I don't mind, if once in our lives we are thinking about the elderly and being careful to save them, it is probably worth it. Wouldn't some of our precautions speak toward the compared numbers though? Another consideration, having a few friends go through this, it is worse than the flu. It is a 'flu-on-steroids' quoting Trump. An aside note: One rumor in the news is that it was 'accidentally engineered' by China doing bat experiments. Likely? Probably not, but it is an interesting read among physician's literature, and a friend sent it my way to read today. -Lon
Just what do you think is going to happen to all these elderly people when the massive depression comes from the economy being shutdown? You're living in fantasy land.
Those on fixed incomes are going to get destroyed in the hard times that are coming. Our economic numbers are already worse than they were during the Great Depression. Our GDP is going to drop 35% in 3 months. That's the government's own forecast. Our unemployment rate is going to hit the mid 40s. That's 4+ out of every 10 people being unemployed. That's worse, a lot worse, than the 1930s. And the government forecasts are usually on the rosy side because of politics.
The fed is going to print approximately $10 trillion by the end of this year. That's $10 trillion in an economy that is shrinking rapidly. That means not only no increase in the total wealth of the nation, but a large reduction of the wealth of the country and yet the fed is going to print money on a scale never seen in the history of the world. The dollar is going to be valueless. That means prices are going to skyrocket. How are those on fixed incomes going to eat? Those without huge amounts of savings won't be able to feed themselves. And even those with large retirement accounts are going to be hit hard. Their retirement funds are invested in stocks and bonds and as a result they've already been hit with a loss of at least 30% of their retirement savings. Add to that the 0% interest rates on savings. And increased inflation because of the dollar being devalued because of all the money printing.
Are you beginning to see the dangers coming? And I haven't even begun to list all the economic problems we are going to see because of this shutdown. We are going to see homelessness on a scale we have never seen before. We are going to see starvation this nation has never seen. And this situation is going to be world wide for every country in the world is going to be hit just like the US will.