Ukraine Crisis

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Pearl has some interesting reasons why women should not be allowed to vote. (6 minutes)

If you play it at 2x it only takes 3 minutes. She makes some valid points.

Personally I don't think anybody should vote unless they can pass a civics exam and demonstrate an ability to reason


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There was no provocation for Putin to invade so your answer here says it all. More than sadly enough.
Back in 1990 the US and Germany told Gorbachev that if he would dissolve the Warsaw pact, end the cold war and Germany reunified, NATO WOULD NOT MOVE ONE INCH EASTWARD.


That was a massive lie. Since that time NATO has continued to expand eastward to Ukraine which is right on Russia's border. It would be like Russia forming a military alliance with Mexico. The United States would not stand for it.

Putin was wrong for invading Ukraine but to say he was unprovoked is ignorant.
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Back in 1990 the US and Germany told Gorbachev that if he would dissolve the Warsaw pact, end the cold war and Germany reunified, NATO WOULD NOT MOVE ONE INCH EASTWARD.


That was a massive lie. Since that time NATO has continued to expand eastward to Ukraine which is right on Russia's border. It would be like Russia forming a military alliance with Mexico. The United States would not stand for it.

Putin was wrong for invading Ukraine but to say he was unprovoked is ignorant.
The Russian regime is an autocracy, it is evil. It might not appear very different from good regimes like ours. But even evil regimes can enter NATO. At the very least NATO countries are not going to invade other NATO countries. We know that much; and we know that's as good a defense against WWIII ever starting as we have for available options.

I myself recommend we America restart and resume a peaceful, bilateral annexation campaign with the multi-generational goal of bringing the whole world under the control of our Constitution, which will end the threat of WWIII permanently in the nuclear age.

North Korea? Iran? Russia? China? We want them all to be Americans. Then there will be no more WWIII threat, and all nuclear weapons will be under the control of the Constitution.

But in the meantime, we know that one NATO country will not invade another NATO country. This is a pretty good idea in international relations in the nuclear age. How else can you reliably get other people /countries who have nuclear bombs to only ever use them the right way?


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Gold Subscriber
The Russian regime is an autocracy, it is evil. It might not appear very different from good regimes like ours. But even evil regimes can enter NATO. At the very least NATO countries are not going to invade other NATO countries. We know that much; and we know that's as good a defense against WWIII ever starting as we have for available options.

I myself recommend we America restart and resume a peaceful, bilateral annexation campaign with the multi-generational goal of bringing the whole world under the control of our Constitution, which will end the threat of WWIII permanently in the nuclear age.

North Korea? Iran? Russia? China? We want them all to be Americans. Then there will be no more WWIII threat, and all nuclear weapons will be under the control of the Constitution.

But in the meantime, we know that one NATO country will not invade another NATO country. This is a pretty good idea in international relations in the nuclear age. How else can you reliably get other people /countries who have nuclear bombs to only ever use them the right way?

“You shall not remove your neighbor’s landmark, which the men of old have set, in your inheritance which you will inherit in the land that the Lord your God is giving you to possess.

Moving borders is wrong, let alone eliminating them...

Also, a one-world government is what the AntiChrist will establish.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Correction on my end, to what Jefferson said. Footage shows the "Shaman" being escorted by police,. But smaller groups being guided by tour guides from people who were with them to begin with.

Quickest links I could find.

That does nothing to undermine the blatant footage of rioters who were solely in the capitol to cause mayhem and were duly arrested, charged and sentenced. Tucker Carlson videos on Fox are a joke in themselves as is Fox.