It seems that "poverty" is a relative term.
That's true. But there is a paradoxical relationship between wealth and obesity in wealthy countries.
Besides, vegetables are pretty cheap.
For most of my 20's, I lived in New York City. I had very little money left over after paying fixed expenses every month. Bills and rent were astronomical. I still managed to eat healthy, and cheaply.
So... among wealthy (aka, not impoverished) people.
Among people in wealthy countries.
Seems counter-initiative. Why do you say that?
Anyway... who's starving on minimum wage?
... The workers in fast food and retail trying to scrape by on starvation wages. ...
You brought up stagnating wages, as a justification for government intervention. Yet you agreed that raising only minimum wage would not necessarily raise any other wages.
So why do it?
You don't think stagnating wages are only a problem among minimum wage earners, do you?
Stagnating wages strongly effect those balancing on the poverty line.
More than everyone else?
I would say...yes.
Is that opinion based on anything?
The point of what i posted, is showing he is at least aware of the gravity of his position and he is acknowledging Gods role in it. There is hope for salvation there.