Uh oh, Canada :(

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Other than revealing themselves to be tyrants, this doesn't have any real effect. They aren't freezing the crypto accounts. They can't. They're stopping the traditional brick-and-mortar financial institutions from accepting funds from a very few specific crypto accounts. And there's nothing stopping crypto account holders from transferring their funds into another crypto account.

The level of dumb is impressive


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Step 1. Trudeau assumes the unilateral power to seize the bank accounts of anybody who opposes him.

Step 2. Canadians lose trust in banks, remove all their money from banks.

Step 3. Canadian banks fail.

Step 4. Canadian economy collapses.

Step 5. In face of national crisis, and declaring "it's only temporary I promise", Trudeau declares himself Emperor.



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Wouldn't it be grand if the citizenry rose up against this fascism and overthrew the Trudeau government?

It would be wrong.

What they're doing with this peaceful protest is the best thing they can do, morally and practically.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It would be wrong.

What they're doing with this peaceful protest is the best thing they can do, morally and practically.
I don't mean physically. Force a vote of no confidence.

Unfortunately polls suggest that two-thirds of Canadians approve of their government's action

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The decent citizens of Canada ...
Used to support the working man
have been vaccinated out of respect for health care workers
Is that the latest trending reason why we should be vaccinated?
if not out of self-respect.
Sorry I have too much respect for myself to put into my bloodstream an unproven untested ineffective "vaccine"
And they are likely at work,
Probably not
while the police
aka Truditler's brownshirts
finally remove these bullies.
bullies 😅

Good one!

Bullies with bouncy castles 😂😂

way 2 go

Well-known member


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