U.S influence in the world drops to new low

The Barbarian


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- One year into Donald Trump's presidency, the image of U.S. leadership is weaker worldwide than it was under his two predecessors. Median approval of U.S. leadership across 134 countries and areas stands at a new low of 30%, according to a new Gallup report.

The most recent approval rating, based on Gallup World Poll surveys conducted between March and November last year, is down 18 percentage points from the 48% approval rating in the last year of President Barack Obama's administration, and is four points lower than the previous low of 34% in the last year of President George W. Bush's administration.


Gary K

New member
Oh, yeah. The most important thing in the world is to be popular. You just have to fit in. If you don't, oh, how terrible. Sacrifice anything and everything including your self respect, but by all means, fit in. Make yourself agreeable no matter how much it costs in money, self respect, dignity, sacrifice of principle, etc..... Just fit in.

patrick jane

Oh, yeah. The most important thing in the world is to be popular. You just have to fit in. If you don't, oh, how terrible. Sacrifice anything and everything including your self respect, but by all means, fit in. Make yourself agreeable no matter how much it costs in money, self respect, dignity, sacrifice of principle, etc..... Just fit in.
He's become a left wing media pundit, speaking like they do on TV. He thinks it's working. If you repeatedly say that Trump is failing, his numbers are down and the world doesn't like him, then people will believe it. He knows it's not working anymore which causes him to obsess over Trump, very similar to danoh, rex and jgarden.

The Barbarian

Oh, yeah. The most important thing in the world is to be popular.

Our national security depends on getting our allies to cooperate with us. We are losing our credibility with our friends, and that will have consequences.

You just have to fit in.

Under previous presidents, our role was to lead. Now,with an weak and confused occupant in the WH, the rest of the free world has lost confidence in America. And yes, it matters.

Where we had dignity and respect, it's going away. And that will continue to harm our nation.

patrick jane

Our national security depends on getting our allies to cooperate with us. We are losing our credibility with our friends, and that will have consequences.

Under previous presidents, our role was to lead. Now,with an weak and confused occupant in the WH, the rest of the free world has lost confidence in America. And yes, it matters.

Where we had dignity and respect, it's going away. And that will continue to harm our nation.
Nobody believes that. :rotfl:

Not one of those sentences are true.

The Barbarian

Nobody believes that. :rotfl:

Not one of those sentences are true.

It's documented by Gallup and other sources. We are no longer the leader of the free world. Trump is so unpopular in other free nations that he had to call off his trip to Great Britain, for fear of protests.

Notice that he's also lost more and more support here in America. Currently, he's running about 38% approval to about 56% disapproval.

And former supporters like Coulter and Bannon are giving up on him.

He's weak and ineffective. In spite of his party in control of both houses of Congress, he has so far only been able to get himself a huge tax cut.

Too partisan to compromise, too weak to govern.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It's documented by Gallup and other sources. We are no longer the leader of the free world. Trump is so unpopular in other free nations that he had to call off his trip to Great Britain, for fear of protests.

Notice that he's also lost more and more support here in America. Currently, he's running about 38% approval to about 56% disapproval.

And former supporters like Coulter and Bannon are giving up on him.

He's weak and ineffective. In spite of his party in control of both houses of Congress, he has so far only been able to get himself a huge tax cut.

Too partisan to compromise, too weak to govern.

Hardcore Trump supporters won't care...

Gary K

New member
Our national security depends on getting our allies to cooperate with us. We are losing our credibility with our friends, and that will have consequences.

Under previous presidents, our role was to lead. Now,with an weak and confused occupant in the WH, the rest of the free world has lost confidence in America. And yes, it matters.

Where we had dignity and respect, it's going away. And that will continue to harm our nation.

So, you call Obama running around the world apologizing for the US maintaing our dignity. Did you know David Cameron, a European politician who was supposedly very supportive of Obama calls him a narcissist who always thought of himself as the smartest guy in any room he entered? Google it. Wow. Does that engender respect world wide, for all the other poltiicans world wide had to recognize the same attribute in Obama. It's been clear to me for years that Obama is a narcissist. He was always lecturing everyone on how he was the greatest and how everyone should think and act like he does. He would call for "civility" and then absolutely smear those who opposed his policies. He saw nothing wrong with that despite his lectures on "civility". Why? Because of his own image of himself as the smartest guy ever to walk the planet. He is just like Karl Marx and Henri Saint-Simon in that respect. All three are/were contemptuous of anyone who disagreed with them and poked holes in their reasoning. All three said their critics were just too stupid to understand.

The reasons for the criticisms of Trump, for the most part, is because he is standing in opposition to the socialist agenda that all those leaders have bought into. And they all wanted the hundreds of billions, and eventually trillions, of dollars that Obama promised to seize by taxation from the average American and distribute around the world. You know, the policy of redistribution of wealth that you socialists love. Now that these so-called leaders aren't going to get all that money they're angry. So what? The US should always come first in US policy, just as any other nation should put its own citizens first in their policies. Anyone's first duty, whether they be parent or poltiician is to take care of the responsibilities they have at home before they start helping other people. We would call parents who feed the neighbor kids while their own kids don't get enough to eat abusive. The same goes for politicians. US politicians abandoned that ethical imperaative long ago, and now that a US president is once again adhering to that imperative they are bent out of shape that the gravy train is coming to an end. I say, Yippeee. Go for it Donald. Do the right thing.
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The Barbarian

So, you call Obama running around the world apologizing for the US maintaing our dignity.

Mitt Romney came up with that story. How'd it work out for him? As you see, the United States became more influential and respected under Obama, who had more influence than his predecessor and his successor. Would you like me to show you, again?

