Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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And neither did the Democrats until they lost. Show me one post of your about getting rid of the EC from before the election.

He vanquished two political Dynasties for half the money.

He beat dollars with Rubles. That's all.

A complete outsider!

A complete outsider...with the assistance of a foreign government's intelligence operations, several major media organizations, our own FBI, the full endorsement of one of our main political parties, and a real estate empire. Yeah, total outsider.

I guess you could say that Moscow's candidate is an outsider...

Hillary has been preparing for this for 16 years!

Do you think that helped, or hurt her?

Come to think of it I guess I love Obama now because he whooped her the first time.

If 20 Trillion in debt is sane then I'll have a double helping of crazy please.

Having a $20 trillion debt isn't crazy in a country the size of ours. Defaulting on it would be. There's only one politician in recent times who has talked seriously about doing that.


New member
If you are not a Trump supporter
What has he done that you despise?

He's betrayed this country and committed treason. He's attacked just about everyone he perceives as an enemy. He comforts the comfortable and afflicts the afflicted. He's fought a war against science and reality itself. He's attempted to dismantle basic, sensible regulations and attempted to destroy the planet. He undermines democratic institutions at home and abroad, and he supports strongmen and dictators aspiring and actualized. He corrupts and cashes in on his office, and enriches his friends and family at the expense of everyone else.

So, there's really nothing to like about what he's done so far, other than uniting the Left against him.

What would it take for you to support him?[/center]

He could resign. I'd support that.

Otherwise, he'd have to reverse course on nearly every initiative he's attempted, and be cleared of illegal involvement with Russia, and cut out the jingoism, and divest of his businesses, and give back all the money he got from foreign leaders staying at his properties.

On either side, what could he do or fail to do that would make you change your mind about him?

He's said he wants to fill Gitmo with his "some bad dudes". He could fill it with his family and his senior advisors, and then go down there and join them. Perhaps that could be his first campaign pledge fulfilled.

I am hoping those on either side of the divide will go on record now, early in his presidency, to suggest things that could be done to sway your opinion and what has established your opinion thus far.

There's really nothing he could do at this point. He could change all his stances, and he'd still be a Russian asset. And if he weren't a Russian asset, he'd still be corrupt. He's tainted, he belongs in jail, along with Jared, Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric.


New member
What, if anything, should be done about Syria?

What Syria needs is a negotiated agreement that allows a transition without retribution. And that would require an international community with a commitment to human rights and meaningful accountability. But Russia would sabotage anything like that.

Do you support or oppose what Trump has done thus far?

Firing a few missiles at random? Oppose. It's all for show. Did you notice that the Russians didn't make even an attempt to intercept our missiles? This is war for the cameras.

What, if anything, should be done about North Korea?

Signs of strength and solidarity. Don't provoke, and don't threaten.

Do you support the dropping of the M.O.A.B bomb in Afghanistan?

I really don't care. I think this got way more attention than it deserved.

There are issues that Trump has noticeably shifted from as president as opposed to what he said during his campaign.
1. Is NATO obsolete?


2. Is China a currency manipulator?

Probably to some extent. It's not worth starting a trade war over.

3. Should he support the U.S. Export-Import Bank?


4. What should our relationship with Russia look like?

Skeptical. More sanctions. We need to start rebuilding an alliance against them. Help Ukraine, help the rebels in Syria, help Georgia, reenforce the Baltic states. Offer Putin an off-ramp from the current path, but continue to indict their hackers.

5. Is our military in shambles?

Hardly. Our State Department is, for one main reason: It's being sabotaged from within. That could destroy us.

6. Should Janet Yellen be nominated to second term as fed chair?

I have no major objections to her. She's better than anyone Trump is likely to come up with.

7. What should be done with Obamacare and what should replace it?

Expand medicaid further. Allow medicaid to negotiate drug prices. Allow the orderly import of drugs from other countries.

8. What's up with the border wall? It Mexico paying for it?

Respectively, it's probably not going to happen, and no. And that's a good thing.

