Uh oh, Canada :(

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... a U.K. medical journal considered, positively, the “ethics” of actual child euthanasia without parental consent. And now, because ideas influence and “progress” marches on, it’s reported that this very idea is being studied by a Canadian parliamentary committee, a step toward it becoming law.

Canada is already being called “a world leader in euthanasia,” with the nation — whose population is lower than California’s — killing more than 10,000 people via “assisted” suicide last year alone and 31,000 since 2016. Of course, though, only hapless souls in mortal pain and at death’s door could possibly get the Kevorkian treatment, right? Hardly.

From the article:

Sixty-three-year-old Alan Philips, who has lived with chronic pain for almost two decades, recently got approved for assisted suicide after trying for eighteen years to get spinal fusion surgery to relieve his agony. He cannot get the surgery and has been prescribed opioids instead. “I cannot get adequate healthcare,” he said. “I am fed opioids and left to kill myself. So I asked MAID … to kill me and they said ‘sure’!”


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... a U.K. medical journal considered, positively, the “ethics” of actual child euthanasia without parental consent. And now, because ideas influence and “progress” marches on, it’s reported that this very idea is being studied by a Canadian parliamentary committee, a step toward it becoming law.

Canada is already being called “a world leader in euthanasia,” with the nation — whose population is lower than California’s — killing more than 10,000 people via “assisted” suicide last year alone and 31,000 since 2016. Of course, though, only hapless souls in mortal pain and at death’s door could possibly get the Kevorkian treatment, right? Hardly.

Imagine the devastation little Jimmy's parents will feel when they come to pick him up from school one day only to find that he had been transported to a facility and been murdered by people who claim to have "assisted" in his "suicide," because his girlfriend broke up with him for some other boy and he, being taught by his teachers to hide things from his parents, had no one to talk to about it, and so decided, since it had become legal recently, for children to kill themselves without parental consent, and to even have help doing it.

What a horror we have unleashed upon the world.

way 2 go

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way 2 go

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During the pandemic, several doctors in the Canadian province of British Columbia (BC) hit the headlines for opposing Covid measures. State-sanctioned medical authorities responded by warning physicians that if they “put the public at risk with misinformation,” they may face investigations and regulatory action. Now, just 18 months later, these threats from medical authorities have evolved into a sweeping piece of legislation that includes two-year jail sentences for doctors who are deemed to be spreading certain types of “false or misleading information.”

The new legislation, Bill 36 — Health Professions and Occupations Act (HPOA), was approved by the legislature last Thursday and immediately received Royal Assent. A Cabinet order will determine when it comes into force.

These combined powers can be used to jail, fine, and suspend doctors who are deemed to have spread certain types of “false or misleading information to patients or the public” and force doctors to get vaccinated as a condition of being eligible to practice. These powers are outlined in sections 259, 514, 518, 506, 511, and 200.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Looks pretty obvious that Canada's losing control. For the sake of justice, law and order, and for the children, we should start negotiating a voluntary annexation. (Isn't that what everybody's thinking?)

We'd more then double our territory, and only increase our population by like 10%. As the Earth warms, more and more of Canada will be resort destination. Most of them already speak English as their native tongue. Plus I'm pretty sure Putin would hate it.

For all these reasons. Canada needs to be America too.

way 2 go

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Liberal Justice Minister David Lametti said:
Remember that suicide generally is available to people. This is a group within the population who, for physical and possibly mental reasons, can't make that choice to do it themselves. Ultimately, this provides a more humane way for them to make a decision they otherwise would have made if they were able in some other way.