Unconditional Election vs. Total Depravity

Grosnick Marowbe

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Clete, You do not understand or appreciate the basic Bible doctrines about God and His glory.
Many will agree with your argument which does not make it valid. May God open your eyes and heart to see the truth.
Multitudes of Christians and theologians exalt man above God today when they seek to impugn the truth of God concerning election, predestination and justice.

What you're REALLY saying is, "Unless you agree with the tenets of Calvinism, you're on the wrong path."


Well-known member
You're wrong, Clete. You don't understand Reformed theology, but you certainly parrot false concepts of Reformed theology.
At the core of our difference is the fact that you harbor in your heart the belief that you are a good person. You imagine that God looks upon you and finds good in your nature.
I harbor no such imaginations. I know the Bible tells us our sins are as red as scarlet and only Jesus makes us white as snow. I know that as I type, I do so with a corrupted nature that needed to be ransomed from the junk heap. I understand that I am as corrupt as the next person in that junk heap and I have no idea why God would choose to ransom me and not everyone. That reason is harbored by God and God only knows the answer. All I know is that God has provided amazing grace to this corrupted person. I don't know why.
If this bothers you, take it up with the King and see what he has written. This conflict is not between you and me. This conflict is between you and God.

The awareness we all perceive with isn't good or evil anymore than fire that can keep your house warm or burn it down, the canard of religious programming/creeds is based on separation of the total spectrum that we are, look at your own self abasement inbred into your perceptions by generations of governed mentalist programming wearing a diversity of labels, to brow beat your will into burning down your house so others can rebuild it in their likeness and perceptions/junk that dwells in your mind producing a false dual minded perception of who you actually are Galatians 4:1.

Your dual mentally is telling yourself you came from the junk yard when that's just a programming of false perceptions to keep you spreading that dead letter lie of dependency on something outside your awareness Ephesians 5:14, or stay asleep in junk theology Hebrews 6:1-5.


New member
The awareness we all perceive with isn't good or evil anymore than fire that can keep your house warm or burn it down, the canard of religious programming/creeds is based on separation of the total spectrum that we are, look at your own self abasement inbred into your perceptions by generations of governed mentalist programming wearing a diversity of labels, to brow beat your will into burning down your house so others can rebuild it in their likeness and perceptions/junk that dwells in your mind producing a false dual minded perception of who you actually are Galatians 4:1.

Your dual mentally is telling yourself you came from the junk yard when that's just a programming of false perceptions to keep you spreading that dead letter lie of dependency on something outside your awareness Ephesians 5:14, or stay asleep in junk theology Hebrews 6:1-5.
Zeke, do you wear a tinfoil hat?


New member
Calvinism (Reformed theology) is a DREADFUL replacement for the truth of the Gospel of the grace of God, as taught/preached by the Apostle Paul.

God's truth is offensive. The Apostolic gospel has been replaced: the sovereignty of God in salvation with the sovereignty of human free will.

What you call the dreadful replacement of Calvinism teaches the true biblical apostolic gospel.

So called Calvinism is the only theology today that teaches the apostolic gospel.


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God's truth is offensive. The Apostolic gospel has been replaced: the sovereignty of God in salvation with the sovereignty of human free will.

What you call the dreadful replacement of Calvinism teaches the true biblical apostolic gospel.

So called Calvinism is the only theology today that teaches the apostolic gospel.

Now prove it. Oh, you didn't know about onus probandi? Now you do.


New member
What you're REALLY saying is, "Unless you agree with the tenets of Calvinism, you're on the wrong path."

I am not talking about 'Calvinism'. I am talking about the sovereignty of God in salvation.

The glory of God is expressed in the doctrines of election, predestination and all the attributes of God.

Forget the label 'Calvinism' and accept the apostolic doctrines of the Bible.


New member
I don't care for your latin phrases. If you want proof then you will find it written clearly on every page of the New Testament. There is great need to contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints!


