Trump lawyer admits paying off Stormy Daniels, but...

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Trump is not a social issues President. He's a money President.

Trump is the first sitting president to address the March for Life, and the pro-life movement gushes over him. You listen to too much fake news.

If he is also a money president then I say, three cheers for Trump. Its better to have money than not.

Presidents don't get to pick and choose what they are presidents of. Trump is not a President because he has never for a single day done the job.

That's a lie, obviously.

He's a crap president is what he is...

If this is crap then I love crap:

1. Lowest black and Hispanic unemployment rates ever since they have been recorded
2. Appointed Supreme Court Judge Gorsuch
3. He took us out of TPP
4. Illegal immigration is now down 70%( the lowest in 17 years)
5. Consumer confidence highest since 2000 at index 125.6
6. Mortgage applications for new homes rise to a seven year high
7. Arranged from 7% to 24% Tariff on lumber from Canada
8. Bids for border wall are well underway
9. Pulled out of the lopsided Paris accord
10. Keystone pipeline approved
11. NATO allies boost spending by 4.3%
12. Allowing VA to terminate bad employees
13. Allowing private healthcare choices for veterans
14. More than 2,000,000. Jobs created
15. Median household income at a 7 year high
16. The Stock Market is at the highest ever in its history
17. China agreed to American import of beef
18. $89 Billion saved in regulation rollbacks
19. Rollback of A Regulation to boost coal mining
20. MOAB for ISIS
21. Travel ban reinstated
22. Executive order for religious freedom
23. Jump started NASA
24. $600 million cut from UN peacekeeping budget
25. Targeting of MS13 gangs
26. Deporting violent illegal immigrants
27. Signed 41 bills to date
28. Created a commission on child trafficking
29. Created a commission on voter fraud
30. Created a commission for opioids addiction
31. Giving power to states to drug test unemployment recipients
32. Unemployment lowest since May 2007
33. Historic Black College University initiative
34. Women In Entrepreneurship Act
35. Created an office for illegal immigrant crime victims
36. Reversed Dodd-Frank
37. Repealed DOT ruling which would have taken power away from local governments for infrastructure planning
38. Order to stop crime against law enforcement
39. End of DAPA program
40. Stopped companies from moving out of America
41. Promoted businesses to create American Jobs
42. Encouraged country to once again – ‘Buy American and hire American’
43. Cutting regulations – 2 for every one created
45. Review of all trade agreements to make sure they are America first
46. Apprentice program
47. Highest manufacturing surge in 3 years
48. $78 Billion promised reinvestment from major businesses like Exxon, Bayer, Apple, SoftBank, Toyota
49. Denied FBI a new building
50. $700 million saved with F-35 renegotiation
51. Saves $22 million by reducing white house payroll
52. Dept of Treasury reports a $182 billion surplus for April 2017 (2nd largest in history)
53. Negotiated the release of 6 US humanitarian workers held captive in Egypt
54. Gas prices lowest in more than 12 years
55. Signed An Executive Order To Promote Energy Independence and Economic Growth
56. Has already accomplished more to stop government interference into people’s lives than any President in the history of America
57. President Trump has worked with Congress to pass more legislation in his first 100 days than any President since Truman
58. Has given head executive of each branches 6 month time frame, dated March 15, 2017, to trim the fat, restructure and improve efficiency of their branch. (Observe the push-back the leaks the lies as entrenched POWER refuses to go silently into that good night!)
59. Last, refused his Presidential pay check. Donated it to Veterans issues
60. CUT TAXES > Americans can now keep much more money of their paycheck ??
61. recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
62. drilling offshore
63. catch and release ended.
64. nominated and Senate confirmed more conservative appellate judges than any other you missed this one!!
65. nixed the mandate penalty in Obamacare
66. Kept promise to bomb the hell out of ISIS.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Trump is the first sitting president to address the March for Life, and the pro-life movement gushes over him. You listen to too much fake news.

If he is also a money president then I say, three cheers for Trump. Its better to have money than not.

That's a lie, obviously.

