U.S. Christian Population in Freefall

Gary K

New member
I have to laugh at the stupidity of the arguments being put forward to "explain" the reduction in numbers of people claiming to be Christians. The main decline is in the younger generations. And those younger generations have been taught by the educational system that Christianity is not only useless, it is evil because it doesn't support homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion, denies evolution, etc.... So, all these years of being taught Christianity is irrational, corrupt, responsible for all war, racism, and hatred have nothing to do with the decline in Christianity in their generations. It's only because of Jerry Falwell and Donald Trump that Christianity is in decline.

What a joke. It's pure stupidity to make such a claim. It has no connection to reality at all.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I have to laugh at the stupidity of the arguments being put forward to "explain" the reduction in numbers of people claiming to be Christians. The main decline is in the younger generations. And those younger generations have been taught by the educational system that Christianity is not only useless, it is evil because it doesn't support homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion, denies evolution, etc.... So, all these years of being taught Christianity is irrational, corrupt, responsible for all war, racism, and hatred have nothing to do with the decline in Christianity in their generations. It's only because of Jerry Falwell and Donald Trump that Christianity is in decline.

What a joke. It's pure stupidity to make such a claim. It has no connection to reality at all.

Christianity doesn't "deny evolution", nor is it demonized in education either. Your particular version of it may come in for criticism but there's a difference between fundamentalism and Christianity anyway, certainly the more zealous form of it at any rate.

Gary K

New member
Christianity doesn't "deny evolution", nor is it demonized in education either. Your particular version of it may come in for criticism but there's a difference between fundamentalism and Christianity anyway, certainly the more zealous form of it at any rate.

LOL. So in your mind people who believe the Bible aren't really Christians. Following Jesus and the Bible is why Christians were first called Christians. Because people like me are following in their footsteps we're not really Christians.

You boggle my mind sometimes. Anyone who holds fast to the Bible can't really be a Christian because so many professed Christians have abandoned Biblical positions. Your use of logical fallacies is amazing, especially as you so obviously believe these fallacies. That should tell you something about your critical thinking skills.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
LOL. So in your mind people who believe the Bible aren't really Christians. Following Jesus and the Bible is why Christians were first called Christians. Because people like me are following in their footsteps we're not really Christians.

You boggle my mind sometimes. Anyone who holds fast to the Bible can't really be a Christian because so many professed Christians have abandoned Biblical positions. Your use of logical fallacies is amazing, especially as you so obviously believe these fallacies. That should tell you something about your critical thinking skills.

Your tendency to invent things up that people haven't actually said or implied is kinda mind boggling if hardly amazing. As before, Christianity isn't being taught as useless, nor is there anything "UnChristian" about accepting evolution et al. It's only fundamentalism that has such a hang up with science, homosexuality etc.


quip suggested:

doser spotted an error in quip's reasoning:

wait, didn't you just blame a decline in Christianity on the actions of radical mooslims who were acting in the name of islam?

seems to me that religion mattered quite a bit on 911 - one specific religion

so you're suggesting that the decline in Christianity is due to the actions of radical mooslims acting in the name of islam, causing americans, unable to differentiate between violent radical moosies and tie-wearing mormons, to reject all religion?

seems unlikely to me :idunno:

division between good and evil, yes
prejudice against evil and those who perform evil acts, yes
hate of that which is evil, yes

well, one religion

homosexuality is a crowning achievement of religion? :freak:

They don't care about your preference for Chritianity's brand of dogmatism. All they see is the hate, violence and prejudice wrought by religious dogma and sectarianism. The younger generation doesn't care for it, wants nothing to do with any of it. It's a relic of the past...hence Christianity is in decline.

Gary K

New member
Your tendency to invent things up that people haven't actually said or implied is kinda mind boggling if hardly amazing. As before, Christianity isn't being taught as useless, nor is there anything "UnChristian" about accepting evolution et al. It's only fundamentalism that has such a hang up with science, homosexuality etc.

****rolls eyes**** Here's what you said:
Your particular version of it may come in for criticism but there's a difference between fundamentalism and Christianity anyway, certainly the more zealous form of it at any rate.

Your own words say there is a difference between "fundamentalism" and Christianity. Here is what a fundamental is:
Fundamental Fun`da*men"tal, a. [Cf. F. fondamental.]
Pertaining to the foundation or basis; serving for the
foundation. Hence: Essential, as an element, principle, or
law; important; original; elementary; as, a fundamental
truth; a fundamental axiom.
[1913 Webster]

So, yes I believe in the foundations of Christianity. I have not abandoned them as much of Christianity has. Those who claim to be Christians and yet deny the fundamentals of Christianity are destroying the foundations of what they profess to believe. The Bible hasn't changed. It still says the same things it has for centuries so why have so many people walked away from it? Because they no longer believe the fundamentals. You know like, all scripture is given by inspiration of God. That is a fundamental truth of Christianity, for if the Bible can't be believed than what use is it? It's just another book that sometimes right and sometimes wrong and nothing to place a person's faith in.

People have become so arrogant they think they are the judges of what is true and what is false in scripture. That isn't faith. That's the same thing Adam and Eve did in the garden of Eden. They thought they knew what was right better than God did. All that happened from that thinking is the death, pain, suffering, cruelty, the inhumanity with which man treats his fellow man, and all the self-destructiveness humanity practices on a minute-by-minute basis. That is the result of taking that attitude towards God's word.

