So, you reckon most "conservatives" would support your zealous measures where it comes to "sexual misconduct"? You think the average American citizen would go along with laws that jail couples for having relations where they're unmarried?
Except for Trump, of course. She thinks he should be rewarded for it.
The poll numbers don't lie. Despite the lies and attacks that have been levied non-stop since 2015, Trump is victorious again. The man just can't lose.CNN Poll: 42% Approve of Trump, Highest Since 100 Day Mark ...
Why Are Trump's Poll Number's Improving? - The Atlantic
Excerpt :
It would be easy to read the headlines this week and conclude that the Trump administration is in even more trouble than normal. The White House still can’t get its story straight on Staff Secretary Rob Porter’s departure amid domestic-violence accusations. Chief of Staff John Kelly seems to be losing support from his subordinates and his boss. And the boss himself is stubbornly refusing to offer even a wisp of sympathy to victims of abuse.
This interpretation wouldn’t be wrong—these scandals are real and they are disturbing on a number of fronts—but it threatens to eclipse the ways in which the political picture has improved in recent weeks for both President Trump and his sometimes uneasy Republican allies.
First, the president’s personal standing has rebounded. Trump remains historically unpopular for a first-term president, but against that low baseline, he’s seen improvement. FiveThirtyEight’s aggregator of approval ratings puts him at 41 percent, well below where any of his predecessors in the modern era were at this moment in their terms, but his highest point since mid-May, around the time he fired FBI Director James Comey, disclosed classified information to Russians, and saw a special counsel appointed to investigate him.
First, the president’s personal standing has rebounded. Trump remains historically unpopular for a first-term president, but against that low baseline, he’s seen improvement.
Do you have a source for that quote?I guess you take what good news you can, when you can.
"He's despised by more people than any other president, but it's not as bad as it was a few weeks ago. It's a lot worse than it was when he was inaugurated, though."
Do you have a source for that quote?
It kinda has a built-in clause that says if government tries to, we have the right to use our weapons against them.
Donald J. Trump