It's largely in the spirit. Between friends or aimed at a comment it's an eye roll. When someone who actively dislikes you uses it like some people use profanity it's crossing a line. Anyway, Delmar thought so and so do I.It goes way way way back!
When Knight was a regular, calling everyone gay was commonplace.
I've been here for about ten years and that's not my experience. Again, some words carry different meaning when said by different people because the purpose is different.Happened all the time whether you were gay or not.
I'm not suggesting that glory actually thought I was or was serious in the effort beyond offering an insult. But it's an insult that shouldn't be proffered by a Christian any more than profanity.
You have selective memory. TOL was and is fun when its met within the lines. People have always been banned for poor behavior that went overboard. What made TOL amazing for a number of years was the diversity and vitality of opinion and the range of rhetoric. Like most sites of this sort, it's waning as ADHD Twitter and back porch FB have taken over. It's a shame, but that appears to be the ongoing trend everywhere.TOL used to be a lot of fun, had a load of good sports here, and we castigated everyone, even our friends!
I hope at some point people rediscover the value of a more in depth community experience to be had in a joint like this, but I'm not sure it will happen.
Nah, we had a lot more ardent liberal voices in the heyday of TOL. And a lot of interesting, reasonable conservatives too. And the odd (really odd) fringe who were hard to identify...and, of course, occasional waves of peculiar bikers.Too many libs joined, and now EVERYTHING is offensive.