God Almighty is the Father and the Lamb is Jesus.

Revelation 22:1
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.



Revelation 21:2
I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.

God the Father brings The New Jerusalem down from Heaven to The Husband who is Jesus.

Revelation 21
22I did not see a temple in the city, because are its temple. 23The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.

The Lord God Almighty is the Father and the Lamb is Jesus.

Revelation 22:1
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.

Now I do not understand what you are saying or telling me.


New member
I understand your 'metaphorical' objection. I applaud all efforts to allow scripture to speak plainly and for itself in context only. But we need to distinguish between metaphors, which are clearly used as teaching aids everywhere in the Bible (Heb 12:29KJV), and fables. Jesus spoke in parables; metaphors. He taught that His kingdom was not of this world and that it did not come by observation. He called Himself the light of the world and the bread of life. He used many opportunities to let His disciples know that His message was spirit/truth as opposed to expecting a physical outcome. Metaphor is not a dirty word.

I totally agree. There is metaphor and parable throughout scripture. I approach scripture, however, with the intent to take it literally unless context clearly points to what it says as being symbolic or parabolic. When the scripture says that the Harlot on the beast is a city, I go, okay, it's not a literal woman. When it speaks of a star crashing to the earth, I don't see any indication I should read this as anything other than a celestial object that hits the earth.

But you have piqued my curiosity as to why you would think that an anti-Christ set up an abomination and ended the temple sacrifice.
The scribes and Pharisees, Jerusalem, the temple, and the whole Jewish system had nothing about it that was remotely Christian and that is what was targeted. An anti-Christ would surely want to destroy that which was specifically Christian would it not? How could Rome, or its army, be an anti-Christ if it knew nothing about Christianity, or Jesus, and it did not attack Christians?

Anti-Christ doesn't mean "against Christ" but "in the place or instead of Christ". Whenever a man claims to be God, receives worship from men, and offers to do the things only Christ can do, that is an antichrist. Hence John writing that many antichrists have come, while still reserving a time in the future in which the Antichrist will come.

Is it not possible that God Himself chose Rome as His instrument of abomination to show the world that He had vacated the temple because Jesus was the only sacrifice He would now accept for sin?

Absolutely. Throughout scripture we see God doing things according to patterns that He repeats. He enacts types through history that find their final fulfillment at some point. There are shadows and types of Christ and the cross all through Israel's history before the Son of God was actually born as a man.

In Matthew 23 Jesus specifically pronounced the physical house of God as desolate.

Certainly. Though it wasn't the first time, nor the last.

Right Divider

Body part
The great tribulation took place when God used the Roman army to conquer the holy city, Jerusalem, in 70 AD and desecrate the temple.

No sense looking for something in the future that has already happened.
The Bible says that the great tribulation will be far worse than that day at the park.

Matt 24:21-22 (AKJV/PCE)
(24:21) For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. (24:22) And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

There was no point in 70 AD when "all flesh" was threatened.
The book of Revelation describes a great deal about the great tribulation and it's far worse than 70 AD.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
I totally agree. There is metaphor and parable throughout scripture. I approach scripture, however, with the intent to take it literally unless context clearly points to what it says as being symbolic or parabolic. When the scripture says that the Harlot on the beast is a city, I go, okay, it's not a literal woman. When it speaks of a star crashing to the earth, I don't see any indication I should read this as anything other than a celestial object that hits the earth.

If I were to show you that the Bible invites us to interpret a star crashing to the earth metaphorically, would you be inclined to change your mind?


New member
If I were to show you that the Bible invites us to interpret a star crashing to the earth metaphorically, would you be inclined to change your mind?


I know we all see in part, and that includes me. I spend a good deal of my prayer time asking the Lord to show me where I misunderstand His word and Him. It'd be the height of hypocrisy for me not to listen and weigh it against the scripture and the witness of Spirit.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
I know we all see in part, and that includes me.

I'm glad I don't know it all. Makes learning so much more fun!! lol

I spend a good deal of my prayer time asking the Lord to show me where I misunderstand His word and Him.

You humble me.

It'd be the height of hypocrisy for me not to listen and weigh it against the scripture and the witness of Spirit.

So let's see if the Bible allows for stars and how they behave to be interpreted metaphorically.

The celestial lights of creation have long been associated with the powers that reign and govern states and nations. The sun, moon and stars being darkened became a poetic/apocalyptic metaphor for God's judgement upon a nation with O.T. prophets. We have a similar figure of speech today. We say: "It's lights out for that guy!" if we mean he will take a beating for what he has done.

Eccles 12:1-2KJV describes days of strength and blessing. the stars mentioned here, along with the sun and the moon are not to be taken literally. They are symbols of the good times.

Jesus is described as the bright and morning star. Rev. 22:16KJV.