If this is crap then I love crap:

1. Lowest black and Hispanic unemployment rates ever since they have been recorded
2. Appointed Supreme Court Judge Gorsuch
3. He took us out of TPP
4. Illegal immigration is now down 70%( the lowest in 17 years)
5. Consumer confidence highest since 2000 at index 125.6
6. Mortgage applications for new homes rise to a seven year high
7. Arranged from 7% to 24% Tariff on lumber from Canada
8. Bids for border wall are well underway
9. Pulled out of the lopsided Paris accord
10. Keystone pipeline approved
11. NATO allies boost spending by 4.3%
12. Allowing VA to terminate bad employees
13. Allowing private healthcare choices for veterans
14. More than 2,000,000. Jobs created
15. Median household income at a 7 year high
16. The Stock Market is at the highest ever in its history
17. China agreed to American import of beef
18. $89 Billion saved in regulation rollbacks
19. Rollback of A Regulation to boost coal mining
20. MOAB for ISIS
21. Travel ban reinstated
22. Executive order for religious freedom
23. Jump started NASA
24. $600 million cut from UN peacekeeping budget
25. Targeting of MS13 gangs
26. Deporting violent illegal immigrants
27. Signed 41 bills to date
28. Created a commission on child trafficking
29. Created a commission on voter fraud
30. Created a commission for opioids addiction
31. Giving power to states to drug test unemployment recipients
32. Unemployment lowest since May 2007
33. Historic Black College University initiative
34. Women In Entrepreneurship Act
35. Created an office for illegal immigrant crime victims
36. Reversed Dodd-Frank
37. Repealed DOT ruling which would have taken power away from local governments for infrastructure planning
38. Order to stop crime against law enforcement
39. End of DAPA program
40. Stopped companies from moving out of America
41. Promoted businesses to create American Jobs
42. Encouraged country to once again – ‘Buy American and hire American’
43. Cutting regulations – 2 for every one created
45. Review of all trade agreements to make sure they are America first
46. Apprentice program
47. Highest manufacturing surge in 3 years
48. $78 Billion promised reinvestment from major businesses like Exxon, Bayer, Apple, SoftBank, Toyota
49. Denied FBI a new building
50. $700 million saved with F-35 renegotiation
51. Saves $22 million by reducing white house payroll
52. Dept of Treasury reports a $182 billion surplus for April 2017 (2nd largest in history)
53. Negotiated the release of 6 US humanitarian workers held captive in Egypt
54. Gas prices lowest in more than 12 years
55. Signed An Executive Order To Promote Energy Independence and Economic Growth
56. Has already accomplished more to stop government interference into people’s lives than any President in the history of America
57. President Trump has worked with Congress to pass more legislation in his first 100 days than any President since Truman
58. Has given head executive of each branches 6 month time frame, dated March 15, 2017, to trim the fat, restructure and improve efficiency of their branch. (Observe the push-back the leaks the lies as entrenched POWER refuses to go silently into that good night!)
59. Last, refused his Presidential pay check. Donated it to Veterans issues
60. CUT TAXES > Americans can now keep much more money of their paycheck ??
61. recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
62. drilling offshore
63. catch and release ended.
64. nominated and Senate confirmed more conservative appellate judges than any other you missed this one!!
65. nixed the mandate penalty in Obamacare
66. Kept promise to bomb the hell out of ISIS.

You certainly do...

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Was a time here when hardcore fundamentalists blathered on about having adultery being a capital crime. Not saying you were ever one of those but it is telling how lightly Trump's "indiscretions" are glossed over...

Well, I doubt if there is a man on earth who has not committed adultery either in the heart or in the flesh, although many will hollowly protest otherwise. I am no angel, and I won't fault Trump for not being one either.

Christianity is proof that whatever we may have been or done in the past can be changed and forgiven in the present. As president I am mightily impressed with Trump. Clinton on the other hand committed adultery right in the freakin' oval office. For him it was a present offense, not a past one, and he then lied about it to all of us on national tv, thus adding insult to injury.

The Barbarian

Was a time here when hardcore fundamentalists blathered on about having adultery being a capital crime. Not saying you were ever one of those but it is telling how lightly Trump's "indiscretions" are glossed over...

There are still fundamentalists for whom Christian ethics matter more than politics. But they dp seem to have been overwhelmed by their fellow fundamentalists who say that sin doesn't matter if the politics are right.

The Barbarian

Yet you stand with the baby-killers

If you're pro-abortion, then only one of us is. As you know, Trump claims to be pro-life, but was pro-abortion, until he decided he wanted to run as a republican.

Trump's position on abortion depends on who he's talking to at the time.

You're a fraud.

I never say anything here I don't mean, unless I give a Warning For The Humor-Impaired.

Have a nice day

You too.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Well, I doubt if there is a man on earth who has not committed adultery either in the heart or in the flesh, although many will hollowly protest otherwise. I am no angel, and I won't fault Trump for not being one either.

Christianity is proof that whatever we may have been or done in the past can be changed and forgiven in the present. As president I am mightily impressed with Trump. Clinton on the other hand committed adultery right in the freakin' oval office. For him it was a present offense, not a past one, and he then lied about it to all of us on national tv, thus adding insult to injury.

