Donald Trump is proof of the classic saying by P.T. Barnum "There's a sucker born every minute ". Trump is probably the biggest and most successful con man in U.S. history, and that's saying a lot, because there have been so many .
He has absolutely no administrative experience in politics, not even being the mayor of a small town . Being a businessman and a politician are very different things ; business expertise is absolutely no guarantee of being an effective leader in government .
Trump has had numerous bankruptcies , opened up a phony university for which he is being sued ,
has a wife who has posed for nude photos, not exactly a desirable thing for a potential first lady ,
is a boorish , crass, crude, rude, loud-mouthed blowhard with zero tact and dignity ,has absolutely no integrity or principles and will say anything to anyone to gain support and votes, conveniently changes his positions on issues depending on the people he is talking to, is a shameless panderer who appeals to the lowest common denominator , a bigoted , hateful rabble-rousing fear and hate monger who has proposed all kinds of hare-brained schemes such as the unrealistic goal of building a wall on the Mexican border, barring Muslims from entering America etc .
His ideas on how to run America are extremely vague and filled with glittering , empty promises .
He has zero knowledge of foreign affairs , and this is only the tip of the iceberg of the many reasons why this bag of hot air has absolutely no business being President .
He is a disaster waiting to happen .
Hillary Clinton, while certainly not perfect, has all the qualifications Donald Chump lacks .
She is at least highly competent when it comes to political administration and has vast experience .
Unlike Trump, she is rational, level-headed , and knows what she is doing .
You have to be either hopelessly naive, abysmally stupid or just plain evil to want to vote for Trump .