Trump touts economic successes, including record-low unemployment among African Ameri



Dude, do you really think I am going to take anything you say seriously? You have bombarded this forum with anti-Trump hate and ignorance. You are among the lowest of the low as far as I am concerned. You can blab all you want to, I'll never read a word of it.

"CatholicCrusader" is singing the praises of the same individual who spent years trying to convince the American people that Barrack Obama was born outside the country and therefore excluded under the Constitution to hold the office of President!

Now he has the audacity to lecture the rest us about showing respect for the person who lead that "birther" campaign!

"CatholicCrusader" and the "deplorables" can vent all they like - its not the Democrats fault that they belong to "the dumbest group of voters in the country!" - Donald Trump's words, not mine!

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
"CatholicCrusader" is singing the praises of the same individual who spent years trying to convince the American people that Barrack Obama was born outside the country........

First of all, Hillary started the so-called "birther" movement.

Second of all, it is Obama's own relatives who said he was born in Kenya.

In your you blind hate and ignorance you seem to have forgotten those two facts.

Third of all, who cares. Obama tried to convince America of far worse things than that.

I sing the praises of a man who is doing a great job and keeping his promises. He earned that. You have earned only my disdain