9. Is Trump going to deport more illegal immigrants than Obama?


10. Does torture work?


11. Should Hilary be "locked up"?

No. Trump should be.


New member
It was slightly surprising, when it came out that Michael Flynn had been an undisclosed lobbyist that the country he was lobbying for was not actually Russia, but Turkey. It was strange because all the smoke around the Trump administration was related to Russia, up to then. It was strange...until today.

There's a cloud of treason over the Trump administration.


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Hall of Fame
What Syria needs is a negotiated agreement that allows a transition without retribution. And that would require an international community with a commitment to human rights and meaningful accountability. But Russia would sabotage anything like that.
I wonder what it would take for Putin to change his stance toward Assad. I've seen some explanations for why he supports Assad and perhaps it made some sense at the beginning but now it seems like it should be more trouble than it is worth.


New member
so prove it, get him impeached and let's get on with the Pence presidency :idunno:

Not my job, but there are people working on it. The question is, will the Republicans in Congress take his treachery seriously. Many of them are just as bad, and I think some of them are knowingly complicit.


New member
I wonder what it would take for Putin to change his stance toward Assad. I've seen some explanations for why he supports Assad and perhaps it made some sense at the beginning but now it seems like it should be more trouble than it is worth.

I don't think it's within his character. He won't, no matter what.

What we're facing right now is a kind of international neo-Nationalism, lead by Russia. Russian nationalism is expansionist, but in other countries, it tends to cause countries to turn away from the world stage, which plays into Russia's interests. This is the only thing Putin cares about. The Syrian people are grist for the mill.
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Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Only the Republicans could face the prospect of a government shutdown despite having control of the White House and numerical majorities in the House and Senate - it doesn't get much "uglier" than that!


New member
How does Trump sound in his "America First" message to congress preface of his budget proposal?

Beginning a New Chapter of American Greatness


The American people elected me to fight for their priorities in Washington, D.C. and deliver on my promise to protect our Nation. I fully intend to keep that promise.
One of the most important ways the Federal Government sets priorities is through the Budget of the United States.

Accordingly, I submit to the Congress this Budget Blueprint to reprioritize Federal spending so that it advances the safety and security of the American people.
Our aim is to meet the simple, but crucial demand of our citizens—a Government that puts the needs of its own people first. When we do that, we will set free the dreams of every American, and we will begin a new chapter of American greatness.

A budget that puts America first must make the safety of our people its number one priority—because without safety, there can be no prosperity.
That is why I have instructed my Budget Director, Mick Mulvaney, to craft a budget that emphasizes national security and public safety. That work is reflected in this Budget Blueprint. To keep Americans safe, we have made tough choices that have been put off for too long. But we have also made necessary investments that are long overdue.

My Budget Blueprint for 2018:

• provides for one of the largest increases in defense spending without increasing the debt;
• significantly increases the budget for immigration enforcement at the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security;
• includes additional resources for a wall on the southern border with Mexico, immigration judges, expanded detention capacity, U.S. Attorneys, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Border Patrol;
• increases funding to address violent crime and reduces opioid abuse; and
• puts America first by keeping more of America’s hard-earned tax dollars here at home.

The core of my first Budget Blueprint is the rebuilding of our Nation’s military without adding to our Federal deficit. There is a $54 billion increase in defense spending in 2018 that is offset by targeted reductions elsewhere. This defense funding is vital to rebuilding and preparing our Armed Forces for the future.
We must ensure that our courageous servicemen and women have the tools they need to deter war, and when called upon to fight, do only one thing: Win.

In these dangerous times, this public safety and national security Budget Blueprint is a message to the world—a message of American strength, security, and resolve.
This Budget Blueprint follows through on my promise to focus on keeping Americans safe, keeping terrorists out of our country, and putting violent offenders behind bars.

The defense and public safety spending increases in this Budget Blueprint are offset and paid for by finding greater savings and efficiencies across the Federal Government. Our Budget Blueprint insists on $54 billion in reductions to non-Defense programs. We are going to do more with less, and make the Government lean and accountable to the people.

