Trump to Spend $1 Trillion Off the Bat


New member
Yes. You are a tax cheat, aren't you....

7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.

Income redistribution is stealing and prohibited. Coveting is a sin.

Taxing people in one place to build a road in another place IS income redistribution. ALL taxation is income redistribution. All taxation is theft. I pay my taxes simple to stay out of prison. That's because taxation is extortion.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Taxing people in one place to build a road in another place IS income redistribution. ALL taxation is income redistribution. All taxation is theft. I pay my taxes simple to stay out of prison. That's because taxation is extortion.

LOL. What a dimwit! You started this thread lying about Trump spending billions right from the get-go, and now you are ending the thread by saying that basic taxing is income redistribution, which is just plain stupid. Taxes to build roads is not income re-distribution Einstein because the tax money isn't just being given to other people.

LOL. Moron.


New member
LOL. What a dimwit! You started this thread lying about Trump spending billions right from the get-go, and now you are ending the thread by saying that basic taxing is income redistribution, which is just plain stupid. Taxes to build roads is not income re-distribution Einstein because the tax money isn't just being given to other people.

LOL. Moron.

I started off saying Trump plans to spend a Trillion dollars in a single bill because he does. That's what he said.

Further, all taxes are redistribution. Taxes are taken from one person and given to another. Taxation is theft. Why do you need taxes anyway? Why don't you just donate money to the government to pay for all this spending you want? Why do you need the government to force you to do it? Because you're a semi-literate statist

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
LOL. What a dimwit! You started this thread lying about Trump spending billions right from the get-go, and now you are ending the thread by saying that basic taxing is income redistribution, which is just plain stupid. Taxes to build roads is not income re-distribution Einstein because the tax money isn't just being given to other people.
I started off saying Trump plans to spend a Trillion dollars in a single bill.........

LOL. Your own thread title calls you a liar. It says "Right off the bat."

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

CNN calls it the Trump Rally.
Take THAT never-Trump idiots
Stunning! Dow hits new high of 19,000 as Trump rally continues

The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new record high Tuesday, closing above 19,000 for the first time as the stunning market rally since the election of Donald Trump continued on Wall Street.

The blue chip index went as high as 19,044 in late afternoon trading and finished the day slightly below that.

The Dow, which includes 30 brand name stocks such as Coca-Cola (KO), Walmart (WMT), Microsoft (MSFT, Tech30), Disney (DIS) and General Electric (GE), is now up nearly 4% since Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the United States.

The S&P 500 and Nasdaq are also at record highs.

Of course, it's not as if investors have suffered during Obama's tenure. The Dow has nearly tripled since hitting a low of about 6,400 in March 2009 -- shortly after Obama took office in the midst of the Great Recession.

The latest rally is spectacular in how the market has swung in the weeks leading to the election and after

Read the rest, its awesome:

patrick jane

He's out telling you what he wants to to do when he gets in office. He's telling you about all the government intervention in the economy that he wants. People with principles are calling it out for what it is. The half wits are falling in line as usual.
Trump will be spending on good stuff - necessary stuff - you half wit


Liberals don't want anything fixed. The debt, border control, voting regulation, the economy, infrastructure..
..and then on top of it they want to act like problem children and stir up everything they can with complaint and slander.

It's a de-evolution of civilization. They think walls are put up just to be mean, and take everything for granted.


Taxing people in one place to build a road in another place IS income redistribution. ALL taxation is income redistribution. All taxation is theft. I pay my taxes simple to stay out of prison. That's because taxation is extortion.

Should there be no tax at all then? How does the government function then? You gonna volunteer to plow the snow this winter?