Well hey there CC. You go right on ahead and be 'mightily impressed' with Trump ya hear? Don't pay no heed to them thar naysayers who might not be so gullible an' all okay? Gotta go get me a horse that Ah can pretend to ride to town and gets me somes votes an' all that...

Whoa? Ah lost the seat back when now? Well, sum of a miscount...

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
......As you know, Trump claims to be pro-life, but was pro-abortion......

So what. Isn't that what God and Christ is all about? Redemption and change?

Paul murdered Christians until he saw the light.
Matthew was a tax collector, the lowest of the low, before he was an Apostle.

You talk a big game about Jesus, yet you deny Trump the same forgiveness that you claim He offers. Your hypocrisy is damning.

Most people know the Lord's Prayer, but few remember the two verses that directly follow it in the Bible:

"For if you will forgive men their offences, your heavenly Father will forgive you also your offences. But if you will not forgive men, neither will your Father forgive you your offences."

I suggest you remember those verses, you who were just blabbering about Christian ethics and morals in a previous post.

The Barbarian

(Barbarian notes that Trump was pro-life, but suddenly changed his stance when he wanted to run as a republican)

So what. Isn't that what God and Christ is all about?

No, I don't think so.

Redemption and change?

Redemption requires one to have repented and asked for forgiveness. Trump says he doesn't need God's forgiveness.

Paul murdered Christians until he saw the light.

But he, unlike Trump, repented and asked for God's forgiveness.

You talk a big game about Jesus

If you think it's a big game, you're missing what He's asking of you. Here's one practical guide to that:

It's not about politics or separating believers from one another. It's just trying to follow Him to the best of your ability. Worth a read. You'll be uplifted and closer to God afterwards.

yet you deny Trump the same forgiveness that you claim He offers

I can only go with what Trump has said. To say that adultery is not a sin, and that God's forgiveness is not necessary, is to deny what Christians believe.

Your hypocrisy is damning.

Have you read the Catechism? What does it say about those things?

Most people know the Lord's Prayer, but few remember the two verses that directly follow it in the Bible:

"For if you will forgive men their offences, your heavenly Father will forgive you also your offences. But if you will not forgive men, neither will your Father forgive you your offences."

Trump has done nothing to me. There is nothing for me to forgive. However, if he is to be saved, he will have to repent his sins, including all of his adulteries. And he has said that he is unwilling to do so.

Scripture specifically calls us to repentance, which is why we do so three times in every mass.

I suggest you remember those verses.


New member
I don't think he actually intended that to be blasphemous. But it sure is.

It was too blasphemous for me, and I'm an atheist. I think if he were making the same point about anyone else, he would have seen the absurdity of the suggestion, but he's so deep into Trump that it doesn't sound that far off to him.

You could literally fill in any other name, and if you put the same question to him, he be outraged. Stalin. Obama. JFK. It's just a silly way to try to argue.



..... You talk a big game about Jesus, yet you deny Trump the same forgiveness that you claim He offers. Your hypocrisy is damning.

Since when has Trump asked for forgiveness - he simply denies everything?

He stands condemned by his own words - "And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

Celebrities, like him, feel entitled to do whatever they want and never suffer the consequences - when you're a billionaire, the truth about "do(ing) it" and "do anything" is whatever you say it is, using money and the legal system to sue your critics and/or buy their silence!
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The Barbarian

I literally laughed out loud when I read that. I mean, I know a lot of Trump supporters see him in somewhat Messianic terms, but you don't often see them out and admit it.

I don't think he actually meant it the way it sounded. But he has rather firmly confused Trump with Christian belief.

Which is weird, seeing as Trump has repeatedly denied essential Christian beliefs.


New member
I don't think he actually meant it the way it sounded. But he has rather firmly confused Trump with Christian belief.

Which is weird, seeing as Trump has repeatedly denied essential Christian beliefs.

I think he meant it as much as he said, but probably didn't mean to let on that he meant it that much. He framed it as a hypothetical, but you know he thought about it a little bit. And his views are certainly more in line with Trump's then they are with the Jesus of the Gospels. It may well be that he's more a Trumpian than a Christian, and his main mistake was dragging Jesus into what he said.
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Hall of Fame
If you're pro-abortion, then only one of us is. As you know, Trump claims to be pro-life, but was pro-abortion, until he decided he wanted to run as a republican.

Trump's position on abortion depends on who he's talking to at the time..

EXACTLY ... he will say whatever and do whatever it takes to stay in power. His actions are not that of someone who values ALL life, and he doesn't see the unborn as anything more than props to keep him in office.