Ukraine Crisis

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
@User Name Can you find someone who says Bush was in the right to invade Iraq (on the other side of the planet I might add) under the pretense of Iraq having weapons of mass destruction?
There'll be plenty who do no doubt but he wasn't, and nor for that matter were members of that coalition who went ahead with that war including the UK administration of the time. It was an atrocity and had squat to do with finding WMD or liberating the people of Iraq.

Now how about you flat out condemn the Russian despot Putin without deflection and with no excuse or apology for his actions? Can you do that?
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're the one making nonsense, unsubstantiated accusations. When Jeff starts doing that, I'll talk to him about it.
Have you even read through any of this thread, even the last ten or so pages?

UN is doing nothing of the sort and if you're not up to speed then scroll back and start getting there...


Staff member
Super Moderator
Putin is the aggressor here. He is the one in the wrong. He is the one who is evil. We're in the right.
You are actually asking someone like me if I think we are right for violating George Washington's warning against getting involved in entangling alliances. You're kidding, right?


Staff member
Super Moderator
Now how about you flat out condemn the Russian despot Putin without deflection and with no excuse or apology for his actions? Can you do that?
If Russia was in the process of overthrowing the pro-American government in Montreal and installing a pro-Russian government there, do you think the US would be justified in having a problem with that?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
@User Name Can you find someone who says Bush was in the right to invade Iraq (on the other side of the planet I might add) under the pretense of Iraq having weapons of mass destruction?
I say that. They might have been overexcited but I believe that at the time, they believed Hussein had WMD, they were just wrong.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If Russia was in the process of overthrowing the pro-American government in Montreal and installing a pro-Russian government there, do you think the US would be justified in having a problem with that?
That wasn't an answer to my question but more deflection. Do you condemn the actions of the mass murdering despot Putin without excuse or not? Yes or no?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
If Russia was in the process of overthrowing the pro-American government in Montreal and installing a pro-Russian government there, do you think the US would be justified in having a problem with that?
Russia is in the process of overthrowing the pro-Ukrainian government of Ukraine, and it is failing badly. Halleluja!

Are you justified in having a problem with that? No, you aren't.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I say that. They might have been overexcited but I believe that at the time, they believed Hussein had WMD, they were just wrong.
There was plenty of intelligence that showed no such thing and there was steadfast opposition to the war from many sides. There was some more than shady stuff going on with this:

On 13 November 2003, Gun was charged with an offence under section 1 of the Official Secrets Act 1989.[10] Her case became a cause célèbre among activists, and many people stepped forward to urge the government to drop the case. Among them were Reverend Jesse Jackson, Daniel Ellsberg (the US government official who leaked the Pentagon Papers), and Congressman Dennis Kucinich.[11]

The case came to court on 25 February 2004. Within half an hour, the case was dropped because the prosecution declined to offer evidence.[12] At the time, the reasons for the Attorney-General to drop the case were murky. The day before the trial, Gun's defence team had asked the government for any records of legal advice about the lawfulness of the war that it had received during the run-up to the war. A full trial might have exposed any such documents to public scrutiny, as the defence was expected to argue that trying to stop an unlawful war of aggression outweighed Gun's obligations under the Official Secrets Act. Gun was defended by Alex Bailin KC.[13] Speculation was rife in the media that the prosecution service had bowed to political pressure to drop the case so that any such documents would remain secret.[12] A government spokesman said that the decision to drop the case had been made before the defence's demands had been submitted.[12] The Guardian newspaper had reported plans to drop the case the previous week.[14] On the day of the court hearing, Gun said, "I'm just baffled in the 21st century we as human beings are still dropping bombs on each other as a means to resolve issues."[12] In May 2019 The Guardian stated the case was dropped "when the prosecution realised that evidence would emerge ... that even British government lawyers believed the invasion was unlawful."[15]

In September 2019 Ken Macdonald, the former director of public prosecutions, said the dropping of the case against Gun was not to stop the Attorney General's advice on the legality of the Iraq War from being revealed. He stated that Gun would not have received a fair trial without the disclosure of information that would have compromised national security. Gavin Hood, the director of Official Secrets, expressed scepticism about Macdonald's statement and called for the declassification of the official documents referred to by Macdonald.[16]

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... they believed Hussein had WMD ...

They were right, he did.

Not of the yellow cake depleted uranium fissionable material sort that everybody was excited about, but he definitely had biologicals. He had stockpiles of biologicals left over from when he used them on Iranian soldiers, and much more recently when he used them on his own Kurds. He had an active and ongoing program of developing more of the same, and he had the Al-Samoud program, which met the UN classification for WMDs.


Well-known member
They were right, he did.

Not of the yellow cake depleted uranium fissionable material sort that everybody was excited about, but he definitely had biologicals. He had stockpiles of biologicals left over from when he used them on Iranian soldiers, and much more recently when he used them on his own Kurds. He had an active and ongoing program of developing more of the same, and he had the Al-Samoud program, which met the UN classification for WMDs.
That and the fact he had just over-run Kuwait.
Like Putin is trying to do in Ukraine.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Russia is in the process of overthrowing the pro-Ukrainian government of Ukraine, and it is failing badly. Halleluja!

Are you justified in having a problem with that? No, you aren't.
Was that a yes or a no?