If Trump were a mid-level manager at any substantial US corporation he would last about a week. Imagine working for someone who believes that the way to make your point is to call people names. He started in the campaign and continues to use that as a policy method. Much like a 5thgrader.
His knowledge of the legislative process and of world affairs is abysmal.
He lives on twitter because he can use small words and short sentences. I'll be he has real issues with commas, and semi-colons---oh my.
Tillerson was correct---he is a moron, I'll bet he lies about his golf score.
If Trump were a normal, well-adjusted adult, there would be no need for him to make repeated pronouncements, reminding the American public of his high IQ,
If he was secure within himself, the President would not feel compelled to tweet up a storm every time he's subject to criticism - given that any presidential candidate who presumes that they will be somehow exempt from criticism is not living in the real world!
Failing to appoint Republican Senator Bob Corker, Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, for Secretary of State because this President thought he was too short for the position, speaks volumes concerning not just to Trump's intelligence but his common sense!