Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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Russia to treat US jets in Syria as 'targets' after America guns down first regime warplane

Democrats' dream come true: war with Russia.

A vote for Trump was supposed to be a vote against a proxy war in Syria.

If the US shoot down of Syrian jet inside Syria is called self defense, what do we call the Syria shoot down of US jet inside Syria?

The 1928 Republican Convention opened with a prayer.
If the Lord can see His way clear to bless the Republican Party the way it's been carrying on, then the rest of us ought to get it without even asking.
- Will Rogers

Some things never change!


Russia to treat US jets in Syria as 'targets' after America guns down first regime warplane

Democrats' dream come true: war with Russia.

A vote for Trump was supposed to be a vote against a proxy war in Syria.

If the US shoot down of Syrian jet inside Syria is called self defense, what do we call the Syria shoot down of US jet inside Syria?

The Cold War isn't thawing; it is burning with a deadly heat. Communism isn't sleeping; it is, as always, plotting, scheming, working, fighting.
- Richard M. Nixon


Well-known member
Excerpt from Our Rush to War in Syria

Trump has entered the upside-down realm of Bizarro World: he’s inverted most of his foreign policy positions. Instead of détente with Russia, we are pursuing a policy of confrontation. Instead of putting America first, we are putting Saudi Arabia first. Rather than concentrate on pulling this country out of the economic doldrums, the Trump administration is rushing headlong into yet another major war in the Middle East.
While the complete reversal of Trump’s foreign policy stances as expressed on the campaign trail seems inexplicable on the surface, it is perfectly in accord with what I call the theory of libertarian realism: the view that there is no real line of demarcation between foreign and domestic policy, and that all foreign policy is the result of domestic political pressures and the desire of the group in power to retain and expand that power.
Trump is now harried by the phony “Russia-gate” scandal, which depicts him as a pawn of the Kremlin: therefore he is acting in a way that would discredit that charge, maintaining and even expanding sanctions on Russia while confronting Moscow and its allies in Syria. How could he possibly be “Putin’s puppet,” as Hillary Clinton put it, if he’s defying Russian threats to shoot down our planes?
Another factor to consider is the influence of the Israel lobby. Israel has been giving covert support to the Syrian rebels, and their spokesmen have openly preferred the Islamist rebels (including ISIS) to Assad, Israel’s historic enemy. Engaged in an increasingly open alliance with Riyadh, Tel Aviv benefits if Syria is turned into a version of Lebanon – hopelessly divided along ethno-religious lines. Both Hezbollah and Iran are siding with Assad – and if the Israelis can maneuver the US into fighting them, well then all the better.
Here is yet another crisis that has been caused and ratcheted up by our alleged “allies,” who have succeeded in getting the US to front for their interests. As for American interests, they don’t come into the equation. So much for “America first.”

Outstanding work...


Well-known member
By Trump, indeed

LOL, hardly...

you remind me of someone who is nothing more then a yes man...oh that's right, Chyrstom was a yes man for the republican party, except when it came to Trump..he hated him for some reason...

your much the same way about Trump....He could kill your mother and you would be ok with it..

patrick jane

LOL, hardly...

you remind me of someone who is nothing more then a yes man...oh that's right, Chyrstom was a yes man for the republican party, except when it came to Trump..he hated him for some reason...

your much the same way about Trump....He could kill your mother and you would be ok with it..
Trump deserves a fair shake and the chance to do his job. He's not getting either from the D.C. Swamp


Well-known member
Trump deserves a fair shake and the chance to do his job. He's not getting either from D.C. Swamp

I totally agree he deserves a fair shake...and much of what he gets is garbage.

But the facts are also out there...much of his trouble is he can't help himself from opening his big mouth or stop his fat fingers from twitter...

I agree with Trump on some things.....I loved what he campaigned on as it relates to foreign policy.....of which he threw that out the window....he is no better than Obama in this regard...

His tax plan is ok.....but should be better...

TrumpCare is a disaster waiting to happen....

Among other things....
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