This includes deep cuts to foreign aid. It is time to prioritize the security and well-being of Americans, and to ask the rest of the world to step up and pay its fair share.

Many other Government agencies and departments will also experience cuts. These cuts are sensible and rational. Every agency and department will be driven to achieve greater efficiency and to eliminate wasteful spending in carrying out their honorable service to the American people.
I look forward to engaging the Congress and enacting this America First Budget.

Donald J. Trump

I like the cutting of foreign aid. I oppose adding $54 billion increase in military expenditures. The border wall is a complete waste of money. Cutting funds for the EPA, Agriculture Department and State Department really doesn't bother me.


New member


like marbles on glass
It's happening all over, too. Trump voters are collectively 'meh' when it's clear that Trump goofed. It causes a bit (more) of a credibility problem among his supporters.

He's beaten the "Fake News!" drum so effectively, they won't believe it even when I post the same info from a conservative source.

And I saw an interesting comment: "If it's not on FOX, is it news?"

FOX practically ignored the classified leak story, focusing instead on a story about Hillary and burying the big Trump story. Combine that with the downplay by Breitbart and Drudge, and a historically significant situation practically doesn't exist if the only news someone reads/sees is on FOX, Drudge and Breitbart.


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Hall of Fame
What does everyone think about Trump trying to weaken the Johnson Amendment related to churches endorsing political candidates?
Good, bad, ugly?


Well-known member
So Thaaaaat’s Why the Communistic Left Made Up the “Russia Conspiracy” Story
Thomas DiLorenzo

Last July a young Democratic National Committee staffer named Seth Rich was murdered in cold blood, at night, on a Washington, D.C. street, with a bullet in his head, from behind, Mafia style. Or Clinton Crime Family style. *The D.C. police claim that it was a robbery even though nothing appears to have been stolen. *Several D.C. police authorities have told reporters that someone very powerful told them to “stand down” with their investigation of this murder.
Now a private investigator employed by the Rich family has discovered that Seth Rich had on his computer 45,053 emails and 17,761 attachments that were communications from within the DNC that he had sent to Wikileaks. ** These emails were made public and showed, among other things, how the DNC under Debbie Blabbermouth-Schultz (as Rush Limbaugh has entertainingly tagged her) had rigged the primary process to screw Bernie Sanders and guarantee Hillary Clinton’s nomination. *Blabbermouth-Schultz was then fired from her position as chairwoman of the DNC and then immediately re-employed by the Clinton campaign. *Wikileaks has offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the murderer(s). *So, apparently, it was Seth Rich, not “the Russians,” who sent this damning DNC information to Wikileaks. *The FBI is said to be “in possession” of all of this correspondence from Seth Rich’s computer, but of course no one expects anything to come of it. *That would require at least questioning those who had motive of revenge that led to the murder. *Such investigations are only for those of us who are among The Ignorant Masses and never our rulers in Washington.
Professional grifters like the Clintons know that a successful grifter always diverts the target’s attention away from the impending crime (usually theft with most small-time grifters). *The constant, never-ending, baseless, McCarthyite, drumbeat by the LMS (Lying Media Scum) about an Orwellian Russia conspiracy certainly fulfills that role.

hmmmmm :think:


like marbles on glass
So Thaaaaat’s Why the Communistic Left Made Up the “Russia Conspiracy” Story
Thomas DiLorenzo

