Trump's Brazen Unconstitutional Overreach

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Leftists have this sad bit where they crowd someone to within an inch of touching them, usually while repeatedly shouting in the victim's face, "Why are you crowding me?" When the victim defensively pushes the leftist back, the leftist is already shouting "Don't touch me" or something that makes it look like the victim attacked them, at which point the leftist sucker punches the victim while claiming self-defense. Happens all the time these days.

Dude, when you spread lies and gossip it's simply on you, okay? It's nobody else's fault, just yours, same as it is with anyone else. Just take ownership of it and quit doing it again and then maybe you might not smart so much.


Well-known member
"Old School"? What the hell does that mean? Blueberry pies on windowsills, white picket fences adorned with roses and the like?

First bullies act offended then attempt to demean....

Then "old school" equates to being easily duped then.

"Wimpy"? Oh, get a grip for once will ya? You think that anything that anyone says here is gonna make ripples across any type of pond? It's a forum, that's it. Still, you being so smart and all...

Then they express how they have been offended, before making more condescending comments.

No, you're not. You're accusing me of doing something that I'm not which is pretty cowardly in itself.

Doubling down on being so offended....and accusatory.

How am I "bullying" or "attempting to bully you"? Be specific. I've been called all sorts of things on here, had lies and gossip spread and do you see me cry "bully"? No, you don't so get a grip.


Demanding a retraction for what is clearly seen by all who read your posts, Artie. :popcorn:

In a nutshell....Arthur Brain is a Wimpy Bully.


Well-known member
No, you're not. You're accusing me of doing something that I'm not which is pretty cowardly in itself.

Dude, when you spread lies and gossip it's simply on you, okay? It's nobody else's fault, just yours, same as it is with anyone else. Just take ownership of it and quit doing it again and then maybe you might not smart so much.

PRETTY COWARDLY of you, Arthur, to be accusing Musty of something he isn't doing.

You just can't help yourself, can you? :)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
First bullies act offended then attempt to demean....

Then they express how they have been offended, before making more condescending comments.

Doubling down on being so offended....and accusatory.

Demanding a retraction for what is clearly seen by all who read your posts, Artie. :popcorn:

In a nutshell....Arthur Brain is a Wimpy Bully.

Who's "demanding a retraction" for anything? You're accusing me of something I'm not actually doing but I'm not actually demanding anything be done about it. What is with you? You're the one being accusatory and when asked for specifics then you don't respond with anything on point. Is this some new tactic now? Accuse those you disagree with of being bullies and wimps when you've had your own fair share of bluntness and insult to others on here?



Well-known member
Leftists have this sad bit where they crowd someone to within an inch of touching them, usually while repeatedly shouting in the victim's face, "Why are you crowding me?" When the victim defensively pushes the leftist back, the leftist is already shouting "Don't touch me" or something that makes it look like the victim attacked them, at which point the leftist sucker punches the victim while claiming self-defense. Happens all the time these days.

They're well schooled in victimhood, aren't they? I think they go to school for that.


Well-known member
Who's "demanding a retraction" for anything? You're accusing me of something I'm not actually doing but I'm not actually demanding anything be done about it. What is with you? You're the one being accusatory and when asked for specifics then you don't respond with anything on point. Is this some new tactic now? Accuse those you disagree with of being bullies and wimps when you've had your own fair share of bluntness and insult to others on here?


What is wrong with you? I gave you posts and highlighted your bullying tactics.
I even spelled them out for your to see.

I'm amazed you can't see what you do. :shocked:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
PRETTY COWARDLY of you, Arthur, to be accusing Musty of something he isn't doing.

You just can't help yourself, can you? :)

Sure he has and addressed directly to musty himself. Can't help myself what, pointing it out? Heck, maybe I shouldn't respond to you anymore, wouldn't want to be a bully or anything...



Well-known member
Sure he has and addressed directly to musty himself. Can't help myself what, pointing it out? Heck, maybe I shouldn't respond to you anymore, wouldn't want to be a bully or anything...


Oh please don't stop responding to me, Artie.