When Isaiah pronounced judgement upon Babylon he used language like this: Isaiah 13:10KJV.
When he described the fall of Idumea he said; Is 34:4KJV
Regarding the judgement of Egypt, Ezekiel says; Ezek 32:7-8KJV.
Acts 2:20KJV forms part of Peter's speech where he declares the phenomenon of Pentecost was a direct fulfillment of Joel's prophecy. Joel 2:31KJV

These are all figures of speech; metaphors. And they involve celestial bodies; particularly stars.

The first of such metaphors regarding the sun, moon and stars appears in Genesis. Joseph dreams a dream where his father represented the sun, his mother the moon, and his eleven brothers the stars. He dreamed that they would bow down to him. Gen 37:9-10KJV.

But when some come to Matt 24:29KJV, for example, all of this is forgotten, even by those who say they allow scripture to interpret scripture and, somehow, metaphor is off limits. It cannot be Israel and their bright lights that are being darkened and falling from grace even though there is so much Biblical precedence for it. In addition, the Greek word for fall and fail is most often the same word πίπτω. The same word is used in Luke 16:17KJV as it is in this Matthew verse.

Or Rev. 6:13KJV which is almost never interpreted in light of Heb. 12:26-27KJV and Matt 24:29KJV.

We have leave, from God's word, when we encounter the word "star", to apply either a physical or a metaphorical interpretation depending on the context. I would argue that, when we encounter the expression "sun, moon, and stars", that we do not have leave to use anything other than the symbolic one; characteristic of established apocalyptic language.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
The Bible says that the great tribulation will be far worse than that day at the park.
Matt 24:21-22 (AKJV/PCE)
(24:21) For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. (24:22) And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

There was no point in 70 AD when "all flesh" was threatened.
The book of Revelation describes a great deal about the great tribulation and it's far worse than 70 AD.

Thanks, but I choose to not talk to you about this subject and remain friends.


Actually you haven't told me when you think Jesus is returning, you've only said you believe we are in the final 3.5 years of the tribulation but as I have pointed out the Anti-Christ hasn't appeared; taken over the world, issue the mark of the beast or stopped the sacrifices in the temple (that hasn't even been built yet) and the false prophet isn't anywhere to be seen either.

What you have also told me is that you believe 70 year old Uri Geller the 1970's smash hit illusionist is the Anti-Christ and the Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem that opened in 2015 is the supposed to be the temple, has Uri Geller ever visited this Museum?


Dear Watchman,

I'm not going to date things again. I do not know when Jesus is returning, as no man knows that day and hour, but only the Father in Heaven. The Friends Of Zion Heritage Center is a place that I helped fund by my donations. Whether Uri has visited the Center, I do not know, but I do know that Uri said in his book that when he tried to pray to God, it hurt his head too bad to continue. I have no impetus to answer your other questions as some of them are times that I keep secret to myself, not to divulge to others. I sure wish I could tell you though! I am like a little kid in the grocery store. I am excited about what the near future will bring, but I'm being mum about it all.

God's Best, Watchman,



Well-known member
Dear Watchman,

I'm not going to date things again. I do not know when Jesus is returning, as no man knows that day and hour, but only the Father in Heaven. The Friends Of Zion Heritage Center is a place that I helped fund by my donations. Whether Uri has visited the Center, I do not know, but I do know that Uri said in his book that when he tried to pray to God, it hurt his head too bad to continue. I have no impetus to answer your other questions as some of them are times that I keep secret to myself, not to divulge to others. I sure wish I could tell you though! I am like a little kid in the grocery store. I am excited about what the near future will bring, but I'm being mum about it all.

God's Best, Watchman,


Well that's a very sensible idea as most people will think you are mad when you tell them that stuff. Listen you will know when the 7 year tribulation begins, it will be very obvious. The sign will either be the rebuilding of the temple or the return to earth of Satan as the 'strange God in Daniel 11 who makes the Muslim Mahdi rule the World (the Anti-Christ).

Daniel 11:39
Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.


Well that's a very sensible idea as most people will think you are mad when you tell them that stuff. Listen you will know when the 7 year tribulation begins, it will be very obvious. The sign will either be the rebuilding of the temple or the return to earth of Satan as the 'strange God in Daniel 11 who makes the Muslim Mahdi rule the World (the Anti-Christ).

Daniel 11:39
Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.

Dear Watchman,

Do you really think that I care if some people here think that I am 'mad?' Or 'nuts' or 'fanatic?' I tell you now that the 7-year tribulation is already coming to a quick close and we should look for Jesus to return extremely soon. Don't ask me all of your other questions. I won't answer them because I don't want those who don't deserve to know, to know. Just see what this year and the next year brings. Now, I am outta here.

God's Grace Be On You!

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Well-known member
Dear Watchman,

Do you really think that I care if some people here think that I am 'mad?' Or 'nuts' or 'fanatic?' I tell you now that the 7-year tribulation is already coming to a quick close and we should look for Jesus to return extremely soon. Don't ask me all of your other questions. I won't answer them because I don't want those who don't deserve to know, to know. Just see what this year and the next year brings. Now, I am outta here.