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I don't care for your latin phrases. If you want proof then you will find it written clearly on every page of the New Testament. There is great need to contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints!
Was talking about this:

So called Calvinism is the only theology today that teaches the apostolic gospel.


New member
I am not talking about 'Calvinism'. I am talking about the sovereignty of God in salvation.

The glory of God is expressed in the doctrines of election, predestination and all the attributes of God.

Forget the label 'Calvinism' and accept the apostolic doctrines of the Bible.
You have walked into a hornet's nest of open theology maroon's who cannot accept the Sovereignty of God. If they did, they would have to lay down their own scepters and step off the "Yertle the Turtle" thrones they have erected for themselves.


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You have walked into a hornet's nest of open theology maroon's who cannot accept the Sovereignty of God. If they did, they would have to lay down their own scepters and step off the "Yertle the Turtle" thrones they have erected for themselves.
MennoSota, Could you please define what sovereign means?


New member
MennoSota, Could you please define what sovereign means?
There are no limits to God’s rule. This is part of what it means to be God. He is sovereign over the whole world, and everything that happens in it. He is never helpless, never frustrated, never at a loss. And in Christ, God’s awesome, sovereign providence is the place we feel most reverent, most secure, most free.

God Is Sovereign over the Universe

Whenever God acts, he acts in a way that pleases him. God is never constrained to do a thing that he despises. He is never backed into a corner where his only recourse is to do something he hates to do. He does whatever he pleases.

God Is Sovereign over Salvation

Jesus died not only to offer salvation to the world, but also to bring his people to himself, to overcome their rebellion, and to gather them omnipotently to himself.

God Is Sovereign over Our Suffering

The ultimate reason that suffering exists in the universe is so that Christ might display the greatness of the glory of the grace of God by suffering in himself to overcome our suffering.

God Is Sovereign over His Global Mission

The risen and reigning King of kings and Lord of lords rules over this world and over his mission with absolute sovereignty. Nothing is outside his sovereign will. If he meets with resistance, he either allows it for his purposes, or he overcomes it for his purposes.



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The 'Calvinist belief-system' is illogical/unreasonable at best. I believe God is meticulously rational/logical.

Other belief systems agree that we inherit Adam's sin, sinfulness, fallen nature and are condemned from conception or birth...I reject this as worse than unreasonable for anyone let alone HIS Bride.

Other systems also contend that HE knew before they were created who would end in hell BUT CREATED THEM ANYWAY! This too is too unreasonable to believe yet it is a universal Christian constant, sigh.


Well-known member
God compromising on punishing sinners is the only reason for Jesus to die on the cross.
Any other reason would be an injustice.

There was no compromise! There was justice, and though justice for the elect sinners is different from the justice for non-elect sinners due to HIS promise before anyone sinned - there was no compromise of love nor justice.


Well-known member
Saul/Paul was not a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jacob was chosen in the womb BEFORE he did anything right or wrong.

Still not accepting the FACT that the bible says he and Esau were trying to crush each other to pieces, ie, murder each other, in the womb! If Paul knew this word was used in this verse, and it is inconceivable he did not, then he was lying about them not yet having done any good or evil works ...Or...
he knew they had been created innocent pre-conception and is telling us that election was before anyone's sin. No works of a sinner has any influence upon their election or non-election, but since pre-conception works are excluded from this stricture as Paul hinted, we can see that the choices of ingenuous innocents pre-earth CAN / MAY have been the cause for the election of some and the non-election of others..


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Still not accepting the FACT that the bible says he and Esau were trying to crush each other to pieces, ie, murder each other, in the womb! If Paul knew this word was used in this verse, and it is inconceivable he did not, then he was lying about them not yet having done any good or evil works ...Or...
he knew they had been created innocent pre-conception and is telling us that election was before anyone's sin. No works of a sinner has any influence upon their election or non-election, but since pre-conception works are excluded from this stricture as Paul hinted, we can see that the choices of ingenuous innocents pre-earth CAN / MAY have been the cause for the election of some and the non-election of others..