unconditional love means letting someone self-destruct if he wants


New member
Where is that in the Bible?

oh, that's right, you don't like the Bible... not the real one anyway

Actually, u know... I think Jesus (vis a vis perversity aka homosexual acts) may have (not sure but may have) accepted what His Father did @ Sodom and (spelling?) Gomorah

Did you actually read what the bible says that God said about those two cities before destroying them?

America is doing exactly what Sodom did right now and the first mentioned sin has nothing to do with sexual perversion.

Ezekeiel 16:49-50:"Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen."

We are the most wealthy nation in the world yet we do not help the poor and needy... we are no better than Sodom.

patrick jane


i suggested some time ago and still believe it would be better and easier for you to have one HUGE thread. you could have surpassed the 'Creation vs Evolution" thread
in the last 6 months ! ! !

you could simply call it Repubchick or whatever. your fans and followers would have a much easier time keeping up with your posts, your thoughts, opinions, beliefs etc. we could really tune in to you and the subject can change anytime
i think TOL is clamouring for you to be in the spotlight with the BIGGEST LONGEST THREAD Ever ! ! !

if i were you, I'd start yesterday -

you can go to your profile, add up all threads and posts, even # of views maybe. gargantuan numbers indeed. i like your energy, i think many here do. but you could be a TOL Legend with ONE all encompassing Thread

Eric h

Well-known member

he says that God has unconditional love for him,


What if God loves each and everyone of us as he loves himself.

you want what is BEST for them, not what THEY might think is best, especially when what thye think is best is EVIL, destructive and leads them straight to Hell

First we have to look at our own life, and only if we are without sin, can we cast the first stone. We might not be gay, so it is easy to single out gays for hellfire, that makes us safe, but it also makes us hypocrites too.

We say the Lords prayer and we condemn ourselves, we tell God to forgive us in exactly the same way we forgive others. We tell someone they are going to hell, will God then pass that same judgement onto us for our sins?


Well-known member
True - love does not mean endorsing whatever the person who is loved does or believes. Sometimes love means discipline and justice. Sometimes it means sacrifice and allowing yourself to be hurt. The application will differ both based upon the situation and the kind of relationship involved.

We must keep in mind at all times, however, that we must meet people where they are at, and not expect them to simply believe or practice as we do. In so far as it would be beneficial, we hope to guide them towards adopting our beliefs/practices. But this takes time, care, and dedication to a relationship. For this to be effective, Paul teaches to be like those you want to reach - in so far as you can without violating your own important beliefs and practices.

I'm personally inclined to say that this means not going to a gay wedding, since that would be an act of condoning homosexual relations. However, if you care for the person/people in question, I can see why one might feel guilty to not attend the wedding - and not going would surely strain the relationship between you and them. From this perspective I can see why some might view attending the wedding as the lesser of two evils and sympathize with them - even if I don't agree.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

i suggested some time ago and still believe it would be better and easier for you to have one HUGE thread. you could have surpassed the 'Creation vs Evolution" thread
in the last 6 months ! ! !

I also suggested this
zoo thinks she is helping the democrats


Well-known member
I also suggested this
zoo thinks she is helping the democrats

Absolutely. I don't usually think she's doing it on purpose, but every once in a while I wonder.

Nazaroo, aCW, serpentdove, republicanchick all do an awesome job of marginalizing themselves, marginalizing TOL, and marginalizing the religious right. Together, they're like an armed militia all throwing live grenades into their own bunkers at the same time.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Absolutely. I don't usually think she's doing it on purpose, but every once in a while I wonder.

Nazaroo, aCW, serpentdove, republicanchick all do an awesome job of marginalizing themselves, marginalizing TOL, and marginalizing the religious right. Together, they're like an armed militia all throwing live grenades into their own bunkers at the same time.

it is easy to ignore any poster
you can't ignore thread after thread after thread etc


Well-known member
Nazaroo, aCW, serpentdove, republicanchick all do an awesome job of marginalizing themselves, marginalizing TOL, and marginalizing the religious right. Together, they're like an armed militia all throwing live grenades into their own bunkers at the same time.
it is easy to ignore any poster
you can't ignore thread after thread after thread etc

That's true.