God's Grace Be On You!


The thing is you said you were funding the Friends of Zion museum which says it "serves as a platform for fighting BDS and Anti-Semitism internationally." and "Supporting this dream for a homeland for the Jewish people." The Irony is that you are funding one of the many organisations that are geared towards the eventual rebuilding of the temple on the temple mount that is prophesied in the Bible and this temple will have a new High Priest. Once this is achieved Israel will once again be a theocracy and this High Priest will basically be in charge of Israel, which is fast becoming the most powerful nation on Earth just as the Bible says it would become. The problem is that this High Priest will be claiming that the Messiah is about to come but not Jesus of course because Jews don't believe in Jesus as there Messiah, in fact they hate Jesus with a passion. So this high priest who will be one of the most powerful men on Earth will be making false claims that Jesus is a nobody while someone else will be the Messiah and as such he will be a false prophet and all this in the end times in the temple that the Bible says the false prophet will be at. Michael you are are literally funding the false prophet's ministry. But so are many many other Christians. You are all so ignorant.


The thing is you said you were funding the Friends of Zion museum which says it "serves as a platform for fighting BDS and Anti-Semitism internationally." and "Supporting this dream for a homeland for the Jewish people." The Irony is that you are funding one of the many organisations that are geared towards the eventual rebuilding of the temple on the temple mount that is prophesied in the Bible and this temple will have a new High Priest. Once this is achieved Israel will once again be a theocracy and this High Priest will basically be in charge of Israel, which is fast becoming the most powerful nation on Earth just as the Bible says it would become. The problem is that this High Priest will be claiming that the Messiah is about to come but not Jesus of course because Jews don't believe in Jesus as there Messiah, in fact they hate Jesus with a passion. So this high priest who will be one of the most powerful men on Earth will be making false claims that Jesus is a nobody while someone else will be the Messiah and as such he will be a false prophet and all this in the end times in the temple that the Bible says the false prophet will be at. Michael you are are literally funding the false prophet's ministry. But so are many many other Christians. You are all so ignorant.

Oh Dear Watchman,

I am not the ignorant one, for I know what I am talking about. You don't seem to realize it, but you are not knowledgeable in the content of the paragraph you just wrote. I wasn't going to post tonight, but I did anyway because of your inflammatory words here towards me and also, to wish Steko a happy birthday. Watchman, the time is so near that you will find out a lot of the facts that the Lord wants to share with you. You will also understand then what you are missing out on now and shall find more clarity about it all. Remember, it is written in Rev. 10:7KJV, "the mystery of God should be finished, as He hath declared to His servants the prophets..."

The Friends of Zion Heritage Center is a place that shows the Jews and other people of Israel, and of the world, just how much the Christians care about them, besides much more. You are very errant and intricately entwined in your thought processes about this place, and certain other claims you've made here, and I see how Satan has done his handiwork once again. There is nothing I could say to convince you otherwise, most likely.

Brother In Christ, wait just a while longer, for we shall all be shown what is true soon. Until then, don't jump to any conclusions mistakenly nor think an evil thing about your brother. I may have made a couple mistakes in my prophecies, and tons more in my life, but I'm a human being. Just like everyone else, I make mistakes. That doesn't make me an imbecile, nor ignorant. Remember Jonah and Moses, and don't begin to condemn me for making mistakes even though you think that prophets never do. I hope and pray for the best for you! May God Watch Over Your Soul and Keep Your Mind Immune To Confusion.

Praise Jesus, The Dear Son Of The Almighty God And Our Bridge To Him,

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Well-known member
Oh Dear Watchman,

I am not the ignorant one, for I know what I am talking about. You don't seem to realize it, but you are not knowledgeable in the content of the Paragraph you just posted. I wasn't going to post tonight, but I posted anyway because of your inflammatory post here towards me and to wish Steko a happy birthday. Watchman, the time is so near that you will find out a lot of the facts that the Lord wants to share with you. You will also understand very soon what you are missing out on now.

The Friends of Zion Heritage Center is a place that shows the Jews and others of Israel just how much the Christians care about them. You are very errant and intricately entwined in your thought processes and I see how Satan has done his handiwork once again. There is nothing I could say to convince you otherwise, most likely.

Brother In Christ, wait just a while longer, for we shall be shown what is true soon. Until then, don't jump to any conclusions mistakenly or think no evil thing about your brother. Do not call me ignorant when you are not absolutely sure that I am. As for me actually being a prophet, well, you will see soon enough. May God Watch Over Your Soul and Keep Your Mind Free Of Confusion.

Praise Jesus, The Dear Son Of The Almighty God,


Okay well I am in agreement that his return is near as I believe He returns in 2029 and that the tribulation will therefore begin in 2022. So If you believe we are in the last 3.5 years of the tribulation then we will both see who was right by 2022. Hopefully by then you will have stopped funding the false prophets future platform.