Did you know David Cameron, a European politician who was supposedly very supportive of Obama calls him a narcissist who always thought of himself as the smartest guy in any room he entered?

He once described Putin as looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom, too. So you, a completely indoctrinated Trump supporter are whining about Obama saying unkind things about other people? :) What impressed people about Obama was his effective leadership. ISIS fell apart due to Obama's coalition that combined anti-ISIS militias with U.S. air support, cutting off their financial resources, and the occasional SEAL raid to kill their leaders.

Iran abandoned its nuclear weapons program because of the coalition Obama formed to impose crippling sanctions against them.

Al-Qaeda is a ghost of its former self because Obama authorized numerous drone strikes that killed off their leadership, and a special forces raid and killed bin Laden.

So it wasn't all smiles and cooperation; sometimes it was a fist. T.R. said it: "talk softly and carry a big stick."

Does that engender respect world wide,

Yes, as the data shows.

for all the other poltiicans world wide had to recognize the same attribute in Obama. It's been clear to me for years that Obama is a narcissist. He was always lecturing everyone on how he was the greatest

Don't remember him every saying that. You just made it up?

and how everyone should think and act like he does.

Apparently, that's made up, too. Imagination is not a substitute for a grip on reality.

Because of his own image of himself as the smartest guy ever to walk the planet.

You think he called himself a "very stable genius?" I'm beginning to see from where your confusion comes.

The Barbarian

Barbarian, Every "fact" you listed is completely untrue.

Gallup documents it's data. Just go to the website. You're going to fall back on the "they're all lying" story? You guys kinda wore that one out.

Please, provide sources.

You didn't know that Obama gave the order to find and take out bin Laden? Seriously?

You didn't know that his coalition crushed ISIS in Iraq, and pushed them back in Syria?

You didn't know that he sent special forces raids into ISIS territory to take out ISIS leaders?

You didn't know that he had the CIA locate sources of ISIS money, and shut them off?

You didn't know that his drone strike program took out dozens of Al-Qaeda leaders?

Also, here is a great quote about Obama (and the left)

How nice. Now, pick one of those things everyone else has seen in the news, and I'll show you where it was documented.

patrick jane

Gallup documents it's data. Just go to the website. You're going to fall back on the "they're all lying" story? You guys kinda wore that one out.

You didn't know that Obama gave the order to find and take out bin Laden? Seriously?

You didn't know that his coalition crushed ISIS in Iraq, and pushed them back in Syria?

You didn't know that he sent special forces raids into ISIS territory to take out ISIS leaders?

You didn't know that he had the CIA locate sources of ISIS money, and shut them off?

You didn't know that his drone strike program took out dozens of Al-Qaeda leaders?

How nice. Now, pick one of those things everyone else has seen in the news, and I'll show you where it was documented.
:rotfl: Trump decimates ISIS and barbie wants Obummer to get the credit. I suppose Obummer boosted the economy and the stock market, passed tax cuts and created all the jobs too.

Gary K

New member
Respect for the US is down around the world, so says barb and Arthur. Well, let's look at that.

In Europe the Poles, Austrians, Hungarians, Romanians, Slovakians, and to a lesser degree the Italians have been agreeing with Trump on mass migration. Almost 2/3s of Danes now feel like they don't belong in the their own country. Now the Swedes are saying they need to call in their army to combat the resulting crime wave brought about by their own migration policies. In Germany there is a growing political backlash against Merkel for her immigration policies. In Finland there is a decided split on the subject, but opposition is growing to the very idea of multiculturalism and there are leading politicians speaking out against it. Also, most Greeks want no Muslim refugees. In a poll of 10000 people taken across 10 European countries 55% of people wanted this mass migration stopped now. Only 20% thought it should continue. This shows a lot of agreement with Trump's ideas on immigration among the people and a growing number of governments.

So, are these countries and people looking askance at Trump? Nope. They are agreeing with him on issues. It's a majority of the EU that is agreeing with Trump. Not everyone thinks Trump is an idiot and out of line. A high percentage of Europeans agree with him. And they agree with him because they see what this open borders idiocy does when it is implemented. Their own good sense makes them agree with Trump.

patrick jane

Respect for the US is down around the world, so says barb and Arthur. Well, let's look at that.

In Europe the Poles, Austrians, Hungarians, Romanians, Slovakians, and to a lesser degree the Italians have been agreeing with Trump on mass migration. Almost 2/3s of Danes now feel like they don't belong in the their own country. Now the Swedes are saying they need to call in their army to combat the resulting crime wave brought about by their own migration policies. In Germany there is a growing political backlash against Merkel for her immigration policies. In Finland there is a decided split on the subject, but opposition is growing to the very idea of multiculturalism and there are leading politicians speaking out against it. Also, most Greeks want no Muslim refugees. In a poll of 10000 people taken across 10 European countries 55% of people wanted this mass migration stopped now. Only 20% thought it should continue. This shows a lot of agreement with Trump's ideas on immigration among the people and a growing number of governments.

So, are these countries and people looking askance at Trump? Nope. They are agreeing with him on issues. It's a majority of the EU that is agreeing with Trump. Not everyone thinks Trump is an idiot and out of line. A high percentage of Europeans agree with him. And they agree with him because they see what this open borders idiocy does when it is implemented. Their own good sense makes them agree with Trump.
Yep. That's what I'm seeing around the world right now. America is back and everybody knows it (except the dems and the media). They still think if you say something enough it becomes true. More Americans are seeing through the smoke screen and it's reverberating around the world.
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