Trump vs Joe the Rapist, First Debate

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
CNN is going to its analysis from its resident homo Anderson Cooper. Barf

I'm listening to CBS radio they're doing analysis by a couple people I don't know

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

One comedian compared Biden's appearance to that of "a cat staring at a ghost." He looked confused, spoke with a raspy voice, and struggled to form complete sentences in English.

"Making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the, with the COVID," Biden said in response to an early question about tax policy. "Excuse me. With dealing with everything we have to do with, look, if we finally beat Medicare."

In response to a question about abortion—an issue most Democrats are happy to discuss at length—Biden brought up one of the young girls raped by an illegal immigrant who entered the country on his watch, and followed up by noting that illegal immigrants aren't the only ones out there raping people.

"Look, there’s so many young women who have been—including a young woman who just was murdered," Biden said. "The idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in, and they talk about that. But here’s the deal. There’s a lot of young women who are being raped by their in-laws, by their spouses, brothers and sisters."

Trump was exceedingly alert and coherent by comparison, and perhaps uncharacteristically subdued.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

he could not overcome the visual of the split screen with Trump.

On the left of television screens around the world, Trump looked like he had just stepped off the 2020 campaign trail. On the right, Biden looked like a diminished man who is not up to the job and cannot be expected to complete a second full term as president. Biden's presence confirmed that Robert Hur, the special counsel who investigated the president's handling of classified documents, was, if anything, pulling punches when he wrote that Biden is "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

The split screen explains why the level of panic among liberal commentators and Democratic strategists on social media was so high during the debate. This wasn't some "cheapfake" or altered video meme online. This was happening in real time, in a television studio in Atlanta, with only Biden, Trump, Jake Tapper, and Dana Bash in the room. How do you spin what Americans saw Thursday night? You can't.

You can't spin it? You know they will be trying to desperately tomorrow.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
After Biden's disastrous performance last night, the Dems will now try to drop Biden. I say "try" because the problem they've got is that they've undermined their own nomination process. It's set up in a way now that Biden would have to drop out himself, which I doubt he's going to do willingly. Who is there that could convince him to do so, much less force him? I can't think of anyone.

It's interesting to note that there isn't any member of the Democrat base that wouldn't vote for Biden over Trump, even after last night's debacle. They know that Biden is a Mr. Potato Head and they don't care because they know that it's actually Obama's people running things. It's the, so called, "moderates" that have the Dems in a diarrhea inducing panic this morning. The people in this country who haven't lost their minds will either vote Trump or stay home in large numbers and that means Trump wins the election by a sufficient margin that no amount of cheating can overcome.

So, it's going to be interesting to watch the Dems try to fix this. If Joe survives to remain on the ballot then Trump won the election less than half an hour into last night's debate. If they manage to replace him, then we go from fighting a known quantity into God only knows what, and the outcome is less than certain. It really could turn out that we all end up wishing last night's debate never happened.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Oh, and by the way, the fact the Trump won that debate so decisively all but guarantees that this New York "judge" is going to throw the book at Donald Trump. If you thought they were going after Trump before, wait until you see the berserker mode that they're fixing to move into. If sending him to prison doesn't kill his numbers, they'll kill his numbers by killing him.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
After Biden's disastrous performance last night, the Dems will now try to drop Biden. I say "try" because the problem they've got is that they've undermined their own nomination process. It's set up in a way now that Biden would have to drop out himself, which I doubt he's going to do willingly. Who is there that could convince him to do so, much less force him? I can't think of anyone.

It's interesting to note that there isn't any member of the Democrat base that wouldn't vote for Biden over Trump, even after last night's debacle. They know that Biden is a Mr. Potato Head and they don't care because they know that it's actually Obama's people running things. It's the, so called, "moderates" that have the Dems in a diarrhea inducing panic this morning. The people in this country who haven't lost their minds will either vote Trump or stay home in large numbers and that means Trump wins the election by a sufficient margin that no amount of cheating can overcome.

So, it's going to be interesting to watch the Dems try to fix this. If Joe survives to remain on the ballot then Trump won the election less than half an hour into last night's debate. If they manage to replace him, then we go from fighting a known quantity into God only knows what, and the outcome is less than certain. It really could turn out that we all end up wishing last night's debate never happened.
Apparently there are three battleground States whose state election laws would prohibit changing the ballot at this late date. So they could replace Joe as the head of the ticket but they could never get The replacements name on the ballot. In those States they might have to run it as a write-in candidate, which historically has been a recipe for failure.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Looks like Mika is just as retarded as Joe Scarborough is.


"He wins when it matters"

I guess Afghanistan didn't matter
I guess the economy doesn't matter
I guess the border doesn't matter
I guess the fentanyl crisis doesn't matter
I guess the flooding the country with terrorists doesn't matter
I guess having dozens and dozens of young American citizen raped and murdered by illegal immigrants doesn't matter

When Joe "wins" the country loses

And that matters to me you retarded idiot


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Oh, and by the way, the fact the Trump won that debate so decisively all but guarantees that this New York "judge" is going to throw the book at Donald Trump. If you thought they were going after Trump before, wait until you see the berserker mode that they're fixing to move into. If sending him to prison doesn't kill his numbers, they'll kill his numbers by killing him.
I'm not so sure. It seems like the deep state might want Trump to be president to get at the intransigent.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Two retards sitting in a studio with all the wind knocked out of their sails

View attachment 11349
He's better than he's ever been - intellectually, analytically - the best Biden ever

That's an actual quote from the retard mentioned above
