Trump threatens to close southern border amid 'breaking point' warning

The Barbarian

The Spectacular Failure of the Immigration Populists
What Trump ill-advisedly called a “Muslim ban” went through several iterations until its third draft finally survived judicial scrutiny—and only then by including at least one non-Muslim majority nation—in June of 2018. It was intended as a sop to the president’s base, but it ended up dominating the immigration agenda for almost 18 months, only to be replaced by another immigration-related debacle.
In April of 2018, American political observers were aghast to learn that the Department of Health and Human Services lost track of nearly 1,500 migrant children who were separated from their parents or were apprehended alone.
But rather than emphasize the intractable nature of their conundrum, the administration’s immigration skeptics took full ownership of family separation as a means of deterring future illegal immigration. Only when Congressional Republicans, including border hawks, forced the president into a corner did the White House abandon this illogical and politically disastrous policy. But even then, the populist wing insisted that family separation was a winner.
Trump added that “we should get rid of judges” because “we can’t have a court case every time somebody steps their foot on our ground.” Indeed, we can and we must because the Constitution applies not just to American citizens in America but Americans abroad and non-citizens on U.S. soil. Even if the public could be persuaded to believe that the Constitution was the chief obstacle to sensible immigration policy, it’s unclear they’re listening to the president who cried “border crisis.”
The populist wing of the anti-immigration right seems to think that their policies would work if they only had better managers. But to hear border hawks like Anne Coulter tell it, the Trump administration has never been fully committed to the project. In the end, Trumpism will not have failed because real Trumpism had never been tried.


nope, red-blooded 'murkin

but i live in northern NY, four miles from the border, closer to Ottawa than Albany, closer to Montreal and Toronto than NYC

i get my news and weather from the CBC

Ah, I see. Well, let's take a listen to Obama's former border guy:

Obama's border chief warns Congress: Immigration crisis ‘at a magnitude never seen in modern times’

QUOTE: Obama-era Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan sounded the alarm Thursday on the crisis at the southern border, testifying before Congress that the crisis is “at a magnitude never seen in modern times” and urging lawmakers to act to stop what he described as a virtual “open border policy.”

“We’re experiencing a crisis at the southern border at a magnitude never seen in modern times, it’s unprecedented,” Morgan, who served as the head of U.S. Border Patrol during the Obama administration, told the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

Morgan made the remarks after Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said that more than 76,000 migrants were detained in February -- the highest number of apprehensions in 12 years -- and were on pace for more than 100,000 apprehensions in March. The surge in numbers has led President Trump, who declared a national emergency on the border in February, to threaten to close the southern border if Mexico did not stem the numbers flowing north, and if Congress did not act.

"If we don't make a deal with Congress...or if Mexico doesn't do what they should be doing...then we're going to close the border, that's going to be it, or we're going to close large sections of the border, maybe not all of it," he said in the Oval Office Wednesday.

Morgan told lawmakers that the difficulties the country faces at the border now are significantly worse than when he was seeking to keep numbers under control in the last administration. In particular, he pointed to the number of agents being diverted away from security to humanitarian activities.

“In 2016, as chief I estimated that 15 percent of agents' resources were being diverted from frontlines to support humanitarian activities. I saw that as a crisis and so did everyone else,” he said. "Now Border Patrol is diverting 40 percent of personnel away from frontlines to humanitarian-related functions, meanwhile cartels are exploiting the resultant resource gaps.”

Like Trump, who has blamed U.S. immigration laws in part for the crisis, Morgan said that “loopholes in our asylum laws and nonsensical judicial precedent has driven what has devolved into essentially an open border policy for a certain demographic.” He added that families coming to the border know that if they step foot on U.S. soil they can say they have "credible fear" of returning home and they'll be allowed into the U.S.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i was watching youtube clips last night and stumbled on a whole series of them (tucker, shapiro, etc) making hay of trump's offer to "dump" illegals in the dem politicians backyards and their predictable whining :chuckle:

you should start a thread


i was watching youtube clips last night and stumbled on a whole series of them (tucker, shapiro, etc) making hay of trump's offer to "dump" illegals in the dem politicians backyards and their predictable whining :chuckle:

you should start a thread

Goodness I have started so many thread already.


i was watching youtube clips last night and stumbled on a whole series of them (tucker, shapiro, etc) making hay of trump's offer to "dump" illegals in the dem politicians backyards and their predictable whining :chuckle:

you should start a thread
