

New member
I'm glad when someone appreciates them. :)

You're welcome :)

You're braver than I am. In the Trump era, in real life I tend to avoid talking politics for the most part.

That is how we roll.

In other words, as "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." - Proverbs 27:17

lol, one of them, after my sending them that image...

It does look bad. I would wait 6 months and if Congress did nothing start deportations....

See, he does had a bigger heart than me.

Bigger heart, my foot. His whole life, his political actions have been in the service of political expedience.

Sort of like how Lincoln finally freed the slaves only after the South was winning, and freeing the slaves would severly weaken the South's forcing many slaves to fight in the war on their side.

Political expedience - in this case...

"To the Trump POLLS - Boy Wonder!"

You are impossible.

Yep. lol And luv ya back, lol

lol Tnx, I guess.


Just goes to show, anna, Trump is well aware Hillary's base was actually way bigger than his.

Trump...being Trump.

The man's life-long political expedience has long since been ever as predictable as a stopped clock.

At least from this long observer's perspective.


like marbles on glass
:chuckle: You'll have to come back in a few years and let me know how those friendships are faring over the remainder of Trump's term.

Almost everyone I know in real life voted for Trump, either because they voted a straight Republican ticket or because they truly believed in some aspect of Trump's message - but overriding both was "anyone but Hillary." I wonder how much of that was fed by years of talk radio and FOX news, because I did the same myself. I was never a wall-to-wall radio listener, but I'd listen to portions here and there while driving: Rush, Laura Ingraham, Dennis Prager, Hugh Hewett, Michael Medved, Roger Hedgecock. And I only watched FOX. Online, it was the same.

So I understand the news and information bubble that many conservatives live in. I'm outside that bubble now, but I understand it. All I can do sometimes is introduce a different way of looking at things into the conversation, because that's how I made my transition out of the bubble. Because someone did that for me.

patrick jane

Now CNN is the reason that Trump's base is angry at Trump?

No, Trump is the reason Trump's base is angry at Trump.
The base isn't mad. That's Fake News. I'm part of the base. Again, can you imagine deporting 800,000 people? Do you know what a field day the press would have with that? No President will ever forcibly remove 800,000 people. The left seems upset that he isn't doing it. I wasn't implying that CNN is making Trump's base angry, there are always going to be far right conservatives that want the dreamers removed, that's not "the base". I posted the link for clarity on what Trump actually "did". Any successful President has to work with both sides, sorry it bothers you.


like marbles on glass
The base isn't mad. That's Fake News.

No, it's not fake news, unless you're calling Breitbart fake news now. The headline about Trump "caving" is from Breitbart. The commenter quotes are from Breitbart.

I'm part of the base. Again, can you imagine deporting 800,000 people? Do you know what a field day the press would have with that? No President will ever forcibly remove 800,000 people. The left seems upset that he isn't doing it. I wasn't implying that CNN is making Trump's base angry, there are always going to be far right conservatives that want the dreamers removed, that's not "the base". I posted the link for clarity on what Trump actually "did".

You guys are scrambling to put a good spin on this, and I don't blame you. It's all you can do at this point.

Any successful President has to work with both sides, sorry it bothers you.

Don't be sorry, because it doesn't bother me. At all.

patrick jane

No, it's not fake news, unless you're calling Breitbart fake news now. The headline about Trump "caving" is from Breitbart. The commenter quotes are from Breitbart.

You guys are scrambling to put a good spin on this, and I don't blame you. It's all you can do at this point.

Don't be sorry, because it doesn't bother me. At all.
You know Trump trying to make this deal is the right thing to do. The FAR right and the ant-immigration folks are the only ones who don't like it. All you can do is quote what they say in opposition to Trump, ignoring the majority of American support.


like marbles on glass
You know Trump trying to make this deal is the right thing to do. The FAR right and the ant-immigration folks are the only ones who don't like it. All you can do is quote what they say in opposition to Trump, ignoring the majority of American support.

What a pleasant, non-confrontational name for children of illegals. Don't hurt the dreamers, they have a dream. It's amnesty, pure and simple, put into place by Obummer under executive order, because that was the only way he could get it through. The temporary order is about to expire. What about our own citizens who are under served and struggling?

Will we give amnesty to all people under 18 just because they set foot in America? The demonrats only see votes

patrick jane

That was before I pictured all those illegals being bused out of America. It would hurt Trump's re-election in 2020. As I've said here recently, NEW Immigration Reform must be passed by Congress, not Trump. Reform means no future amnesty.


like marbles on glass
That was before I pictured all those illegals being bused out of America. It would hurt Trump's re-election in 2020

So you were a member of the "The FAR right and the ant-immigration folks" part of the base on Sept. 2 - twelve days ago - before you realized it how bad the optics would be. Never mind the young people torn from their homes. Just bad reelection optics. Got it.

patrick jane

So you were a member of the "The FAR right and the ant-immigration folks" part of the base on Sept. 2 - twelve days ago - before you realized it how bad the optics would be. Never mind the young people torn from their homes. Just bad reelection optics. Got it.
It's a complicated issue. On one hand, these people are virtually citizens and have deep ties to America. The two previous administrations kicked the can down the road leaving the issue to Trump. I still think he did the right thing by ending the un-Constitutional executive order of Obama. I'm more concerned about future amnesty, it can't continue and reform/new laws need to be implemented. Of course the optics would be bad but realistically it doesn't make sense to split families apart through no fault of their own. I am against any free government hand outs for dreamers or illegals.

[h=3]What the courts have decided[/h]In June 2016, the Supreme Court ruled 4-4 in a case that challenged Obama’s DACA program. The court remained deadlocked due to the Senate’s refusal to have confirmation hearings for Obama’s Supreme Court Justice nominee, Judge Merrick Garland. With Trump-nominated Justice Neil Gorsuch, a staunch conservative, now on the court, it is unlikely DACA would survive a Supreme Court challenge—not to mention the question of whether the Trump administration would even defend the program.


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I'm not for giving any of them a pass or rewarding them for breaking laws.
Using their own children as bait for leverage to do so is disgusting.