Ukraine Crisis


Ho-hum...more Russian propaganda?
"Looks like the Biden Administration deployed Boris Johnson to scuttle a tentative peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine in spring 2022. This was never about the Ukrainian people. It was always about engineering a war against Russia. #Kennedy24"

This is not really Russian propaganda but the truth. The warmongers in the US government want to keep this war going, no matter how much damage it does to Ukraine or the Ukrainians. They are not ashamed to even use depleted uranium in this pointless war. This is a proxy war against Russia, and at the same time it is two other things: (a) a means of distraction from the massive internal destruction of America from within by Joe Biden and (b) also a means of draining the US treasury of billions, and the defense capability of the USA. When China offered to negotiate a peace it was flatly turned down. It should have been welcomed with open arms. And Zelensky is part of the problem.


Well-known member
"Looks like the Biden Administration deployed Boris Johnson to scuttle a tentative peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine in spring 2022. This was never about the Ukrainian people. It was always about engineering a war against Russia. #Kennedy24"

This is not really Russian propaganda but the truth. The warmongers in the US government want to keep this war going, no matter how much damage it does to Ukraine or the Ukrainians. They are not ashamed to even use depleted uranium in this pointless war. This is a proxy war against Russia, and at the same time it is two other things: (a) a means of distraction from the massive internal destruction of America from within by Joe Biden and (b) also a means of draining the US treasury of billions, and the defense capability of the USA. When China offered to negotiate a peace it was flatly turned down. It should have been welcomed with open arms. And Zelensky is part of the problem.
As all wars, and all who fight them are of the devil, it really doesn't matter who wins.
God will protect His children, while all around them crumble.

Do you really think Putin will stop at Ukraine if Ukraine falls?
I don't.


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As all wars, and all who fight them are of the devil, it really doesn't matter who wins.

So it wouldn't have mattered if Germany and the Axis powers won WW2? It wouldn't have mattered if the South had won the American Civil War?

It wouldn't have mattered if Britain won against America in her war for Independence?

God will protect His children, while all around them crumble.

Tell that to the Jews in Nazi Germany who were slaughtered.

Tell that to all the Christians who have been killed in muslim countries.

Tell that to the Christians murdered by the Ottoman Empire.

No, God does not intervene like you think He does.


Well-known member
So it wouldn't have mattered if Germany and the Axis powers won WW2? It wouldn't have mattered if the South had won the American Civil War?
It wouldn't have mattered if Britain won against America in her war for Independence?
Tell that to the Jews in Nazi Germany who were slaughtered.
Tell that to all the Christians who have been killed in muslim countries.
Tell that to the Christians murdered by the Ottoman Empire.
No, God does not intervene like you think He does.
None of it matters.
Men simply depended on their own strength in those, and in all wars.
Had they trusted and relied on God instead, how many may not have died?
Unconverted men don't trust God.


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None of it matters.

Because you say so?

Men simply depended on their own strength in those, and in all wars.

Let's say you were the President of the US when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. How would you have responded to that attack?

Had they trusted and relied on God instead,

Why do you think the people in the above examples did not, in fact, rely on God?

how many may not have died?

How many children have been slaughtered in the womb because Christians, instead of taking action, simply trusted and relied on God to do something about it?

Unconverted men don't trust God.

There aren't just "unconverted men" in the examples I gave, Hoping.


