Trump Keeps Winning

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Trump lost both ways with his fellow sexual assaulter, Roy Moore. He opposed Roy, and Roy won the primary. He supported Roy and Roy lost the election.

As McConnell admitted, it takes a very special political genius to get a democrat elected in Alabama. So much lose, they're getting bored with losing.

Well, we kind of expect you to be blind to anything good Trump has done. You and your ilk (far-left zealots) only desire Trump and the nation as a whole to fail. Know what I mean, my old friend?

The Barbarian

Evil and wicked people are being exposed to the light and are suffering the consequences.

So far, so good.



Who's next?


patrick jane

All of the info used against those people will be thrown out of court because it was obtained illegally!

Besides that, none of that illegally obtained info implicates Trump in anyway!

All the Demos prove is that they cannot win even if they cheat!
The investigation is over and Flynn will be exonerated. What a shady corrupt witch hunt.


Oh please. I’m Samoan. Just think it’s funny. Lighten up.

Ok. thanks. I am white honkey British. Which, means, I am pleased to say ,is that I am part German, part Anglo (maybe Roman). No doubt with a French infleunce and a dash of Viking. Maybe that is why my genes object to pure white supremacy - Nazis, KKK etc.


I suppose if God keeps blessing Trump's Presidency, the nation can take as many blessings/winnings as God's Willing to bestow upon us. One of the "Miracles/blessings" that has occurred is the "draining of the swamp."
You are such a loser. Never heard of predestination?

The Barbarian

Over a year and Trump is still the President of the United States of America.

Which is,admittedly, better than most people expected. Taking on Kelly to be his chief of staff has helped a lot, but you can only expect so much with what you have.

If I had to bet, I'd say at least 3 years.