Last July a young Democratic National Committee staffer named Seth Rich was murdered in cold blood, at night, on a Washington, D.C. street, with a bullet in his head, from behind, Mafia style. Or Clinton Crime Family style. *The D.C. police claim that it was a robbery even though nothing appears to have been stolen. *Several D.C. police authorities have told reporters that someone very powerful told them to “stand down” with their investigation of this murder.
Now a private investigator employed by the Rich family has discovered that Seth Rich had on his computer 45,053 emails and 17,761 attachments that were communications from within the DNC that he had sent to Wikileaks. ** These emails were made public and showed, among other things, how the DNC under Debbie Blabbermouth-Schultz (as Rush Limbaugh has entertainingly tagged her) had rigged the primary process to screw Bernie Sanders and guarantee Hillary Clinton’s nomination. *Blabbermouth-Schultz was then fired from her position as chairwoman of the DNC and then immediately re-employed by the Clinton campaign. *Wikileaks has offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the murderer(s). *So, apparently, it was Seth Rich, not “the Russians,” who sent this damning DNC information to Wikileaks. *The FBI is said to be “in possession” of all of this correspondence from Seth Rich’s computer, but of course no one expects anything to come of it. *That would require at least questioning those who had motive of revenge that led to the murder. *Such investigations are only for those of us who are among The Ignorant Masses and never our rulers in Washington.
Professional grifters like the Clintons know that a successful grifter always diverts the target’s attention away from the impending crime (usually theft with most small-time grifters). *The constant, never-ending, baseless, McCarthyite, drumbeat by the LMS (Lying Media Scum) about an Orwellian Russia conspiracy certainly fulfills that role.

hmmmmm :think:

How A Fox Affiliate And Contributor Fueled Fringe Conspiracy Theories About Murdered DNC Staffer

A Washington, D.C., Fox News affiliate’s shoddy reporting purposefully validated right-wing conspiracy theories about the murder of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich when the station published unproven claims that Rich directly communicated with WikiLeaks regarding the leaked committee emails published on that site. Following the publication of the Fox 5 DC story, Fox News hosts Bret Baier and Sean Hannity further fueled the conspiracy theories when they retweeted new conspiracies about the Rich story, including a false claim that a Washington Post report on Trump sharing classified information with Russia was published to drown out Fox 5's story.

In a May 15 article and subsequent newscast, Fox 5 DC’s Marina Marraco quoted Rod Wheeler, a private investigator once hired to assist the Rich family’s search for Rich’s killer, who claimed that “a source inside the police department” told him that the department was “‘told to stand down on this case.’” Wheeler also said it was “confirmed” that Rich had links to WikiLeaks. Alex Griswold, a reporter for right-wing publication the Washington Free Beacon, pointed out that Fox 5’s story was “entirely hearsay” and chided the news station for failing to disclose that Wheeler is a vocal Trump supporter and a paid Fox News analyst.

The article was updated on May 16 to include a note that the station had spoken to D.C. police since publication and was told that Wheeler’s claim was false. The Rich family issued a statement saying family members had seen “no facts” and “no evidence” to suggest Rich had worked with WikiLeaks. It also noted that a “third party” paid Wheeler for his investigative work and that he was “contractually … barred from speaking to press.” But the updates came too late to prevent the unsubstantiated claims published in Fox 5 DC’s report from becoming fuel for the right-wing conspiracy theory machine. (Marraco’s article even acknowledged that the claims she was publishing “could prove these theorists right.”)

By the next morning, fringe right-wing media and conspiracy theory websites had run full speed with the false allegations made in the Fox 5 DC article. ran an article on its home page claiming that Fox’s shoddily sourced article may prove that the hack of DNC emails was “an inside job.” The Drudge Report ran a screaming banner on its site claiming Rich “had contact” with WikiLeaks and linked to the Fox 5 DC article.

The Gateway Pundit published a “BREAKING” piece about the conspiracy theory linking to the Fox 5 DC article. Fringe conspiracy theory sites World News Daily and ZeroHedge also regurgitated the Fox 5 DC article to claim a conspiracy theory. The baseless speculation quickly jumped to more established outlets, as made it the lead morning story on its website, and Sinclair Broadcast Group’s Circa News and Fox News’ Fox & Friends also promoted the story...

Some conspiracy theorists, including InfoWars' Paul Joseph Watson, even spread claims that The Washington Post’s report about President Donald Trump sharing highly classified information with Russian officials was printed to drown out the “bombshell news” story reported by the Fox affiliate. Fox News hosts Bret Baier and Sean Hannity retweeted this false claim. But Washington Post political reporter Dave Weigel set the record straight, noting that the Washington Post story went up before the Fox 5 story was published.
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