Do you really think Putin will stop at Ukraine if Ukraine falls?
I believe that he will. Historically Ukraine was a part of the Russian and Soviet empires. So Putin would stop with Ukraine. In fact right at the very beginning, when Putin was simply sabre rattling, there was a very good possibility of a negotiated settlement. No doubt Ukraine would have had to surrender some territory (mostly occupied by Russian speakers), but war could have have been prevented. But Biden and his gang of thugs, as well as all Western leaders, wanted this war desperately. Their sanctions against Russia were a total failure, so they thought that if they throw enough money and military hardware into Ukraine, they could defeat Russia. But that has not happened. It is still not too late for them to lose face and end this useless war. Europe is having to deal will all those Ukrainian refugees and the threat of nuclear weapons being used is still there.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I believe that he will. Historically Ukraine was a part of the Russian and Soviet empires. So Putin would stop with Ukraine. In fact right at the very beginning, when Putin was simply sabre rattling, there was a very good possibility of a negotiated settlement. No doubt Ukraine would have had to surrender some territory (mostly occupied by Russian speakers), but war could have have been prevented.
Don't you think war could have been prevented had Putin the Insane Idiot simply not invaded Ukraine?
But Biden and his gang of thugs, as well as all Western leaders, wanted this war desperately. Their sanctions against Russia were a total failure, so they thought that if they throw enough money and military hardware into Ukraine, they could defeat Russia. But that has not happened. It is still not too late for them to [save] face and end this useless war.
For "them?" What about Putin the Immense Loser? Is there still time for him to save face?
Europe is having to deal will all those Ukrainian refugees and the threat of nuclear weapons being used is still there.
And this is because of "Biden and his gang of thugs," but not Putin the Mediocre Moron?


Don't you think war could have been prevented had Putin the Insane Idiot simply not invaded Ukraine?
The insane person is Biden, not Putin. Had the West (and also the European countries along the Western border of Russia) been paying attention to Putin's policy of restoring the Soviet territories (Chechnya and Georgia to begin with), then the annexation of Crimea would not have happened. But Obama stood by while Crimea was annexed. And that was back in 2014.

But that should have been the trigger for all the countries to the West of the Russian border to build a solid line of defense along that border. They had eight years to put together a European defense pact and a solid defense barrier, while leaving NATO out of the picture. That would have effectively stopped Putin from any attempt against Ukraine. Putin sees NATO as a threat (whether or not that is realistic).


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The insane person is Biden, not Putin. Had the West (and also the European countries along the Western border of Russia) been paying attention to Putin's policy of restoring the Soviet territories (Chechnya and Georgia to begin with), then the annexation of Crimea would not have happened. But Obama stood by while Crimea was annexed. And that was back in 2014.
I am concerned that Crimea was akin to Chamberlain's appeasement, but to under this analogy not call Hitler (Putin) also insane, and only Chamberlain, is insane. None of this would have happened without Putin (Hitler).
But that should have been the trigger for all the countries to the West of the Russian border to build a solid line of defense along that border. They had eight years to put together a European defense pact and a solid defense barrier, while leaving NATO out of the picture. That would have effectively stopped Putin from any attempt against Ukraine. Putin sees NATO as a threat (whether or not that is realistic).
It's 100% realistic.


Well-known member
Because you say so?
Let's say you were the President of the US when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. How would you have responded to that attack?
Christians neither run for or are elected to offices of the US government.
Hypothetical situations don't apply to real life in Christ Jesus.
Why do you think the people in the above examples did not, in fact, rely on God?
How many children have been slaughtered in the womb because Christians, instead of taking action, simply trusted and relied on God to do something about it?
There aren't just "unconverted men" in the examples I gave, Hoping.
If you wonder why I am not concerned with the things of this world, it may be because I am no longer of this world.
You can make the same claim, if you have crucified your old you and been raised with Christ to walk in newness of life. (Rom 6:3-7)


Well-known member
I believe that he will. Historically Ukraine was a part of the Russian and Soviet empires. So Putin would stop with Ukraine. In fact right at the very beginning, when Putin was simply sabre rattling, there was a very good possibility of a negotiated settlement. No doubt Ukraine would have had to surrender some territory (mostly occupied by Russian speakers), but war could have have been prevented. But Biden and his gang of thugs, as well as all Western leaders, wanted this war desperately. Their sanctions against Russia were a total failure, so they thought that if they throw enough money and military hardware into Ukraine, they could defeat Russia. But that has not happened. It is still not too late for them to lose face and end this useless war. Europe is having to deal will all those Ukrainian refugees and the threat of nuclear weapons being used is still there.
Your belief doesn't mirror Russian history.
If Ukraine falls, Putin will try wresting back all the lands freed from Russian dominion since the end of the Soviet imperialism.
Who would stop him?


