Uh oh, Canada :(

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Trudeau: Comply with our mandates! It's the only way to protect people from getting covid!

In other news:


way 2 go

Well-known member

Sask. premier to end province's vaccine mandate, reacts to Ottawa protest – January 31, 2022​

1 province down
(PEI has quarantine for out of province)
8 to go
+ fed mandates

Screenshot_2022-01-31 Provinces and territories of Canada.png

78% of cases vaxed so no point to the vax pass
,there never was but that's obvious now
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way 2 go

Well-known member
Trudeau Demands Truckers Get Vaccinated Like He Did So They Don't Catch COVID Like He Did

OTTAWA—As truckers continue to march on Canada's capital to very politely ask for their human rights back, Trudeau is doubling down on his position



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
As with other countries like England and the US, elections are decided in Canada not by the 'party base', but by independents, who are not 'locked' into supporting just one political party. There are party bases in all these other democracies just like we have, and very rarely does a party base constitute over 50% of the electorate, in such a case there either must arise a new party to compete, with a wholly different platform, or the country will become a 'single party' state, like China and North Korea. While I feel confident that such a thing would never happen here, because of our terrific Constitution, I am not so sure that one of our democratic 'cousins' will all necessarily prevent a single party state from appearing again (like did in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany----Nazi party was the single party in the latter case). I don't see it in their constitutions, the defense against such a political situation.

But here and currently in Canada, all politicians are vying for the independent voters (voters who aren't just guaranteed to vote one party right down every ballot), while at least placating their base (who are going to vote for them regardless, basically).

It will be interesting to see how Canada's independents vote in the next national election.

way 2 go

Well-known member

link to video evidence before after