Tell me, what do you think would change in our world if everyone kept the 10 commandments. Study them and tell me what kind of society we would have as a result. Would we see murder committed on a daily/hourly basis? Would we see dishonest people? Would we be required, just for self-preservation, to lock our doors at night? Could we trust the man on the street? Would we see diseases such as HIV/AIDS, and other STDs? Would all the pain and suffering those diseases cause still affect our society? Would we see people destroying each other's lives over money/wealth? Would we see the broken families and all the pain and suffering brought about by them? Would we need to fear a knife attack while walking the streets of London?

The above list can go on almost forever. And these things are the fundamentals of Christianity. They require self-discipline, respect for others and their possessions, and that we truly love our neighbor. I hold these things at the core of my being. I am a fundamentalist. I am not an extremist. I believe what the Bible teaches. If the Bible were followed at a very fundamental level it would transform our world and make it a much, much better place to live. Unless, you think crime, murder, dishonesty, STDs, broken families, etc... are good things that shouldn't go away as they affect our society in positive ways.

That is why I am a fundamentalist. Sin is destructive. It causes us to destroy not only ourselves but our neighbors also, and I speak of neighbor in the sense that Jesus meant it in the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
****rolls eyes**** Here's what you said:

Your own words say there is a difference between "fundamentalism" and Christianity. Here is what a fundamental is:

So, yes I believe in the foundations of Christianity. I have not abandoned them as much of Christianity has. Those who claim to be Christians and yet deny the fundamentals of Christianity are destroying the foundations of what they profess to believe. The Bible hasn't changed. It still says the same things it has for centuries so why have so many people walked away from it? Because they no longer believe the fundamentals. You know like, all scripture is given by inspiration of God. That is a fundamental truth of Christianity, for if the Bible can't be believed than what use is it? It's just another book that sometimes right and sometimes wrong and nothing to place a person's faith in.

People have become so arrogant they think they are the judges of what is true and what is false in scripture. That isn't faith. That's the same thing Adam and Eve did in the garden of Eden. They thought they knew what was right better than God did. All that happened from that thinking is the death, pain, suffering, cruelty, the inhumanity with which man treats his fellow man, and all the self-destructiveness humanity practices on a minute-by-minute basis. That is the result of taking that attitude towards God's word.

Tell me, what do you think would change in our world if everyone kept the 10 commandments. Study them and tell me what kind of society we would have as a result. Would we see murder committed on a daily/hourly basis? Would we see dishonest people? Would we be required, just for self-preservation, to lock our doors at night? Could we trust the man on the street? Would we see diseases such as HIV/AIDS, and other STDs? Would all the pain and suffering those diseases cause still affect our society? Would we see people destroying each other's lives over money/wealth? Would we see the broken families and all the pain and suffering brought about by them? Would we need to fear a knife attack while walking the streets of London?

The above list can go on almost forever. And these things are the fundamentals of Christianity. They require self-discipline, respect for others and their possessions, and that we truly love our neighbor. I hold these things at the core of my being. I am a fundamentalist. I am not an extremist. I believe what the Bible teaches. If the Bible were followed at a very fundamental level it would transform our world and make it a much, much better place to live. Unless, you think crime, murder, dishonesty, STDs, broken families, etc... are good things that shouldn't go away as they affect our society in positive ways.

That is why I am a fundamentalist. Sin is destructive. It causes us to destroy not only ourselves but our neighbors also, and I speak of neighbor in the sense that Jesus meant it in the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Hmm, does "loving your neighbour" involve wanting a religious state imposed upon everyone in society where it's lawful to execute people for having homosexual relationships? To punish people for living together without being married? We already have laws that don't make light of murder, theft, rape, violent assault etc and if you think STD's would just magically disappear and everyone would live in a house surounded by a white picket fence with roses on it if your "ideal" were to come about then frankly, get a grip.

Fundamentalism is the antithesis of love. It's just strict, dogmatic religionism.


Well-known member
Hmm, does "loving your neighbour" involve wanting a religious state imposed upon everyone in society where it's lawful to execute people for having homosexual relationships? To punish people for living together without being married? We already have laws that don't make light of murder, theft, rape, violent assault etc and if you think STD's would just magically disappear and everyone would live in a house surounded by a white picket fence with roses on it if your "ideal" were to come about then frankly, get a grip.

Fundamentalism is the antithesis of love. It's just strict, dogmatic religionism.

That's it. Smack on.
It's the extremists, the fundamentalists that are reducing the numbers of folks who want to follow religion.

The idea that Christianity is a hardened theocracy of subjection and harsh punishments will drive the people far far away from it.

But there will, no doubt, always be true Christians who knew what the real message was...... love and understanding.


Well-known member

Oh Stripe! You poor thing!
Throwing a sickie again?

See what Mark wrote:-
{12:32} And the
scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth:
for there is one God; and there is none other but he: {12:33}
And to love him with all the heart, and with all the
understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the
strength, and to love [his] neighbour as himself, is more
than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. {12:34} And
when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto
him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God.

Tell me...... Is Christianity also falling in Taiwan? :)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Fundamentalism is the antithesis of love. It's just strict, dogmatic religionism.

the most extreme, strict, dogmatic fundamentalists in the United States:


hate on them all you like, they'll love you right back :)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
9/11 was the worst thing that could have happened for religion at large. Young adults grew up after the tragedy seeing radical religious fundamentalism for the hate mongering, violent, divisiveness it prides itself upon....and they're not having it. We're slowly growing out of its pathetic grasp (indoctrination) on society.


perhaps not
