unfinished business

Grosnick Marowbe

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Calvin so hated one man that he had he burned at the stake using green wood so as to guarantee a slow and torturous death. The man was a Sadist among other things.


Calvin so hated one man that he had he burned at the stake using green wood so as to guarantee a slow and torturous death. The man was a Sadist among other things.

He must have been one Hell of a heretic :rolleyes:

Calvinists aren't about the person, but his theology. You go by King David's wisdom, despite that he was both an adulterer and murderer.


New member
Resurrection is what they all preached including Peter, but not the gospel of Christ!

1 Corinthians 15:11 Therefore whether it were I or they, so we preach, and so ye believed.

1 Corinthians 15:12 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead?

1 Corinthians 15:13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen:

1 Corinthians 15:14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.

1 Corinthians 15:15 Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.

1 Corinthians 15:16 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:

Peter and Paul neither preached the same pertaining to the resurrection of Christ either. Peter preached that God raised up Christ to sit on David's throne (Acts 2:30 KJV) while Paul preached that Christ was raised again for our justification (Romans 4:25 KJV)! Things that are different are not the same!

The referent of 'this' in v.11 is the gospel outlined in v.3-8.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Both the Catholics and the reformers had it wrong. Yet, over the ages in spite of the many false doctrines/gospels presented, God was still able to bring the simple truth out.


As has been granted, it wasn't received as such when the Lord preached His dbr, but He did preach His dbr. And we knew right from the start (Mt1:21KJV) that it was going to have to save the Church from her sins, we just didn't know how yet.
No, He did not "preach His dbr," as you assert, as a basis for their/our/anyone's justification, at least prior to its historical occurrence/fulfillment. He preached it, in the context, of prophecy, i.e., that it would become history, so to speak, fulfilling prophecy-but never as a "salvation message," to be preached, and believed, as a basis for salvation.

The dbr was hid from the 12. Even satan and his minions were clueless as to the implications/ramifications, of the dbr.
Thank you for clarifying.

The Lord didn't prophesy His dbr, until Peter confessed Him as the Christ. Why did Peter need to do that, before the Lord began to teach His dbr? It's a plot point.1 What does it mean?

1 - "a significant event within a plot that spins the action around in another direction"

john w

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Thank you for clarifying.

The Lord didn't prophesy His dbr, until Peter confessed Him as the Christ. Why did Peter need to do that, before the Lord began to teach His dbr? It's a plot point.1 What does it mean?

1 - "a significant event within a plot that spins the action around in another direction"
You missed/are missing the issue:

1.The good news/gospel of the kingdom is not equivalent to the good news/gospel of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV.There is more than 1 piece of good news/gospel, in the book, and not all of the good news has, as its focus, salvation/justification.

2. The content of faith, required to be believed, in Mt.-John, prior to the dbr:



Eclectic Theosophist


I'm certainly not arguing against scepticism but I'm curious that you remain a Christian despite your assertions. If the 66 books are tainted then it sounds like a very slippery slope.

Where did you get that I was a Christian? See my affiliation is "Other" :) - I don't identify necessarily with traditional orthodox Christianity..... as my brand of Christianity, if I owned it would be more progressive, universalist, gnostic and spiritualist in orientation. I was raised within 'Christendom'. On a more liberal front with my esoteric studies, I sport the title of 'Eclectic Theosophist'....see that in my posts and profile info. area. I've engaged here over a decade in that same spirit of free investigation and 'creative dialogue'. I did when I joined here identify as a 'Christian (Other)', but morphed away from using that 'label' after engaging so much with fundamentalists and became disenfranchised with the 'title'. Like a bug splat on my windshield, I wiped it off.

There are many kinds of 'Christians' as well as denominations of Christianity.

Paul has some great universal gnostic insights and allegorical teachings, but when contextualized within the framework of an evolving religious tradition, there are problems with his relationship to the original apostles of Jesus in Jerusalem and how he took his own gospel by personal revelation and made it big among the gentiles. Do your own research. Hence while I'm a spiritualist and student of religious/spiritual principles and concepts,....on another end of the spectrum I'm also a skeptic, even an 'agnostic' in some areas,.....even though at heart I'm a true gnostic (one who uses/values 'knowledge' as a base for his condition and ultimate destiny).


Eclectic Theosophist
How did you come to "know" that you are an agnostic?

Note I said in some areas that are 'unknowable' I could claim 'agnostic' in those areas :) - but if you want to highlight the fact that 'gnosis' is needed to 'know' anything (even that you don't know), that gives props to 'gnosticism'. By these terms and their definitions then, even you could have both 'gnosis' and 'agnosis' at varying shifts or periods in space and time, isn't that possible? Obviously while I enjoy the path of the mystic, I also acknowledge such a place referred to by some mystics as "the cloud of unknowing",...that there is a realm of utter transcendence of ordinary knowledge that is in its essence 'unknowable', but is still intuitively recognized, so that a paradox of sorts exists in the contrasting worlds of both light and darkness, these existing in this conditional realm of space-time relativity. So, I'll let you play with the nauances therein ;)