But you know, After posting, I thought a bit about what I'd written, particularly that comment I made about them being like an armed militia all throwing live grenades into their own bunkers at the same time... And what I'd said just didn't sit well. I take it back. It's not right for me to say that about them.

They're more like an armed militia all firing their AK47's straight into their own feet at the same time. And then reloading and firing into one another's feet at the same time. And then they do it again and again and again.

Also, it's a militia that wears clown suits.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That's true.

But you know, After posting, I thought a bit about what I'd written, particularly that comment I made about them being like an armed militia all throwing live grenades into their own bunkers at the same time... And what I'd said just didn't sit well. I take it back. It's not right for me to say that about them.

They're more like an armed militia all firing their AK47's straight into their own feet at the same time. And then reloading and firing into one another's feet at the same time. And then they do it again and again and again.

Also, it's a militia that wears clown suits.

it all comes down to who annoys you the most
I said it was the republicanchick in my awards
where were you when we were deciding this most important issue?


New member
What if God loves each and everyone of us as he loves himself.

First we have to look at our own life, and only if we are without sin, can we cast the first stone. We might not be gay, so it is easy to single out gays for hellfire, that makes us safe, but it also makes us hypocrites too.

We say the Lords prayer and we condemn ourselves, we tell God to forgive us in exactly the same way we forgive others. We tell someone they are going to hell, will God then pass that same judgement onto us for our sins?

I don 't talk to straw men



First we have to look at our own life...

...and only if we are without sin, can we cast the first stone.

We might not be gay...
...so it is easy to single out gays for hellfire

...that makes us safe, but it also makes us hypocrites too.
:AMR: We're not homos. :granite:

2 Pe 3:5, Eze 33:11


Should Christians Judge? By Bob Enyart


New member
1 Cor. 6:14

or is it 2 Cor 6:14?

well, in any case, one of those tells us not to have anything to do with those who go their own way, rather than the way of Christ

Then there are psgs like this

"Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness..."



no idea what your point is

God is best able to rule and reign over man. He made us. He knows what's best for us. We are going to learn that.

...Bottom is not always

"Sin will take you farther than you ever expected to go; it will keep you longer than you ever intended to stay, and it will cost you more than you ever expected to pay." ~ Deeper Still Event Series


Well-known member
how about something much deeper and disconcerting than a friendship, a pastor and a gay wedding. let's talk about FAMILY allowing and watching a close relative continue to behave and think self-destructive. what if a family and clergy and medical professionals know the truth and do not treat or ignore conditions and facts ?

what if the truth of family history and the truth of a person's life has been withheld and secrets are kept ? information affecting all areas i.e physical, mental, spiritual and heredity. known but never shared. all the while, attending several gay funerals and weddings - what's up with that ?
I doubt that we humans can ever really achieve unconditional love. To do so would mean loving someone regardless of what they think, what they say, and how they behave toward us, others, and the world in general. We might claim we can do that, but I suspect that's only because the claim isn't really being tested.

About loving people who are self-destructive, and determining when it's right for us to 'step in' and take their autonomy away from them, for their own sakes, I'm not sure this is a equation of love. I think it's a question of personal autonomy vs. collective responsibility. That's already a very difficult question to answer without muddying up the waters with the idea of unconditional love.


New member
I doubt that we humans can ever really achieve unconditional love. ve.

i love others unconditionally

i just don't LIKE them...

and admittedly, it is very hard (virtually impossible) to LOVE someone you don't like... although some females, in romance... find this kind of dynamic to be no problem...

but i digress...

anyhow... i love all humans... i pray for people i can't stand...
But i refuse to become closely involved with someone who is deep sin, doesn't love Jesus...


that's what you call STUPID