Don't you think war could have been prevented had Putin the Insane Idiot simply not invaded Ukraine?
Absolutely. And had the West been serious about a peaceful settlement, the political leaders in the West would have made every effort to seek one. The West could have arranged for an honest supervised referendum in the Russian-speaking region of Donbas (Donetsk and Luhansk) to determine if those people wanted to be under Russia. And long before Putin started getting ready for an invasion. But Biden and all the Western leaders desperately wanted war in the Ukraine, and Biden made every effort to get Putin to attack (including insulting him for no reason). Even now, nobody is talking about a peace, but everyone is talking about more warfare.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Absolutely. And had the West been serious about a peaceful settlement, the political leaders in the West would have made every effort to seek one. The West could have arranged for an honest supervised referendum in the Russian-speaking region of Donbas (Donetsk and Luhansk) to determine if those people wanted to be under Russia. And long before Putin started getting ready for an invasion. But Biden and all the Western leaders desperately wanted war in the Ukraine, and Biden made every effort to get Putin to attack (including insulting him for no reason). Even now, nobody is talking about a peace, but everyone is talking about more warfare.
"Every Western leader desperately wanted war in Ukraine"?!

For what exactly? What purpose? How was anyone let alone Biden making "every effort" to get Putin to attack?

Are you just yet another far right wingnut who spews crap all over the place in want of support? Hey, you'll fit right in on here nowadays if so so kind of a silly question really. Have fun!


For what exactly? What purpose? How was anyone let alone Biden making "every effort" to get Putin to attack?
Why don't you go back to see the shenanigans by Western leaders even before Putin attacked Ukraine. That's where the answer lies. Here's the reality from back in September 2022 when the West opposed a peaceful settlement:

“Russian and Ukrainian negotiators appeared to have tentatively agreed on the outlines of a negotiated interim settlement,” wrote Fiona Hill and Angela Stent. “Russia would withdraw to its position on February 23, when it controlled part of the Donbas region and all of Crimea, and in exchange, Ukraine would promise not to seek NATO membership and instead receive security guarantees from a number of countries.”

The news highlights the impact of former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s efforts to stop negotiations, as journalist Branko Marcetic noted on Twitter. The decision to scuttle the deal coincided with Johnson’s April visit to Kyiv, during which he reportedly urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to break off talks with Russia for two key reasons: Putin cannot be negotiated with, and the West isn’t ready for the war to end.

Did you get that? "The West isn't ready for the war to end". Imagine wanting to keep a war going rather than establish peace? Do you see how sick that was? And who says Putin cannot be negotiated with? Did anyone even try to sit down with him?


Well-known member
I believe that he will. Historically Ukraine was a part of the Russian and Soviet empires. So Putin would stop with Ukraine. In fact right at the very beginning, when Putin was simply sabre rattling, there was a very good possibility of a negotiated settlement. No doubt Ukraine would have had to surrender some territory (mostly occupied by Russian speakers), but war could have have been prevented. But Biden and his gang of thugs, as well as all Western leaders, wanted this war desperately. Their sanctions against Russia were a total failure, so they thought that if they throw enough money and military hardware into Ukraine, they could defeat Russia. But that has not happened. It is still not too late for them to lose face and end this useless war. Europe is having to deal will all those Ukrainian refugees and the threat of nuclear weapons being used is still there.
That would be the Russian version of events, for sure.
Including the predicted "he will".
How do you think Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, and the rest of the old Iron Curtain countries feel?


How do you think Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, and the rest of the old Iron Curtain countries feel?
Well here's the thing. Since 2014 (when Crimea was annexed) the following countries to the West of Russia could have avoided NATO, and formed their own defense alliance against Russian invasion (knowing the history of the Russian bear): Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine. But even the Czech Republic and Slovenia could have joined them. Belarus would remain an ally of Russia, but Russia would not be going up against such a powerful alliance.