I'm old school just trying to help you out. You'll profit if you'll but listen.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
They're well schooled in victimhood, aren't they? I think they go to school for that.

What is wrong with you? I gave you posts and highlighted your bullying tactics.
I even spelled them out for your to see.

I'm amazed you can't see what you do. :shocked:

Oh, I see plenty, like the irony going on here.

I ain't playing the victim GD, that in actual fact would be you. Honestly, I'm surprised at ya. Throughout our often blunt exchanges you've never been reduced to this sorry tactic, why now and for what purpose? I've often seen you mock people who express how they've felt badly done to on here so what are you trying to achieve with this? Despite our disagreements I thought you were a bit more genuine than this.


Well-known member
Oh, I see plenty, like the irony going on here.

I ain't playing the victim GD, that in actual fact would be you. Honestly, I'm surprised at ya. Throughout our often blunt exchanges you've never been reduced to this sorry tactic, why now and for what purpose? I've often seen you mock people who express how they've felt badly done to on here so what are you trying to achieve with this? Despite our disagreements I thought you were a bit more genuine than this.

I'm as genuine as they come, dear Artie. If I'm not here to keep you in line, you get too full of yourself. Consider it my gift....if you please.....and even if you don't please.

See, don't knock Old School. :banana:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh please don't stop responding to me, Artie.

I'm old school just trying to help you out. You'll profit if you'll but listen.

You're not 'any school'. I'm surprised that you're going down the absolute troll route. I thought you were more genuine than that as with my last but apparently I was mistaken. Ho hum.

Have fun, on ignore ya go. At least that way I can't "bully" you anymore, eh?



Well-known member
You're not 'any school'. I'm surprised that you're going down the absolute troll route. I thought you were more genuine than that as with my last but apparently I was mistaken. Ho hum.

Have fun, on ignore ya go. At least that way I can't "bully" you anymore, eh?


Oh drat. Artie got his feelings hurt once again.

Such sensitive little rascals those libs. :(


Well-known member
For the Brits among us....a definition.

old school
used, usually approvingly, to refer to someone or something that is old-fashioned or traditional.
"amenities that my parents, being of the old school, still take for granted"

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh drat. Artie got his feelings hurt once again.

Such sensitive little rascals those libs. :(

Um, no. Not in the slightest. Just not interested in indulging folk who are set on being trolls for whatever reason. We've had heated debates on here for years and not once have you accused me of being a bully until now and we've had a little bit of common ground at times where we've even shared a laugh on occasion. I don't take bullying lightly as I've been an actual victim of it in the past and I've seen the effects it can have on others. You have never been bullied by me and you know that. So, I'm not putting you on ignore because you've hurt my feelings as this is a forum and my skin is pretty thick (as am I). I'm doing so because it's pointless wasting time with you if you're going to act like this and it serves no purpose.



Well-known member
Um, no. Not in the slightest. Just not interested in indulging folk who are set on being trolls for whatever reason. We've had heated debates on here for years and not once have you accused me of being a bully until now and we've had a little bit of common ground at times where we've even shared a laugh on occasion. I don't take bullying lightly as I've been an actual victim of it in the past and I've seen the effects it can have on others. You have never been bullied by me and you know that. So, I'm not putting you on ignore because you've hurt my feelings as this is a forum and my skin is pretty thick (as am I). I'm doing so because it's pointless wasting time with you if you're going to act like this and it serves no purpose.


You don't have to explain yourself to me, Artie. You're just proving you're a WIMP as well as a bully.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Most bullies are wimps deep down inside.

True enough but it seems that the more thin skinned around here are happy enough to lie and gossip about other folk being bullies, wimps etc and then ironically cry "victim" in the same go when called on it. It's almost hilarious. Has everyone on the far right turned into snowflakes around here or what?


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Leftists have this sad bit where they crowd someone to within an inch of touching them, usually while repeatedly shouting in the victim's face, "Why are you crowding me?" When the victim defensively pushes the leftist back, the leftist is already shouting "Don't touch me" or something that makes it look like the victim attacked them, at which point the leftist sucker punches the victim while claiming self-defense. Happens all the time these days.

didn't work for :mock:nathan philips