Trump's Administration Picks


You guys been keeping up with Trump's administration picks?

Steve Bannon. Head of Breitbart news.

Jeff Sessions. Quite possibly one of the most racist people in the government.

I said it before, and I'll say it again. I have just four words for you guys:

Hail Trump.
Hail victory.


Look them up. It's pretty incredible.

Jeff Sessions was denied a spot as a federal judge in the 1980s by the Republican party because he was too racist. He once called a black attorney "boy" in his office. He was vehemently against the civil rights movements. And he once joked that he only ended up being against the KKK when he found out that some klansmen smoke marijuana.

And Steve Bannon is head of Brietbart news. Do I really need to say more?


I'm pretty happy about these picks. ;)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Look them up. It's pretty incredible.

Jeff Sessions was denied a spot as a federal judge in the 1980s by the Republican party because he was too racist. He once called a black attorney "boy" in his office. He was vehemently against the civil rights movements. And he once joked that he only ended up being against the KKK when he found out that some klansmen smoke marijuana.

And Steve Bannon is head of Brietbart news. Do I really need to say more?


I'm pretty happy about these picks. ;)

Does the Rosary only apply to dumb white hicks, ya know, given your signature an' all?




He held a private meeting with the mainstream media and gave them an hour long tongue-lashing. He berated them for an entire hour. He called them liars to their faces.

Yeah. Your video may not be too far off.

And I'm loving it.


Not to mention that he outright said that he plans on continuing to hold rallies even though he's won.

Who does that remind you of?

Good times. Very good times. :D

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Look them up. It's pretty incredible.

Jeff Sessions was denied a spot as a federal judge in the 1980s by the Republican party because he was too racist. He once called a black attorney "boy" in his office. He was vehemently against the civil rights movements. And he once joked that he only ended up being against the KKK when he found out that some klansmen smoke marijuana.

And Steve Bannon is head of Brietbart news. Do I really need to say more?


I'm pretty happy about these picks. ;)

Ya know, you and CC do a sterling job for the Catholic church on here. I can almost believe I'm in purgatory just reading between the pair of you...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

He held a private meeting with the mainstream media and gave them an hour long tongue-lashing. He berated them for an entire hour. He called them liars to their faces.

Yeah. Your video may not be too far off.

And I'm loving it.

Achtung baby!


But don't be afraid. "We're taking our country back. But don't be afraid." :D

Tisk tisk tisk, all of those years in college and poor ole Trad hasn't learned a thing.

Aside from Bannon and Sessions, your racist Alt Right movement isn't represented in the Trump administration, it's full of people who are a part of the good ole boys Bush Sr. and Bush Jr administrations. Donald the degenerate threw you basement dwellers a bone thanking you for your support, but things will be business as usual in the Trump administration (there’ll be a few more fags, but being Catholic you’re used to that).
Regarding you and your fellow racists “taking our country back”. Sorry, but my country was founded upon Judeo-Christian doctrine which included Jesus’ 2nd greatest commandment of loving your neighbor as you love yourself (note that it wasn’t written “Love your white neighbor…”).
You’ve been played the fool by a professional con artist Trad. While I’m sure you look dashing in your Klan robe, there will be no place for you or your kind in the Trump administration.


Well-known member
He once called a black attorney "boy" in his office. He was vehemently against the civil rights movements. And he once joked that he only ended up being against the KKK when he found out that some klansmen smoke marijuana.

And this makes you happy...

Why? And what are you hoping the end result is?



I'm not sure.

It does send a good strong message to the Black Lives Matter movement, though. ;)

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
You guys been keeping up with Trump's administration picks?
Steve Bannon. Head of Breitbart news.
Jeff Sessions. Quite possibly one of the most racist people in the government........
All good men. What's your point.

You're talking about white guys white, I mean, right?
Hey Limey, Obama chose old white guy Biden as his VP. Obama's first three announcements were Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, and Robert Gibbs for his team, all white. And of course we all know the old white lady, lying criminal Hillary, that he chose for SecState.

Any more stupid posts Mr. Fish & Chips?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
MLK said to judge people by the content of their character not the color of their skin. Today's racist Democrats choose to judge people by the color of their skin not the content of their character.