U.S influence in the world drops to new low

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So you want a citation. Well, I'll give you several of them all pointing to the same poll. Oh, and I guess the Royal Institute of International Affairs is a bunch of far right loons to you.





I guess all above sources are far right nut cases in your mind. They must be cabbage headed idiots. And to think that you imply that 55% of Europeans are asinine nutball haters. I'd say you think far worse of your fellow Europeans than I do. ;)

Oh, wow, 'The Daily Mail' and 'The Sun', two examples of journalistic integrity at its 'finest'. :plain: In the UK they're tabloid press dude, like consulting an astrology chart to find out what time it is... Do you seriously think that "Britain First" & the like are given even remote credence in the UK? Do you even know anything about the movement your president seems to like so much? Sure, there's concerns over immigration but if you think 55% of Europeans are supportive of Trump, his tweets and measures then you'll just gladly lap up any poll that'll confirm it. You might even think he's considered the best president since PJ's latest thread...

I have to laugh at your determination that I am physically afraid of the Koran being read. One what basis do you determine that? If some unarmed Muslim was reading the Koran in public I'd be far more likely to go talk to him than run from him. In fact, the chances of me running from him and panicking are absolutely zero. I have had discussions about the Koran and the Bible with Muslims. They were interesting, and I enjoyed them. I don't see a Muslim reading from the book he believes is inspired a terrorizing event. Not at all.

Where exactly did I say that you would be 'physically afraid' of the Quran being read? And lets just put things in a bit more perspective here. The people on a crowded tube train would likely have no idea whether this ranting crank was armed or not or possibly wired to a bomb. How are they supposed to determine whether it's just a simple zealot "preaching" in the wrong place or a nut who's got some explosives going on under his coat? Get this dude, the chances of you being able to walk to anyone during commuting hours on London's tube are practically zero on a train itself. So we are not talking about you being fully aware of some Muslim preacher being unarmed where the pair of you can have a comfy chat in a cafe or whatnot.

So what the Bible actually says scares a cross section of the English population and to you only a "doomsday nut" would believe sit and say these things in public. How are you any different than all those panicked people running from a lone unarmed man who when asked to stop reading did so.

Oh, seriously, get a grip. This had nothing to do with what "the bible says" but rather the rantings of some guy on a packed train who may or may not have been armed with who knows what. The tube has been the target of nutters before so stop trying to make out that this had anything to do with people being scared of any sort of religious teaching, that's just pathetic.

As to what I bolded out of your post, well, I find it hard to imagine that a random passenger carload of people on a random train during rush hour is not representative of the English population. There is a very wide cross section of the population on any public transporation. To say it doesn't represent a cross section of the population in a nation and city that uses rail as a major form of transportation is kind of odd. Or, are you asserting that only the mentally unstable, the fearful, those ignorant of all things Christian, etc... are the vast majority of the English population that use the rail system for transportation? It seems like it's either that or of the 850,000+ people that ride the train in London this one lone car that was full of idiots who just happened to get on the same car at the same time. I'd say that statiscally any random carload of passengers contains a pretty representative cross section of the British population.

Addressed above, and as to your bolded, then either get a grip or stop being willfully and deliberately dishonest. If you think Christianity embodies ranting on about homosexuality and death on crowded public transport then you're just another far right zealot, all too eager to condemn people for being understandably concerned for their safety. In case that still hasn't computed, people aren't afraid of what you consider the bible teaches but rather an unhinged guy who happens to treat a crowded carriage as his own personal pulpit who could have been on the verge of "going off".

Gary K

New member
Oh, wow, 'The Daily Mail' and 'The Sun', two examples of journalistic integrity at its 'finest'. :plain: In the UK they're tabloid press dude, like consulting an astrology chart to find out what time it is... Do you seriously think that "Britain First" & the like are given even remote credence in the UK? Do you even know anything about the movement your president seems to like so much? Sure, there's concerns over immigration but if you think 55% of Europeans are supportive of Trump, his tweets and measures then you'll just gladly lap up any poll that'll confirm it. You might even think he's considered the best president since PJ's latest thread...

Where exactly did I say that you would be 'physically afraid' of the Quran being read? And lets just put things in a bit more perspective here. The people on a crowded tube train would likely have no idea whether this ranting crank was armed or not or possibly wired to a bomb. How are they supposed to determine whether it's just a simple zealot "preaching" in the wrong place or a nut who's got some explosives going on under his coat? Get this dude, the chances of you being able to walk to anyone during commuting hours on London's tube are practically zero on a train itself. So we are not talking about you being fully aware of some Muslim preacher being unarmed where the pair of you can have a comfy chat in a cafe or whatnot.

Oh, seriously, get a grip. This had nothing to do with what "the bible says" but rather the rantings of some guy on a packed train who may or may not have been armed with who knows what. The tube has been the target of nutters before so stop trying to make out that this had anything to do with people being scared of any sort of religious teaching, that's just pathetic.

Addressed above, and as to your bolded, then either get a grip or stop being willfully and deliberately dishonest. If you think Christianity embodies ranting on about homosexuality and death on crowded public transport then you're just another far right zealot, all too eager to condemn people for being understandably concerned for their safety. In case that still hasn't computed, people aren't afraid of what you consider the bible teaches but rather an unhinged guy who happens to treat a crowded carriage as his own personal pulpit who could have been on the verge of "going off".

I just wrote you a long reply and when I tried to post it TOL had logged me out and I lost the entire post. I'll have to reply later as I can't do it now.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I just wrote you a long reply and when I tried to post it TOL had logged me out and I lost the entire post. I'll have to reply later as I can't do it now.

Ah, can happen. Do you not have the option of clicking on a box to keep you signed in when logging on? I click it each time and that keeps me logged in until I log out or close all tabs.


Well-known member
There is a difference between actual US influence in the world, and popular opinion of what that influence is.



U.S influence in the world drops to new low

Senate Majority Leader McConnell stated last week that it was a "fool's" errand" to introduce legislation on DACA until the President informed him of his position on the matter!

If McConnell doesn't know where the President stands on important matters, where does that put America's allies with respect to US foreign policy?

Many of the key positions in the State Department and ambassadorships still remain unfilled - not because of Democrats obstruction, but the failure of the Trump Administration to submit names of appointees and the fact that "the smartest and the best" just don't want their names to be associated with this President!