"blood" is the circulatory fluid in vertebrates.
"Blood" is a word, not a fluid. I grant you, though, that "blood"
circulates--in verbal discourse. I mean, "blood" is indeed one of the many words people say from time to time.
To what are you referring by your pronoun, "that"?
How easy
what is?
You seemed to have trouble with a definition earlier
What are you even talking about? What would you even mean by
"have trouble with a definition"? Your saying
that is nothing but cognitively-meaningless noisemaking, an emotional outburst. It's just you lashing out in your anger. You don't even know what
defining is. And, since you don't know what defining is, how do you imagine you benefit by your continually throwing around the word "definition" mindlessly?
Come on, Professor Parrot: give us something you'd call "a definition", and then have fun tripping all over your clueless self in your inability to explain why you'd choose to call it "a definition". Above, I asked you to explain yourself, why you chose to deny the fact that the definition of blood given by God in Leviticus 17:11 is a definition; yet, so far, you've not even made a peep about that. And that's because even you know that you, in your ignorance, have no hope of rationally accounting for your choice to call one thing "a definition" nor for your choice to call another thing "no definition".
Here are a couple of questions to further highlight the fact that you don't even know what defining is:
- Is any definition true? Yes or No?
- Is any definition false? Yes or No?