Trump to Spend $1 Trillion Off the Bat


New member

Donald Trump says he wants a $1 Trillion (with a T) spending bill for "infrastructure." As usual, no real details for the plan have yet been released, but we can safely assume that, if passed, the bill will be inefficient, wasteful, and just another trillion dollars on the national debt...just like everything the federal government does. Will the Republicans who, for eight years, have screamed for spending cuts and balance budget allow the bill to pass? My guess is yes.

They can float excuses for the spending and promise to offset it with spending cuts, but anyone who is breathing knows, the promised spending cuts never happen. They spend the money but never offset it as they claim they will.

Spending a trillion borrowed/printed dollars out of the gate. Is this going to be the Tea Party Republican legacy?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The article does not say he's going to spend it right away. And as a businessman, unlike the scum Obama, Trump will likely wait to see revenue increases off of an improving economy first. Nice try trying to smear Trump though, pinhead.


Instead of playing footsies, perhaps going all in and actually getting it done is better.
Much better, even- stop wasting band aids and stitch it up.


New member
Like I said in the other thread, change your avatar, it does not go well with your ignorant lies.

You're already trying to spin Trump's big government policies. You have no principles. We get it. You will support anything that the guy says or does as long as he keeps the "R" by his name. Hillary Clinton could run as a Republican in 2024 and you'd probably vote for her.


New member
He hasn't implemented ANY policies yet you half-wit.

He's out telling you what he wants to to do when he gets in office. He's telling you about all the government intervention in the economy that he wants. People with principles are calling it out for what it is. The half wits are falling in line as usual.


New member
I can't wait for Trump to be in office! Take down the DNC and build this country up!!!

He's going to take them down by passing even more liberal policies than they ever thought possible. He sees Obama's spending, and he raises him. He sees Bernie Sanders economic plans, and he raises him. He's going to take those Democrats down by...supporting bigger spending than they ever thought possible.


New member
Good God, shut up already, moron.

We get it dude. You're a big government leftist that wants more government in the economy. You're a semi-literate economic moron. We get it. Trump good, free markets bad. We get it. You're incessant name calling is reinforcing your idiotic appearance. I recommend that you read "Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt, if you can read at higher than a fifth grade level.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Larry Kudlow: Donald Trump Is the middle-class growth candidate

Kudlow: Donald Trump Is the middle-class growth candidate

......In general terms, he will pledge to lower marginal tax rates on both large and small businesses and on all income classes. He also will propose a hike in the standard deduction for families and special deductions for childcare and the elderly.

All of these polices will help the middle class. Trump's plan will generate substantial new investment, business formation, jobs, and growth – and, hence, higher wages.

Trump is the pro-growth candidate in this race. Hillary Clinton is the anti-growth candidate. Trump wants to expand national income and the economic pie. Clinton wants to redistribute income and shrink the pie.

In past columns, I have equated Trump's tax-reduction plan to the JFK and Ronald Reagan tax cuts, which generated economic booms of roughly 5 percent growth per year. President Barack Obama, by comparison, has raised taxes, spending, and regulations, producing the worst recovery since World War II. And Clinton intends to follow in Obama's footsteps with a Bernie Sanders-like, left-wing policy mix. She is the Democrats' anti-JFK. What a pity...........


New member
His tax cuts aren't going to do anything with runaway inflation, which is what printing a trillion dollars (on one proposed bill alone, mind you) is going to continue. Inflation is a tax. It's a tax worse than most taxes.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Trump Emphasizes Growth and Private Investment in Economic Speech

The more disciplined Republican contrasted himself with Hillary Clinton.
2:50 PM, AUG 08, 2016 | By FRED BARNES

Donald Trump's speech on the economy Monday puts him in a strong position on the issue on which Hillary Clinton is weakest and politically vulnerable.

Trump offered a series of initiatives, including cuts in the corporate and individual tax rates, that he said would create a "new future" and a "new history" for the country and "show the world America is back—bigger, better, and stronger than ever before."

The agenda he outlined in his speech to the Detroit Economic Club establishes a dramatic contrast with Clinton's plan for stimulating the economy. Trump called it "a night and day contrast." Clinton would rely almost entirely on higher taxes and government spending to spur job creation, especially by building roads, bridges and other infrastructure. Trump emphasizes the private sector and incentives for private investment. "I want to jump start America," he said

More >>

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Government exists for such purposes. Not for social security and other stealing that goes on.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The federal government exists to tax people in Alabama to build a bridge in Maine?

Yes. You are a tax cheat, aren't you....

7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.

Income redistribution is stealing and prohibited. Coveting is a sin.